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利用网络优势促进期刊发展--《酿酒科技》网络化历程   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
曹健君  张肖克  姜萤 《编辑学报》2005,17(4):260-261
随着信息技术的迅速发展,科技期刊的数字化网络化是适应信息化社会发展的必然趋势,也是期刊自身可持续发展的要求.科技期刊应从客观实际出发,充分发挥印刷版与网络版的互动作用,把印刷版和网络版的比例调整到最佳点,不断提高期刊质量,推动科学技术向生产力的转化,最大限度地实现科技期刊自身的价值.  相似文献   

科技期刊编制年度篇名索引(或叫"年度总目录"),既方便读者查检一年度内该刊所发表的学术论文,也有利于编制科技期刊回溯性的累积年度篇名索引和建立专题科技论文数据库.分析了我国1996年10种科技期刊年度篇名索引在款目结构、编排方法、辅助索引诸方面存在的问题,并对改进科技期刊年度篇名索引的编制方法提出了建议.  相似文献   

科技期刊读者调查的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘新琼 《编辑学报》2002,14(1):62-62
订阅数下降,这是科技期刊编辑最为头痛的事.刊物的服务对象是读者,读者是刊物生存和发展的根本.有的科技期刊编辑只管埋头办刊,不管期刊市场需求,不关心所办刊物是否受读者欢迎,看到期刊订阅数下滑心里很着急,但不知道问题出在何处.通过读者调查,我们将会得到准确的答案.读者调查有如下作用.1)确定读者定位.读者定位是构成期刊特色的基本要素之一,欲将期刊办出特色,必须认真分析读者对象,正确把握刊物导向,尽力满足读者需要.分析读者对象是确定读者定位的前提,准确把握读者定位是办好科技期刊的基本保证.  相似文献   

科技期刊网站建设的调查分析与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络技术的发展为科技信息的传播提供了前所未有的广阔前景 ,广大的科技期刊编辑和科研工作者都对科技期刊网站建设寄予了很高热情 ,如何把科技期刊网站做得更好、更完善 ,是大家共同关心的问题。本文通过对现有的一些科技期刊网站进行调查、分析、思考 ,希望对尚待建设和改进的科技期刊网站提供一点有益的启示。1 调查本研究主要以现有印刷版的科技期刊的网站为研究对象 ,重点考察其网站内容。调查中分别按个刊网站 (单个期刊独立建立的网站 )和群刊网站 (指若干家期刊以单位、协会或行业为主的形式组建的网站及大型综合性网站 )进行了考…  相似文献   

杨柱星 《编辑学报》2010,22(5):402-405
通过对500种科技期刊卷(期)终总目次和索引的调查,发现目前科技期刊以编印总目次占多数,编印主题索引、关键词索引及著者索引的期刊尚少。文中分析了选择总目次和索引的原由,认为:学术性期刊、技术性期刊卷(期)终宜编印主题索引或关键词索引,可配置著者索引;综合性期刊、科普性期刊宜编印总目次或主题索引,可不编印著者索引;检索性期刊中的文摘期刊宜编印关键词索引。总目次和索引的页码以约占期刊总页码的1.5%为宜。总目次和索引的著录编排格式不规范现象较为普遍,应加强对GB/T 3179—2009的培训学习,按标准办刊。  相似文献   

期刊APP阅读的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
畅榕  陈伟伟  邓宇 《传媒》2013,(2):55-57
期刊数字化造就了一种媒介内容具有多种介质形态的发展格局,其中,期刊APP即移动客户端作为期刊内容迁移到移动互联网的重要形式,其发展受到诸多关注.现有的期刊APP基本分为三种类型:一是印刷版期刊自行开发的独立APP;二是期刊整合阅读平台开发的APP,如"VIVA畅读" "读览天下"等;三是社会化阅读期刊APP,如"Flipboard" "Zaker"和"鲜果阅读"等.本文重点考察第一类期刊APP,即印刷版期刊自行开发的独立APP. 在研究过程中,我们对印刷版期刊所开发的APP读者进行了问卷调研,问卷发放时间为2012年10月1日至10月15日,发放对象为印刷版期刊APP读者.回收有效问卷120份,其中电子问卷76份,印刷版问卷44份.有效样本中男女比例为52∶47.5;学生与上班族比例为30.83∶69.17.基于所获取数据并结合对部分读者的访谈,本文将从接触渠道、使用周期和频率、阅读习惯、阅读体验等几方面对所获取数据进行分析,进而揭示期刊APP阅读的发展趋势.  相似文献   

