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This article, rationale for the lifelong professional work of the author, shows how conceptual revolutions have changed the way we view our world. The author believes that another conceptual revolution is needed as we “learn how to live within the limits of the ecosphere that gave birth to us.” That means replacing the 10,000-year-old block-field agriculture system with perennial food and soil-building crops system. This change is needed to replace the energy-intensive planting, fertilizing, and harvesting of single annual crops by the application and use of expensive hydrocarbons that pollute the air, soil, and water. The 35th anniversary (November 2005) issue of Smithsonian magazine profiles Jackson as one of “35 Who Made Difference” in shaping our present and future world. This article is presented in PLQ because it lays out proactive alternative to an energy-intensive agriculture and modest, piecemeal environmentalism. The author's citations of scholars and ecological movements lead readers to numerous individuals and organizations working to create viable food-production pathway to achieve bright future for our world.  相似文献   

Similar to a study by Nelson and Huffman on the presence of predatory journals in aggregator databases, this study presents the results of a comparison between Jeffrey Beall’s List of Standalone Journals and a group of six commercial publisher and open access journal packages. A subject analysis of the predatory journals listed on Beall’s standalone journal list was also conducted along with an analysis of the trend in predatory publisher and journal growth. In the end, only a small number of predatory journals were found to exist within the publisher packages. The subject analysis of the journals on Beall’s standalone journal list revealed that most of the journals on his list were either multidisciplinary in nature or allied with science, medicine/health, and technology subjects. However, because the number of predatory journals discovered in the publisher packages was too small, a meaningful statement about the predominant subject areas of the predatory content found in the publisher packages could not be made. Finally, within the context of the publishing world at large, based on the historical development of predatory publishers and their journals, a dramatic increase in their growth is forecast. Because Beall’s lists of predatory publishers and standalone journals were often used by authors for guidance but are no longer available, several tools for evaluation of publisher and journal quality are summarized.  相似文献   

Library instruction videos can enhance student instruction. At a community college, librarian-created videos provided students with academic support. However, the videos were rarely used. In this article, students were sent online surveys to rate videos discussing the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Students were also asked why they did not use the videos. Participants rated several video features, including length, technical aspects, narration, and style. While they overwhelmingly responded that the videos were useful, the students did not know where they were located. The major complaint was related to the videos' technical aspects. Students also reported that they were more inclined to ask for help after watching the video.  相似文献   


In developing and teaching a new first-year psychology course that integrates information literacy skills, a librarian and a psychologist learned the importance of teaching critical thinking skills explicitly, rather than implicitly. Students learned how to use the library resources and learned concepts in psychology, but until critical thinking was taught explicitly, students did not understand the value of what they were learning. In this article, implicit versus explicit learning is defined, and psychological principles are applied to demonstrate how critical thinking can be used to teach library and information skills.  相似文献   

Most libraries have fully integrated cadres of student assistants into their daily operations, including helping at points of service. As libraries rely more and more on student assistants, we must maintain exceptional customer service to our users. This requires our student assistants to possess information literacy skills that exceed those of our users. This assessment investigates the information literacy skills of first-year library student assistants when compared to the general first-year student population, and it examines if first-year library student assistants’ information literacy skills increase more than those of their peers during their first semester at college.  相似文献   


This article explores the history of Catholic women's colleges and former women's colleges in the United States, with specific focus on student life in the mid-twentieth century. In the peak year 1956-1957, 42,900 young Catholic (and sometimes non-Catholic) women attended about 116 colleges, a significant proportion of the higher educational sector. These colleges helped acculturate many children of Irish, German, Eastern European and Italian families to middle-class American society, at the same time creating a specifically female and Catholic culture on the college campuses. This culture, which was characterized by the ideals of femininity, religion, and service, can be reconstructed through materials in the college archives: for example, through minutes of faculty committees and student organizations, records of college events, photographs, audio-visual material, scrapbooks, catalogs, and student publications. The archives of Catholic women's colleges are important in that they document a little-studied area of American life- Catholic women's culture-and furthermore show how it has changed and evolved up to the contemporary period.  相似文献   

Academic libraries are one of the most important sources of “on the job” training for future library instructors. Librarians who supervise and assess these future library instructors (often in graduate assistant positions) often choose to provide observations and feedback each semester to these instructors in training. Scholarly literature, however, provides little information on whether this system helps graduate assistants to develop as teachers. The authors of this article assessed graduate assistants’ performance as teachers over three semesters using a system of observation and self-assessment. They analyzed both patterns and areas of growth and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this system.  相似文献   


America has become a choice for international students to study abroad because of its advanced education system and environment. Libraries become a way for international students to access resources and experience campus life, while Chinese students are increasing gradually as the biggest component of international students. This article investigates how Chinese students use American academic libraries and their information needs and seeking behaviors, as well as Chinese students' satisfaction with library facilities, resources, and services, and their expectation for other services. The article aims to better understand Chinese students, analyze their search strategies, and better provide relevant library services for them.  相似文献   

