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课堂话语作为思维与交往的媒介影响着学生的学习,不同特征的话语会对学生学习成就产生不同的作用和效果。本研究以OECD官网公布的GTI视频研究的中国上海数据为基础,探析上海课堂话语基本特征及其对学生的数学学习成绩、学习兴趣及一般自我效能的影响。研究发现,课堂话语的质量而非数量影响学生学习成就,高质量的教师提问能够促进学生认知、非认知因素的发展,详细且深入的课堂解释能够提升学生的数学学习兴趣。基于这些发现,本研究就课堂教学实践提出如下建议:协调教与学的关系,构建良好的课堂话语生态;设计和应用高质量的提问支持学生学习;借助话语策略激发学生学习兴趣。  相似文献   

OECD在全球范围开展了一项全球教学洞察(GTI)视频研究,上海部分初中数学教师及其所在班级的两千多名学生参加了该项目.本研究利用GTI视频研究上海数据,对学校、班级生源和教师个体的背景及特征在GTI视频研究课堂教学六个评价维度上的表现进行差异分析,以揭示上海课堂教学过程中有关平等性、发展性和差异性等微观层面的教育公平问题.研究发现,市区和郊区学校的学生在参与高质量的教学实践活动上有显著差异;教师对待教学工作的情绪会影响学生在课堂上获得社会情感支持和差异化教学的机会.为了让每一名学生在教学过程中获得优质而均衡的学习机会,需要进一步增进对优质教学的认识,完善和细化教师专业标准以及关注教师的情绪健康.  相似文献   

课堂是师生开展教学活动的场所,课程建设和改革必须牢牢把握课堂教学的关键,并深入课堂。理想的课堂教学不仅有利于学生的成长,也有利于教师改善教学生活。在这样的课堂教育环境下,教师的重要价值才能在教学中体现出来。课堂教学已经成为一种参与社会生活、实现自我理想的综合实践活动,是教师个人幸福和持续发展的源泉。教师给予学生积极的学习情感与态度,使学生感受到数学学习的乐趣,激发学生学习的兴趣和主动性。  相似文献   

信息时代下,现代远程教育视频教学已被广泛应用,但教学效果却不尽如人意。文章认为影响其教学效果的原因在于:教师与学生缺乏直接的情感交流,以及教师无法及时发现学生在学习过程中存在的问题并给予实时帮助。文章通过构建"情感助教"模型模拟传统课堂中教师与学生间的直接情感交流,实现与学生实时交互,以提高远程视频教学的教学质量。  相似文献   

针对中职数学教学现状,在中职数学教学中实践翻转课堂教学模式,可以改变教师和学生的角色,由"先教后学"变为"先学后教",充分发挥学生的主体作用。教师可以从巩固基础、录制微课视频、课堂教学设计、课后练习和测验及制定评价量规等几个方面进行实践。在中职数学教学中运用翻转课堂这种新型教学模式,有利于发挥学生的主动性,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

学生课堂提问的心理学研究及反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学生课堂提问是教学活动中师生交流的重要手段之一,也是与教师课堂教学效果、学生分析问题的能力、批判性思维的发展、情感以及自我效能感都有着紧密联系的一个重要问题,是承接教师教学和学生学习的桥梁,直接反映了学生对课堂教学和理解的深入程度.有关学生课堂提问的心理学研究发现,异常检测成分、问题表述成分、社会修订成分都会不同程度地影响学生课堂提问,而以社会修订成分最为关键,这给课堂教学活动中教师如何提高学生课堂提问能力提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

本文以高中生为对象,在课堂教学的各个环节,由经过培训的教师有意识地通过言语和非言语方式,给予学生更多的关心、关注、关爱等情感支持,目的在于探讨教师的主动干预对学生感知到的教师情感支持、学业自我效能感以及学业成绩的促进作用。两个月的干预研究结果表明,干预不仅显著改善了实验班学生感知到的教师情感支持,而且显著增强了实验班学生的学业自我效能感,提高了学生的学业成绩。  相似文献   

