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107岁的贝时璋、98岁的钱学森先后逝世,再次引起社会公众和媒体对两位科学家,对中国科技、自主创新的关注,也引起了新闻研究者对讣闻报道尤其是名人逝世报道的关注. 讣闻报道未受重视,亟待加强 回首这次报道前前后后,对比媒体相关报道,研究讣闻报道国际经验,可以说,这次报道是对媒体及其记者应急素质和能力的一次集中检验,也反映出一些值得深思的问题,问题核心是:讣闻报道是个亟待引起大众媒体进一步重视并且妥善把握的报道领域,必须从认识上、组织上、报道安排乃至写作技巧上采取切实措施,加强讣闻报道尤其是名人逝世报道.  相似文献   

对灾难报道能力的提升是新闻媒体工作者必须面对的课题.综观近几年的灾难报道,我国媒体进行了不断的探索,报道模式、手段和思路在不断改进,取得了突破.汶川地震报道体现出前所未有的开放性、及时性、透明性和人文性.本文对近年来我国媒体对灾难报道的特点进行梳理和分析,并在此基础上探讨我国媒体灾难新闻报道的进一步发展.灾难新闻报道特点分析近年来,我国媒体的灾难新闻报道还处于探索时期,但总的来说取得了显著的进步与突破,特别是对汶川地震、玉树地震、舟曲泥石流等重大灾难的报道可圈可点.其报道上的发展主要有以下体现:  相似文献   

有关自闭症的影视作品和电视报道在我国出现已有多年,但几年间,有关自闭症的电视报道虽有发展,但未有明显的突破。本文采用内容分析法,对近几年我国电视媒体上出现的有关自闭症的报道进行了简单的分析。电视媒体应该更好地发挥新闻媒体的社会功能,加深报道深度,联合社会各界寻求解决这一问题的更好办法。  相似文献   

陈丽  李本乾 《东南传播》2011,(4):112-114
随着全球化时代的到来,一个国家的国际形象在很大程度上取决于其媒体形象,而上海世博会使中国继奥运会后又一次成为全世界关注的焦点。本文首先对和"英国广播公司"(以下简称BBC),"美国有线电视新闻网"(以下简称CNN)两家媒体有关上海世博会报道的总体情况进行了描述;然后从报道功能,报道立场等方面对西方媒体有关世博报道进行了对比分析,最后作者分析了西方媒体报道对于我国媒体对大事件报道的借鉴性。全文意在通过对西方媒体"英国广播公司"(以下简称BBC),"美国有线电视新闻网"(以下简称CNN)有关上海世博会报道内容的对比分析,给中国媒体未来大事件报道提供对策和建议。  相似文献   

最近翻阅媒体有关十七大报道,在十七大召开的报道高潮中,报纸、广播、电视、网络等不同类型的媒体各显神通,充分发挥自己的优势,制作和推出了不少精彩的新闻报道,在报道形式、视角、思路上都涌现出颇多创新.  相似文献   

近几年来,电视在突发事件报道方式上发生了巨大改变,对有关重大公共安全突发事件的报道越来越透明。笔者对电视媒体突发事件报道的现状进行分析,并就电视媒体应如何发挥优势做好突发事件报道提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

爱心报道,或称爱心新闻,在本文中并非仅指有关慈善事业的报道,而是指一切能够体现媒体关爱社会之情,激发受众爱心,弘扬仁爱精神的新闻报道。媒体上有关公益性事件、慈善活动以及各类爱心行动的新闻报道,均可称为爱心报道。媒体将人本主义精神灌注在新闻报道之中无疑具有积极的社会意义,对爱心题材的广泛关注,使得贫弱孤寡在媒体的呼吁下得到救助,令许多善行义举通过媒体传播得到弘扬,凡此种种,既达到了通过新闻报道救弱扶贫,彰显社会公平、正义和仁爱的目的,也生动体现出了媒体的社会责任感,为媒体树立起了良好的社会形象。但令人遗憾的是,…  相似文献   