The morbidly obese, defined as people who are 100 pounds or more overweight, are the fastest growing population among the obese. They often live with health risks, face discrimination, and lack traditional social support. This article explores the use of weight loss blogs by the morbidly obese (N = 50) and argues that blogging provides invaluable computer-mediated social support for them in four ways: (a) it allows for empathy; (b) it ensures accountability to others; (c) it provides venting and advice seeking; and (d) it shares validation of the weight loss experience. Additionally, the article argues that social support scholars must move beyond chat rooms and message boards as media and explore more media-rich environments such as blogging and social networks.  相似文献   

In October 2016, Donald Trump was in the midst of a hotly contested and sharply divisive presidential campaign. Days before the second presidential debate, The Washington Post posted a video of Trump “having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005.” This video and the firestorm of criticism it provoked threatened to derail his presidential run. Mr. Trump and his wife Melania Trump offered several messages to repair his damaged image. This article analyzes and evaluates these image repair messages concerning Donald Trump’s “Access Hollywood” video. In such a divisive context, the defense had no hope of repairing Trump’s image with the general public (Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million). Even though he lost the popular vote, the business magnate won the Electoral College. We cannot say that the “Access Hollywood” video was solely responsible for Trump’s poor popular vote showing, but it is clear that this defense did not completely dispel the cloud surrounding him.  相似文献   

为了在读者的监督下认真地做好编辑出版工作,本刊除继续办好《读者评书》专栏外,从这一期起,再辟《吹求点滴》这个专栏,肯在为广大读者提供一个对任何出版物的差错发表意见、提出批评的园地。稿件要求短小、就错论错,尤其针对书刊中的知识性差错。自然,旣为吹求,也就允许商榷和讨论。  相似文献   

正方:特价书店的存在是合理的 反方:特价书店盗版书扰乱市场秩序 主持人:近年,特价书店的发展速度异常惊人.从地域上说,特价书店已从中心城市向一般省会城市和中小城市大规模普及;从经营模式上说,特价书店由原来的零散经营初步实现了向规模化经营的转型,形成了从进货、批发、物流到零售终端的一整套相对稳定并具有一定规模的体系.但人们对特价书店的态度,却是莫衷一是.  相似文献   

人祸? 天灾?     
10月29日下午,越南胡志明市西贡国际贸易中心发生爆炸并起火。截至30日晚,已有百人死亡。 据目击者描述,当地时间下午1时50分,随着一声巨大爆炸声,大火从西贡国际贸易中心2楼直窜到5楼,很快整个  相似文献   

商品? 作品?     
<正>屈原不爱龙舟赛,喜欢上了大长今。韩国人把端午节注册了。在一片声讨中,我们的非物质文化遗产却"叫好不好座"。几百年,甚至上千年来,祖宗留下来的历史,我们却不知道是当了作品"供奉",还是当了商品出售。  相似文献   

第五届中日围棋擂台赛于7月3日降下帷幕,据《南京日报》7月4日一版报道:新体育杂志社总编郝克强说,“8000多人看棋不但创造了全国纪录,而且也是世界纪录。”《新华日报》、《中国青年报》、《解  相似文献   

承编辑同志赠《翻译论集》一部(商务印书馆出版)。这部书内容丰富,值得好好学习。可是有的地方标点不对,例如第一辑古代部分的第一篇《法句经序》: 唯昔蓝调、安侯、世高、都尉、佛调,译胡为汉,审得其体,斯以难继。后之传者,虽不能密,犹尚贵其实,粗得大趣。照这样标点,就有五个人  相似文献   

1991年5月16日,从一家全国性大报上看到一条消息:《我国烟草技术装备水平跨跃35年》。消息称,“烟草行业在3年间用于烟机工业技术改造的投资不足一亿元,但已形成年产值6.3亿元的生产能力和年达一亿元的上缴税利,目前,已组织了40多家企业从事烟机产品开发和主机的生产。”毋庸置疑,编者是作为正面报道编发这则消息的,以表彰烟机行业在“七五”期间所取得的成就和对国家财政所作的贡献,但却完全没有顾及这篇报道所产生的负面影响。笔者无意贬低烟机行业广大职工的半勤劳动,然而从另一方面考  相似文献   

气功,是祖国医学和养生学中的宝贵遗产,它不仅可以防病健身,在研究人体科学方面也有一定的价值。近年来,随着“气功热”的升温,各种介绍气功的图书也相继出版,据笔者初步统计不下数十种。但最近谈到的由长虹出版公司出版的《大自然的魂魄——记自然中心功传授者张香玉》却是一本让人困惑不解的  相似文献   

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