本刊系国家期刊奖百种重点社科期刊、《中文核心期刊要目总览》核心期刊、《中文社会科学引文索引》(CSSCI)来源期刊。为了进一步积累、传播出版专业学术研究成果和规范论文格式,现提请作者投稿时注意以下事项:1.请在文章后附作者简介,内容包括:姓名、单位、详细联系地址、邮政编码、联系电话、电子信箱。2.来稿需严格按学术论文格式要求,附有300字以内的中文摘要,附3~5个关键词,关键词应尽量从《汉语主题词表》等词表中选用规范用词。  相似文献   

正本刊系国家期刊奖百种重点社科期刊、《中文核心期刊要目总览》核心期刊、《中文社会科学引文索引》(CSSCI)来源期刊。为了进一步积累、传播出版专业学术研究成果和规范论文格式,现提请作者投稿时注意以下事项:1.请在文章后附作者简介,内容包括:姓名、单位、详细联系地址、邮政编码、联系电话、电子信箱。2.来稿需严格按学术论文格式要求,附有300  相似文献   

E-first趋势下传统期刊工作的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查,分析当前读者对印本期刊、图书馆阅览室、期刊MARC数据查询的使用情况,指出在E-first趋势下,完全以图书馆阅览室为阵地借助印本期刊满足用户期刊信息需求的传统服务工作必将发生变化。因此,图书馆既要量力、按需、积极地采购电子期刊,更要适当采购诸如娱乐、艺术、综合类等印本期刊以满足读者的传统阅读习惯;同时,还可以通过简化期刊编目来提高期刊MARC数据的利用率。  相似文献   

本文着重从交换期刊组的成立、提高刊物质量、期刊交换针对性、交换期刊的网络化开发服务、专题索引的编制等几个方面,介绍我馆对科技期刊的交换与开发利用。  相似文献   

Objective: This study determines the current awareness journal reading requirements of the users of Stockport National Health Service (NHS) Trust's library. The overlap between requirements and the provision of the NHS Core Content resources, four major electronic journal bundles, and the holdings of North West health libraries is also investigated. Methods: A survey of both hospital and Primary Care Trust staff was conducted, and respondents were required to provide a list of their favourite journal titles. Each requested title was assigned a subject code, and the impact factor was noted. Results: From 135 survey responses, 217 journal titles were identified and 33 category codes were utilized. There was little overlap between the request list and the NHS Core Content titles, but substantial correspondence existed between the request list and the print holdings of North West health libraries. Conclusions: Current awareness journal reading requirements will not be met by the Core Content provision alone. Bundles of titles offer value‐for‐money solutions, but may be at the expense of popular titles. Furthermore, the success of regional document supply schemes may be compromised if large numbers of health‐care libraries replace print holdings with similar electronic journal bundles.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Patterns of use of electronic versions of journals supplied by an academic health sciences library were examined to determine whether they differed from patterns of use among corresponding print titles and to relate the applicability of print collection development practices to an electronic environment. METHODS: Use data supplied by three major vendors of electronic journals were compared to reshelving data for corresponding print titles, impact factors, and presence on Brandon/Hill Lists. RESULTS: In collections where one-click access from a database record to the full text of articles was possible, electronic use correlated with print use across journal pairs. In both versions, Brandon/Hill titles were used more frequently than non-Brandon/Hill titles, use had modest correlations with journals' impact factors, and clinical use appeared to be higher than research use. Titles that had not been selected for the library's print collections, but which were bundled into publishers' packages, received little use compared to electronic titles also selected in print. CONCLUSIONS: Collection development practices based on quality and user needs can be applied with confidence to the electronic environment. Facilitating direct connections between citation databases and the corresponding journal articles regardless of platform or publisher will support scholarship and quality health care.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The research sought to determine the impact of online journals on the use of print journals and interlibrary loan (ILL). SETTING: The Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria is a regional site of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Library with a print journal collection of approximately 400 titles. Since 1999, UIC site licenses have given students and faculty affiliated with UIC-Peoria access to more than 4,000 online full-text journal titles through the Internet. METHODOLOGY: The Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria has conducted a journal-use study over an extended period of time. The information collected from this study was used to assess the impact of 104 online journals, added to the collection in January 1999, on the use of print journals. RESULTS: Results of the statistical analysis showed print journal usage decreased significantly since the introduction of online journals (F(1,147) = 12.10, P < 0.001). This decrease occurred regardless of whether a journal was available only in print or both online and in print. Interlibrary loan requests have also significantly decreased since the introduction of online journals (F(2,30) = 4.46, P < 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: The decrease in use of the print collection suggests that many patrons prefer to access journals online. The negative impact the online journals have had on the use of the journal titles available only in print suggests users may be compromising quality for convenience when selecting journal articles. Possible implications for collection development are discussed.  相似文献   