英语教学活动是确保英语课堂教学效果的重要条件,教学活动的组织精细化程度是提升教学质量的关键。本研究应用单组实验设计模式,研究了"精细化教学"模式对中学生英语成绩、英语学习自我效能感和师生关系认知的影响,具体包括:1)精细化教学对研究被试的英语水平产生了什么影响;2)"精细化教学"对被试自我效能感水平产生了什么影响?3)"精细化教学"对被试的师生关系认知产生了什么影响?研究发现:"精细化教学"对学生的英语水平产生统计学意义的显著影响,对学生的自我效能感产生了显著的影响,实验后学生对于师生关系的认知也发生了积极的变化。本研究旨在为课堂教学活动的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于PISA中国上海地区的数据,探索教育过程公平对数学学习焦虑与学业成绩之间关系的调节作用模型.结果发现:(1)在教学内容方面,学生在课堂上接触应用数学的频率显著负向预测数学学习焦虑与学业成绩的关系,学生对数学概念的熟悉程度则显著正向预测焦虑与成绩的关系;(2)在教学实践方面,教师为主导的教学显著正向预测数学学习焦虑与学业成绩的关系,而学生为主导的教学显著负向预测焦虑与成绩的关系;(3)在教学质量方面,纪律氛围显著正向预测数学学习焦虑与学业成绩的关系.建议教育部门与学校通过引入教育过程公平测评理念,转变教学观,探索以学生为主导的教学方法;定位学生学情、心理特点,分类设计教学任务;重视营造合作与支持的课堂环境等途径,逐步改善学校教育教学过程公平.  相似文献   

职校数学课堂存在的问题直接影响了数学课堂教学效果。学生没有兴趣听,教师没有兴趣讲;学生怨天尤人,教师怨声载道。本文通过对数学课堂问题的分析,在教学实践中逐步摸索出改善数学课堂效率的若干途径和方法,达到了减少课堂问题行为,提高数学教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

Teacher self-efficacy and teacher interest are two key facets of teacher motivation that are important for high-quality teaching. Little is known about the relative strength of the effects of teacher self-efficacy and interest on teaching quality when compared with one another. We extend previous research on teacher motivation by examining the relations linking mathematics teacher self-efficacy and interest with several relevant dimensions of teaching quality as perceived by teachers and students. Participants were 84 mathematics teachers (61.2% female) and their students (1718 students; 48.5% girls). Based on doubly latent multilevel models, we found that teacher-reported self-efficacy in instruction was positively related to teacher-reported cognitive activation, classroom management, and emotional support in mathematics classrooms. Teacher-reported educational interest showed positive associations with both student- and teacher-perceived emotional support. Future research is advised to focus more strongly on the unique relations between different teachers’ motivational characteristics and relevant dimensions of teaching quality.  相似文献   

本研究通过对411名高中生进行了团体问卷调查,探讨了各类教师课堂教学行为对学生课堂参与行为的影响。结果发现:①教师的积极教学行为对学生课堂参与有显著的预测作用,其中教学技能、支持帮助维度预测力最大;②教师教学行为对不同学习效能感水平学生的课堂参与作用不同。低效能感学生的课堂参与受教师的消极教学行为尤其是不公平行为的负性影响更多,受教师积极教学行为的积极影响较少。  相似文献   

This was a correlational study conducted with a population of prekindergarten educators from a large, metropolitan school district. The purpose was to examine if there were relationships between and among early childhood teachers’ sense of self-efficacy, their beliefs about the importance of mathematics, and their mathematics instructional practices. Examining teachers’ efficacy and beliefs can inform educational practice and help to differentiate between more and less successful instructional practices when teaching mathematics in the early childhood classroom. Data were collected on teacher efficacy and teacher beliefs about the importance of mathematics with two self-report questionnaires. The hypothesis that the teachers higher in efficacy will rate the importance of mathematics higher on the teacher-belief scale than the teachers with lower efficacy was found to be true with this sample, but the correlation was weak. The level of efficacy of the early childhood teachers in this sample confirmed that in assessing their capabilities, they rate themselves high in instructional strategies, classroom management, and student engagement. The early childhood teachers did not rate their belief in mathematics as high as their efficacy. Observations of mathematics instructional practices were conducted with twenty teachers. It was hypothesized that the combination of high teacher efficacy and high teacher mathematics beliefs would show alignment with the presence of standards-based mathematics instructional practices. The results were not statistically significant. No correlation signals a need for more research to explore what other personal or external factors relate to mathematics instructional practices in the early childhood classroom. The research may inform pre kindergarten teachers and teacher educators about effective instructional strategies and knowledge needed to launch early childhood students on a developmentally appropriate pathway to mathematical literacy.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of 979 middle school students’ perceptions of their mathematics classroom environment to their motivation and achievement. Structural equation modeling indicated that motivational variables (utility, personal achievement goals, efficacy) mediated the influence of perceived teacher expectations, teacher support and use of reform practices on mathematics standardised test scores. Our study provides empirical evidence that students’ perceptions that their teachers believe that they are capable of learning and understanding mathematics positively relate to their Mastery and Performance Goal orientations and mathematics Utility. Further, we found an interaction between students’ perceptions of the frequency of reform practice use in their mathematics classroom and mathematics efficacy. For students with lower mathematics efficacy, their perceptions of more frequent use of reform practices in their mathematics class related to higher standardised test performance. For students with higher mathematics efficacy, perceived use of reform practices did not significantly relate to standardised test performance. These data suggest that frequent exposure to reform practices is especially critical for students who judge themselves as being less capable in mathematics and who are lower performers. This finding differs from prior research that has suggested that reform practice use benefits higher achievers but not lower achievers. An important implication of our study is the need for coordinated, ongoing professional development that highlights reform pedagogy and beliefs while also focusing on student motivation theories and strategies.  相似文献   

