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抗日战火唤起中国女性的大崛起,现代中国抗战女作家阵容空前壮大,女性抗战文学亦呈现崭新风貌:女性性别意识加强,以与男性性别求异的“女性的觉醒”,拓展自我认知;从社会政治、时代思潮多视角多层次地观照“女性体验”,深化对女性命运的探究;兰占合女性心理与生理体验,寻找并坚守艺术个性,创作视角性别化,显示鲜明身体写作特征;迎合民众特别是妇女的审美趣味与习惯,艺术形式更加通俗化。  相似文献   

现实一种:商业化时代的乡村女性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当下女性文学存在着亲近都市疏离乡村的写作倾向,作为尚欠缺言说能力的乡村女性,成为女性文学中的缺席者,她们的现实生存和文化困境被普遍忽略了。铁凝、方方、严歌苓的有关商业化时代中乡村女性命运的小说,弥补了这种缺席与忽略,既拓展了女性写作的叙事空间,又揭示了作为现代化的表征——商业化所隐藏的男权中心的本质,以及对乡村女性的压榨。  相似文献   

2001-2005中国当代女性文学研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本论文主要以2001年至2005年中国期刊网的研究论文及相关著述为依据,描述五年期间中国女性文学研究的基本面貌:女性文学研究中呈现的女性话语权力之争和话语独立理想比之过去更加明确,女性主体性认知复杂性的辨析,身体写作的尖锐争论,性话语权的辩护,及由此带来的女性文学研究方法论的探讨,都构成了中国当代女性文学研究不同于过去阶段的新的拓展。女性作家文本的丰富充裕为女性文学批评提供了细读研究的条件,五年来,文本细读和作品比较研究取得了相当的实绩,研究方法的成熟也带来了女性文学教学的多样和学科建设的思考,女性文学学科建设被提上了议事日程。对于西方女性主义批评文论和译著介绍更多强调与中国语境对话,也更加强调系统与多元译介。中国女性文学研究不仅与中国女性写作实践同步前行,而且与全球女性主义学术进行自觉接轨和对话。  相似文献   

处于西方文化中心的英国女性解放运动与的女性解放运动有着不同的格局,这种不同的格局,使中国和英国的女性文学在女性解放运动意义上出现了差异。中国和英国女性共同的受制于男权中心文化的地位又使女性文学在差异中显示出某些方面的趋同。  相似文献   

孙犁前期小说代表了解放区文学的艺术高度。其风格朴雅隽永部分源于孙犁女性书写对民族文学传统的借鉴,主要表现在四个方面:对中国传统文学完美女性形象的借鉴;对水与女性相融的民族文学模式的继承;红色意象与山地女娃相融的文学模式的开创;对《离骚》香草美人意象的继承和发展。  相似文献   

随着妇女地位的提高,研究女性文学的论著比比皆是,女性文学的发展也是女性意识的发展,本文以现代女性文学中的女性形象为例,论述了女性文学对现代女性意识的觉醒的推动。  相似文献   

抗日战火唤起中国女性的大崛起,现代中国抗战女作家阵容空前壮大,女性抗战文学亦呈现崭新风貌:女性性别意识加强,以与男性性别求异的"女性的觉醒",拓展自我认知;从社会政治、时代思潮多视角多层次地观照"女性体验",深化对女性命运的探究;结合女性心理与生理体验,寻找并坚守艺术个性,创作视角性别化,显示鲜明身体写作特征;迎合民众特别是妇女的审美趣味与习惯,艺术形式更加通俗化.  相似文献   

张爱玲小说中的女性人物形象颓废而又毫无出路,挣扎来去,摆脱不了道德与金钱的双重枷锁,难以避免情感的悲剧。张爱玲小说的主题也是女性文学的永恒主题——无非金钱与爱情。张爱玲与当代女性作家都没有解决女性的出路问题。  相似文献   

论女性文学的现代性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如果从历史的大视野来考察和分析女性文学的现代性,不难发现女性解放作为二十世纪中国现代化进程的一个重要构成部分,始终是女性文学的主旋律。女性争取社会平等、精神独立已与中国现代化之间形成一种良性互动关系。  相似文献   

现代湖南女性文学的崛起与发展是中国现当代文学历史上一种很有底蕴的文化现象,将湖南女性文学的发展与中国女性文化建设对接起来研究是一个崭新的课题。我们认为,湖南女性文学创作和文化建设要注重创新、强化本土意识、凸显女性文化特色和体现中国红色文化精神。  相似文献   

This paper investigates estimation methods to model the relationship between school district size, costs per student and the organisation of school districts. We show that the assumptions on the functional form strongly affect the estimated scale economies and offer two possible solutions to allow for more flexibility in the estimation method. First, we introduce a model by adding higher‐degree district size polynomials, allowing for multiple optima. Second, we develop a Fourier cost function, innovative in the literature on scale economies in education. We then compare both models to classical approaches in the literature. We illustrate how a minor change in the estimation method can alter policy conclusions significantly using Flemish school district data. In doing so, we find sizeable potential cost savings from the consolidation of school districts, especially at the lower tail of the district–size distribution. The organisational transition from small to large school districts is characterised by an interval between two optima. Beyond an apparent slowdown in cost savings in medium‐sized school districts, cost savings from school district consolidation increase again, up to the optimal size of around 6,500 students. Beyond this optimum, school districts incur diseconomies of scale. The commonly used quadratic form (‘U’‐shaped cost function) overestimates scale economies, and fails to identify the interval between both optima.  相似文献   