Purpose: To begin investigating the impact of electronic journals on research processes such as information seeking, the authors conducted a pilot journal-use study to test the hypothesis that patrons use print and electronic journals differently.Methodology: We placed fifteen high-use print titles also available in electronic format behind the circulation desk; patrons were asked to complete a survey upon requesting a journal. We also conducted a parallel survey of patrons using library computers. Both surveys asked patrons to identify themselves by user category and queried them about their journal use.Results: During the month-long study, patrons completed sixty-nine surveys of electronic and ninety surveys of print journal use. Results analysis indicated that fellows, students, and residents preferred electronic journals, and faculty preferred print journals. Patrons used print journals for reading articles and scanning contents; they employed electronic journals for printing articles and checking references. Users considered electronic journals easier to access and search than print journals; however, they reported that print journals had higher quality text and figures.Discussion/Conclusion: This study is an introductory step in examining how electronic journals affect research processes. Our data revealed that there were distinct preferences in format among categories. In addition to collection management implications for libraries, these data also have implications for publishers and educators; current electronic formats do not facilitate all types of uses and thus may be changing learning patterns as well.  相似文献   

马峥  王菁婷 《编辑学报》2014,26(6):529-531
通过对2013年1 919种以中文出版的中国科技核心期刊刊名的分析研究,发现我国科技期刊的命名规律是以学科主题属性为核心的"三段式"命名规律,通常依次由限定词、学科主题属性、文献属性3部分组合构成。限定词包括地域限定词、时间限定词、其他限定词3类;学科主题属性按照覆盖范围划分为一级学科、二级学科、三级及以下学科、多学科4个类别;文献属性归为研究前沿与进展快报类文献、研究成果文献、综述评述类文献3类。研究发现:我国核心期刊的命名约2/3聚焦于三级及以下学科主题;一些限制词和文献属性与期刊实际定位之间存在差距;设计标新立异的刊名是可以肯定的积极探索,但是存在使用国际名刊的刊名、使用标点符号和拉丁字母等设计误区。  相似文献   



This study describes the literature of hospital pharmacy and identifies the journals most commonly cited by authors in the field, the publication types most frequently cited, the age of citations, and the indexing access to core journals. The study also looks at differing citation practices between journals with a wide audience compared to a national journal with a focus on regional issues and trends in the field.


Cited references from five discipline-specific source journals were collected and analyzed for publication type and age. Two sets were created for comparison. Bradford''s Law of Scattering was applied to both sets to determine the most frequently cited journals.