魏然  蒋晶 《国际新闻界》2015,(2):142-167
中国形象为何?西方媒体如何在常规报道中描绘中国这一正在崛起的经济大国?为了回答上述问题,本研究从议程设置的角度审视关于中国(包括上海)的报道。具体地,本研究通过2013年西方媒体相关议题报道的数量、显著性等方面来考察其第一层和第二层的议程建构。研究揭示了有关中国的媒体议程和有关上海的媒体议程之间的密切关系。研究结果还显示精英媒体的商业报道在塑造中国形象上的议程设置作用,这阐明西方媒体中的动态议程设置过程。更重要的是,本研究发现西方媒体试图平衡对中国的正面和负面评价,而把媒体注意力引向世界舞台。最后,文章在文化和软实力,以及全球化时代的国家形象的背景下对结果进行讨论。  相似文献   

唐慧案历时长、影响大,多种媒体参与介入,相关报道集中反映出媒体价值观复杂而微妙的变化.本文运用内容分析法,以2012年6月至2014年10月人民网、财新网、南方周末网共85篇有关唐慧案的报道为样本,分析三家媒体报道数量、报道类型、报道倾向等方面情况,在纵向历时态上探究各个网站有关唐慧案报道的不同立场,并在横向共时态上比较三个媒体价值观差异.通过比较分析,探讨如何有效缓解不同媒体间价值观的过激矛盾,在冲突与博弈中寻求平衡点来重构媒体价值观.  相似文献   

王木子  贺蕾 《新闻知识》2012,(10):42-44
本文通过文献资料法、内容分析法,选取新浪网、中国知网、《中国体育报》有关丁俊晖的新闻和报道进行分析,梳理自2000年以来有关丁俊晖的报道数量、新闻框架、丁俊晖媒体形象以及媒体态度变化,旨在对当今大众媒体呈现体育明星的问题上提供借鉴。研究发现,丁俊晖的比赛成绩和金牌分量与媒体呈现态度、新闻框架紧密相关;媒体在对体育明星呈现愈加多元化的同时,需要注意自身肩负的职责。  相似文献   

Built on a pilot study, this study examined how librarians understand fake news and the specific methods or strategies they suggest for detecting fake news by analyzing their guides from academic libraries. A content analysis regarding a total of 21 institutional guides was conducted. The major findings include the following: 1) in the librarians' guides stating their definition of fake news, the two elements of falsity and the intention to mislead were explicitly stated. The other element of bias, however, was presented in only some guides. 2) The sub-elements of clickbait, a decontextualized content and omitted information were inconsistently or barely presented across these guides. 3) Only two institutional libraries put forth the notion of fact in relation to fake news in their guides. 4) All of the guides suggested checklist approaches to detecting fake news or evaluating news sources. Finally, 5) librarians acknowledge the influence of human biases on consuming news. However, psychological factors are minimally presented in most of the guides. This study provides a few suggestions. First, librarians must further clarify the term fake news so that it reflects its multiple layers. Second, librarians must incorporate new strategies, such as lateral reading and click restraints, in combination with a few prioritized elements of a checklist into their guides regarding detecting fake news. Finally, librarians must pay attention to psychological factors more when interpreting facts in their strategies about news sources and fake news.  相似文献   

当代中国马克思主义新闻观主要由党性原则观念、人民中心观念、舆论引导观念和新闻规律观念构成。其中,新闻规律观念在四大观念结构中居于基础地位。基础观念,是一个观念系统结构中的根基性观念,是其他观念发挥合理作用的出发点或奠基石。新闻规律是新闻活动的内在本质联系、稳定机制,新闻规律观念是对新闻规律的自觉。新闻规律观念的实质就是以新闻为本位的观念,对职业新闻活动来说,规律观念表现为专业新闻观念,体现在新闻工作中,就是坚守专业精神、专业伦理,按照专业原则、专业方法生产传播新闻。在更为广泛的意义上,新闻规律观念要求所有新闻活动主体要承认新闻规律,尊重新闻规律,按照新闻规律办事,不断探索新闻规律;一切期望通过新闻实现的追求都要首先以新闻的基本目的、基本功能为基础。  相似文献   

Amateur photographs must fulfill specific standards if they are to be used in professional news media. These standards include news value, credibility, ethics and taste, as well as the technical and aesthetic quality of images. The research presented in this article explores the value of poor-quality photographs for the news industry, and the view that they can be good enough for certain news content. At the same time, this article reveals strong reservations regarding the incorporation of amateur photographs. The article asks whether such findings manifest necessary quality standards, or whether they constitute claims to defend the position of the professional news media. The data for this article were collected in 2010/2011 using observation, interviews and textual analysis.  相似文献   