In this article, the author used a parenting style framework to explain mixed evidence about the influence of teacher practices on student outcomes. Participants included 3 fifth-grade math teachers and 45 of their students. The author assessed teacher practices, teaching style (i.e., demandingness and responsiveness), student engagement, self-efficacy, and standardized achievement test scores. The most academically and socially competent students were those who experienced an authoritative teaching style (i.e., consistent classroom management, support of student autonomy, and personal interest in students). The author found disengagement and limited ability beliefs in the authoritarian context (i.e., consistent classroom management but limited autonomy support and limited personal interest in students). She found smaller academic gains in the permissive context (i.e., inconsistent management, autonomy support, and interest in students).  相似文献   

Teachers’ social-emotional competencies seem to play a significant role in promoting social-emotional learning in schools. Empathic teachers were found to possess a higher level of morality; to communicate more successfully with their students; to encourage them to forge empathic relationships; and to successfully motivate their students. Yet, there is a dearth of literature on how to develop such empathy in teachers. The present study, which is based on a large body of research, investigated the contribution of teachers’ self-efficacy and emotional self-efficacy to teacher empathy. The sample comprised 543 teachers from the central region of Israel who completed self-report questionnaires. Findings indicated that both types of self-efficacy contribute to empathy in teachers, but the contribution of teacher self-efficacy is greater. These findings can benefit teacher educators, principals and others involved in teacher performance and well-being throughout the world. Findings may suggest that both efficacies are compelling variables that need to be addressed and enhanced in relation to teacher empathy. In addition, the findings strengthen the notion that social-emotional competence in teachers is strongly associated with teachers’ self-beliefs regarding their teaching efficacy.  相似文献   


Learning environment research has a long history of significant relationships between the learning environment and student outcomes. This study investigated relationships between the learning environments of mathematics courses in a teacher education program and two outcomes, mathematics teaching self-efficacy and beliefs about mathematics. These two outcomes have been repeatedly shown to influence the future teaching practices of preservice teachers but, to date, their relationships with learning environment have been investigated neither with preservice teachers nor at all in the United Arab Emirates or wider Gulf region. The learning environment was found to be significantly related to preservice teachers’ mathematics teaching self-efficacy and beliefs about mathematics. Learning environments perceived more favourably by preservice teachers were associated with higher self-efficacy for teaching mathematics, but also with more-traditional beliefs, making these findings important for higher education institutes and teacher educators.


Academically oriented teacher preparation, which prioritises subject matter knowledge for teaching, is still widely practised in Confucian societies. Few studies, however, have investigated the impact of this academic model on teaching practices in Confucian contexts. Drawing on interviews and classroom observations of six Chinese mathematics teachers, this study identifies the affordances and limitations of a typical academically oriented teacher preparation in today’s China. Although this helped the sampled teachers establish their initial self-efficacy for teaching it limited the teachers’ awareness of and their capacity for engaging all students to learn. The paper argues that academically oriented teacher preparation programmes in Confucian societies may need to reform their curricula so as to help their graduates advance both excellence and equity in education through their teaching.  相似文献   

Teachers are often viewed as being primarily responsible for the quality of their classroom environment and teaching practices. Yet, the aggregate skills and competencies of children within classrooms may affect teachers’ ability to engage in emotionally and instructionally supportive interactions and maintain an organized classroom. The objectives of this study were to (1) identify common types of classrooms based on children’s academic and social-emotional competencies, and (2) examine the relation between classroom compositional profiles and the observed quality of classroom interactions across three domains, while accounting for the quality of interactions in teachers’ classrooms assessed during the prior school year. Participants included 117 third-grade teachers and their 1803 children from 53 urban public elementary schools, in the United States, composed of mostly Black and Latinx children from low-socioeconomic backgrounds. Data were collected as part of a randomized-controlled trial of a social-emotional learning intervention and included assessments of children’s English language arts test scores, social competence, aggressive behaviors, depression, and anxiety, and the observed quality of classroom-level emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support. Latent profile analysis revealed three distinct profiles: (1) academically and behaviorally high-risk classrooms (9%), (2) academically and emotionally at-risk classrooms (48%), and (3) academically and behaviorally low-risk classrooms (43%). Classrooms in the high-risk profile had significantly lower levels of emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support, while accounting for teachers’ prior year interactional quality and a set of key teacher and classroom demographic and compositional covariates. Implications for teacher accountability and school tracking practices within high-needs urban public schools are discussed.  相似文献   

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