Three-quarters of all cited items were published within the last 10 years (71%), and journal articles were the most heavily cited publication type (n=65,760, 87%). Citation analysis revealed 26 journal titles in Zone 1, 177 journal titles in Zone 2, and the remaining were scattered across 3,886 titles. Analysis of a national journal revealed Zone 1 comprised 9 titles. Comparison of the 2 sets revealed that Zone 1 titles overlapped, with the exception of 2 titles that were geographically focused in the national title.


Hospital pharmacy literature draws heavily from its own discipline-specific sources but equally from core general and specialty medical journals. Indexing of cited journals is complete in PubMed and EMBASE but lacking in International Pharmaceutical Abstracts. Gray literature is a significant information source in the field.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):347-366
During the past 15 years academic libraries have experienced an epidemic of thefts of journal articles and issues. Since 1975, the SUNY Stony Brook Library Periodicals Reading Room has operated a "Ripoff File" of copies of articles that readers have reported missing from the bound volumes of periodicals in the bookstacks where books and serials in general subjects, humanities and social sciences are housed. Analysis of records kept 1978-87 shows that 9 percent of the current journal titles appear in the file; that humanities articles are less used than the social science materials and that within the social science psychology journals are the most ripped off and the most wanted subsequently. Ripoff rates and subsequent usage are predictable from previous trends and, in the social sciences, are positively associated with the number of students enrolled in related programs.  相似文献   

This study in an academic medical sciences library setting examines the correlation of usage of a matched set of print and online titles, the validity of e-journals usage statistics and the impact of online journals on print journal usage. The print and online usage was determined for 270 journals, both versions of which were available. Print usage was determined annually since 1997 using the reshelving and the error-copies method. Online usage statistics were delivered by five publishers and corrected for redundant multiple accesses. Print journal usage decreased by 22.3 and 30.2% respectively over each of 2 years after the introduction of online journals. Journals published both in print and online lost 30.4% of their print usage within 2 years. The total loss of usage of print-only titles in the same period was somewhat higher, at 45.8%. The average correlation between online and print usage is 0.60 and 0.67 respectively. For the examined titles, users accessed the online versions ten times as often as the print version. Two clearly distinguishable groupings emerged: while with Academic Press and Elsevier, e-journal usage exceeded print usage by a factor of 3 or 4, the e-journals of Blackwell, HighWire and Springer were used on average 14.6 times as frequently as the corresponding print journals. Each usage of a print article cost 2.79-50.82 Euro, each usage of an online article 0.31-15.10 Euro, depending on the publisher. On average, the usage of an online article was 5.4 times cheaper. Within 2-3 years the usage of online journals has outstripped that of print titles by a factor of ten, but the specific spectrum of usage remains much the same as when only print journals alone existed. Print titles not available online suffer a greater decline in usage compared with print/online journals. This confirms that what is read or purchased is determined primarily by ease of access and that there is a steady tendency to reduce the multiplicity of access modes to a manageable few. The availability of journals online seems to have created a new clientele, at least in the case of the German-language Springer journals. The connection between supplier and supply is much less clear with e-journals than it is with print titles. Therefore it is very important to stress and encourage the role of the library as the supplier of this sort of information in the university environment. Collection building issues are discussed in the light of the results.  相似文献   

Research articles seem to have direct value for students in some subject areas, even though scholars may be their target audience. If this can be proven to be true, then subject areas with this type of educational impact could justify claims for enhanced funding. To seek evidence of disciplinary differences in the direct educational uptake of journal articles, but ignoring books, conference papers, and other scholarly outputs, this paper assesses the total number and proportions of student readers of academic articles in Mendeley across 12 different subjects. The results suggest that whilst few students read mathematics research articles, in other areas, the number of student readers is broadly proportional to the number of research readers. Although the differences in the average numbers of undergraduate readers of articles varies by up to 50 times between subjects, this could be explained by the differing levels of uptake of Mendeley rather than the differing educational value of disciplinary research. Overall, then, the results do not support the claim that journal articles in some areas have substantially more educational value than average for academia, compared with their research value.  相似文献   

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