女性专业技术人员是我国人才资源中的重要组成部分,引领着社会技术发展与文明进步。通过制度分析发现,我国女性专业技术人员存在着区域分布、行业分布、性别分布等不均现象,而制度失范是其核心原因,通过规范的制度博弈,整合制度系统中的正式制度、非正式制度和实施等核心要素,可以解决女性专业技术人员成长的制度困境问题。  相似文献   

In response to the scientific evidence documenting both profound developmental changes in sleep and circadian biology during adolescence and the myriad of negative health, performance, and safety outcomes risks associated with chronic sleep loss, at least 70 public school districts in the United States, representing approximately 1,000 schools, have successfully implemented a delay in high school start times. However, despite the compelling evidence supporting school start time change as a key strategy in addressing the epidemic of adolescent sleep loss, many school districts across the country with early high school start times have not considered the option to implement later bell schedules for adolescents. Moreover, while the current scientific literature has clearly documented the positive outcomes associated with delayed high school start times, these studies contain limited information regarding the process by which school districts consider, approve and implement bell schedule changes. Thus, this in‐depth examination of those school districts that have been successful in changing their bell schedules is intended to support the efforts of other districts in various stages of contemplating this measure. We utilized a multi‐pronged approach (literature review, case studies, telephone interviews, online survey) to summarize the experiences of school districts across the United States in regard to challenges faced, strategies employed, and lessons learned in the hope that this information will be a useful tool for other school districts looking to chart a course forward to promote the health, safety, and academic opportunities of their students.  相似文献   

日本近代文学中的女性形象是日本女性文学向女性主义文学迈进道路上的重要组成部分。基于此,从阿关、叶子、伸子这三个人物形象入手,分析日本女性文学形象的渐变与突破,以及日本社会近代化历程中女性思维的嬗变。通过对这三个女性人物性格、经历的剖析,透视日本女性文学向女性主义文学过渡的历程,以及与同时期的西方女性文学相比存在的差距。  相似文献   

温晓旭 《太原大学学报》2010,11(3):25-29,38
元末明初的松江文学是一种以地域为界而又极具文化个性的文学现象。此地的文人群体是由松江本籍文人和流寓至松江的外籍文人构成,他们在创作上体现出较为一致的特征:诗人感情的率直真实;诗学取向上的崇尚盛唐,内容上多为吟咏山水、写照社会、宴饮唱和。其发展与社会背景有着紧密联系,可大致分为三个阶段。而元明之际的松江文学对明代文学亦有着重要影响。  相似文献   

Collaboration between a metropolitan university's college of education and urban and suburban school districts is described via an initiative to support dissemination of effective elementary practices across 7 districts. The effort focused on the creation of 4 booklets that described best practices as identified through the research-based literature. Parent involvement, literacy instruction, multiage classrooms, and brain-based learning were the areas targeted for attention. Two conferences to share the information were also a part of the plan for dissemination. Trust and camaraderie evolved as faculty members, teachers, and administrators worked together to create a product and share it with their colleagues.  相似文献   

白银时代俄罗斯文坛女性作家的群体崛起缔造了白银时代俄罗斯文学的繁华盛景,其作品本身反映了广阔的社会现实和深厚的时代精神,对其后的俄罗斯文学产生了深远的影响。女性作家的创作是俄罗斯文学不可分割的一部分,对白银时代女性作家群体崛起现象的研究不仅有助于我们更清晰地了解那一时代的女性作家的创作及地位,而且将有助于我们更为全面地把握19世纪末20世纪初俄罗斯文学的全貌。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,中国女性文学在文坛上已牢固地确立了自身的存在,并在短期内达到繁荣。在绚烂之极后,女性文学无论是创作还是批评都渐归于平淡。繁荣后为什么会停滞不前?20世纪90年代的中国女性文学中表现出来的女性意识、对男权文化的挑战,以及在市场经济条件下如何更好地确立发展方向,都值得我们深思。  相似文献   

In developing the next generation of school leadership, school districts across the United States and internationally must consider who is being promoted, the training they are able to access beyond traditional university degree work, the schools in which these emerging leaders enter their first principalships, and how prepared these new leaders are to succeed and remain in the role. This study explores international literature regarding school leader, particularly new leader, development, and placement. The study discusses what is happening internationally in terms of the gender distribution of school leaders and the literature of non-traditional leadership development. To explore gender, race, and ethnicity in hiring and promotion practices, the study employs the methodology of case study analysis. This case study analysis formed from a need to understand the changing dynamics of race, gender, and ethnicity in school leadership in four American school districts participating in a non-traditional regional leadership development programme. These districts, in the Richmond, Virginia (USA) metro area, are experiencing changing student demographics by race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status. Specifically, the study addresses the demographic profile of those seeking leadership, the changing demographics of these communities, and the professional assignment of participating early career leaders.  相似文献   

女性话语是女性文学的本质属性,将最终决定女性文学的定义和发展。只是长期以来,研究者习惯于把女性话语和女权运动纠缠起来,在政治的层面上来分析女性文学,而不是真正地回到文本中去,揭示出女性文学的本质。论文试图通过“时间”、“意象”和“成长”等几个大框架来具体阐述女性话语的这一属性。  相似文献   

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