金峰  周杰 《大观周刊》2011,(23):146-146
目前,社会新闻报道过程中存在诸多弊端,要消除这些不健康的因素,既要有媒体自身的努力,也要政府、社会各界共同参与进来,加强监管与引导,才能使社会新闻报道越来越健康。  相似文献   

张育仁 《新闻界》2008,(3):127-128
口播是电视评论和广播评论共有的一种传播特点,但是电视评论中的口播必须要出图像,而广播评论中的口播则是完全单一的口播。值得注意的是,电视口播评论尽管必须出播报者的图像,但有时又要插播与口播内容密切相关的图像,不可与图像评论混为一谈,对二者应予功能上的区别。  相似文献   

李建新 《编辑学报》2014,26(2):141-143
科技离不开"数",科技期刊编辑应树立很强的对"数"的敏感意识。本文从科技新闻以及其他新闻报道中妥帖、得当的用"数"中得到启发,提出了科技期刊编辑更要善于用"数"的观点。不仅重视对数字的认识和应用,而且要善于发现和纠正科技文稿中存在的与"数"相关的问题。  相似文献   

Courses: This activity could be used in a basic public-speaking course to demonstrate messaging and the development of the three pillars of public speaking: content, organization, and delivery. In a basic communication course, this activity would help illustrate the process of communication (sender, receiver, feedback, channel, etc.). A mass communication class can use this activity to discuss the power of news outlets and social media while digging into mass communication theory (agenda setting, computer mediated communication, framing, etc.).

Objectives: Through collaboration with teammates, small groups of students will develop a three- to five-minute news segment that will be posted on YouTube upon completion. Through social-media distribution of the YouTube link, this news clip must attract a certain number (the final number can be determined by the instructor) of viewers in a specified time limit. Student participants will be responsible for identifying valid sources and compiling credible information pertaining to their news topic while also illustrating effective competency in speech content, organization, and delivery by preparing a presentation that is trustworthy and interesting, concise and clear, and presented with energy and charisma while conducting proper vocal and body delivery techniques. The “big question”: can the group create a credible, clear, concise, coherent news broadcast and distribute the finished project to a social-media outlet in the hopes of gaining a certain number of viewers?  相似文献   

Commenting on online news articles must be considered an online staple—an established practice among news consumers that is currently being funnelled from the Web pages of news organizations to third-party platforms such as Facebook. The paper at hand adopts an exploratory approach and provides insights into the fervency and popularity of commentators and comments on the Facebook pages of two Swedish and two Norwegian newspapers. The results indicate that while immigration issues are a common topic in both countries, the Swedish context stands out by also featuring high degrees of commenting activity in relation to issues of gender equality. Identifying a series of differences in how these opportunities to comment on news are used in each country, the Swedish context appears to offer a wider range of opinions among the most fervent commentators in comparison with Norway. A similar tendency is found among the most “liked” comments.  相似文献   


The free press performs essential democratic functions, but widespread negative attitudes toward the press threaten its legitimacy and effectiveness as a check on formal institutions. In order to combat these attitudes, media organizations must understand who holds them and why. A survey-based study of U.S. adults (N?=?2052) focuses on associations between perceptions of the news media industry as a threat to political performance and a range of politically oriented behaviors (i.e. news media exposure, political talk, political participation). Analyses reveal a series of non-monotonic relationships. Group differences between those who hold the most extreme views concerning news-media-as-threat are also explored. The opposing groups are distinct in some important ways (e.g. ideology, race), but are also found to be surprisingly similar (e.g. income, education, gender, news media exposure). The results suggest new strategies for maintaining and restoring confidence in media organizations.  相似文献   

新闻公司化与利润最大化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
20世纪八九十年代以来 ,传播公司的兼并浪潮此起彼伏 ,三大传播公司相继被收购兼并。本文认为这种媒体高度集中或垄断造成的新闻价值的削弱 ,新闻目标的偏离 ,无论对新闻从业者、受众还是国家而言都是灾难性的 ,因此必须采取必要的措施防范新闻垄断。  相似文献   

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