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探索式信息搜索行为研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了探讨探索式信息搜索对搜索者知识结构的影响以及搜索者在搜索过程中的行为变化特点,采用概念图分析、日志分析及调查问卷相结合的方法,设计用户实验。结果表明,探索式信息搜索能显著改变搜索者的知识结构搜索者,在探索过程中试图构建新的、复杂的和更为专业化的知识结构,伴随着认知的阶段性改变,呈现出从快速浏览、细致浏览到集中搜索的行为特点。  相似文献   

Expert Googling     

Google is the search engine of choice for most Internet users. For a variety of reasons, librarians and other expert searchers do not always use Google to its full potential, even though it provides capabilities not possible in traditional bibliographic databases and other search engines. Applying expert searching principles and practices, such as the use of advanced search operators, information retrieval strategies, and search hedges to Google will allow health sciences librarians to find quality information on the Internet more efficiently and effectively.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究在协同与独立模式下完成信息搜索任务的过程中,用户在搜索体验、交互行为方面的差异,试图通过对比研究来理解协同信息搜索行为的特点,为协同搜索系统的设计提供借鉴。[方法/过程]基于图书交互式检索平台(CLEF-Social Book Search)进行实验,共招募16名独立被试和18名协同被试到实验室完成多种类型的书目搜索任务,对搜索前后问卷记录的搜索体验以及后台服务器记录的搜索过程交互行为进行对比分析。[结果/结论]搜索体验方面,协同搜索被试比独立搜索被试对实验系统的功能评价更好,对系统的美感、耐用性、新颖度评价更高,参与实验的专注度更高,但却感到更加费力;搜索行为方面,相比独立模式下的被试,协同模式下的被试在目标型任务中进行更多次决策,尤其是删除书目的决策,意味着协同搜索被试在搜索后期会进行更多的决策讨论和整理;在探索任务中,协同被试比独立被试的平均决策时间和首次决策时间都更长,可能是由于在探索任务中协同被试的参与度更高、讨论更多。  相似文献   

网络信息资源检索策略与方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
国内外众多网站都开辟了有关于检索策略与方法的专栏,本汇集一些具有代表性的网站,以使网络用户系统地学习到网络信息检索方法和技巧。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在分析协同搜索用户在信息搜索任务过程中的交流内容与模式,从而理解协同搜索用户的关注重点与搜索过程。[研究设计/方法]基于书籍交互检索平台(CLEF-Social Book Search)设计实验,共招募18名被试完成两种搜索任务,通过录音记录对话并对其进行编码和分析,总结交流内容特征和模式。结合任务类型、认知类型组合、服务器记录的搜索交互行为日志以及问卷收集的搜索体验进行了探索分析。[结论/发现]从交流内容上看,协同搜索用户主要理解与评判书目信息、商讨搜索任务计划;比起认知类型不同的用户,相同认知类型的用户在操作交互方面交流更多,在评判决策方面交流较少。交流模式依据讨论内容比重可分为理解评判型、评判主导型、均衡交流型三种,评判主导型用户的任务完成满意度最高。[创新/价值]协同搜索用户的交流反映出搜索过程中需要与同伴商讨协同的焦点,也是需要系统提供协助的重点,给协同搜索系统设计提供一定参考。本研究针对协同搜索的交流内容设计的编码系统对相关的协同交流研究也有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Computational cognitive models developed so far do not incorporate individual differences in domain knowledge in predicting user clicks on search result pages. We address this problem using a cognitive model of information search which enables us to use two semantic spaces having a low (non-expert semantic space) and a high (expert semantic space) amount of medical and health related information to represent respectively low and high knowledge of users in this domain. We also investigated two different processes along which one can gain a larger amount of knowledge in a domain: an evolutionary and a common core process. Simulations of model click behavior on difficult information search tasks and subsequent matching with actual behavioral data from users (divided into low and high domain knowledge groups based on a domain knowledge test) were conducted. Results showed that the efficacy of modeling for high domain knowledge participants (in terms of the number of matches between the model predictions and the actual user clicks on search result pages) was higher with the expert semantic space compared to the non-expert semantic space while for low domain knowledge participants it was the other way around. When the process of knowledge acquisition was taken into account, the effect of using a semantic space based on high domain knowledge was significant only for high domain knowledge participants, irrespective of the knowledge acquisition process. The implications of these outcomes for support tools that can be built based on these models are discussed.  相似文献   

Searching for information pervades a wide spectrum of human activity, including learning and problem solving. With recent changes in the amount of information available and the variety of means of retrieval, there is even more need to understand why some searchers are more successful than others. This study was undertaken to advance the understanding of expertise in seeking information on the Web by identifying strategies and attributes that will increase the chance of a successful search on the Web. The strategies were as follows: evaluation, navigation, affect, metacognition, cognition, and prior knowledge, and attributes included age, sex, years of experience, computer knowledge, and info-seeking knowledge. Success was defined as finding a target topic within 30 minutes. Participants were from three groups. Novices were 10 undergraduate pre-service teachers, intermediates were 9 final-year master of library and information studies students, and experts were 10 highly experienced professional librarians working in a variety of settings. Participants' verbal protocols were transcribed verbatim into a text file and coded. These codes, along with Internet temporary files, a background questionnaire, and a post-task interview were the sources of the data. Since the variable of interest was the time to finding the topic, in addition to ANOVA and Pearson correlation, survival analysis was used to explore the data. The most significant differences in patterns of search between novices and experts were found in the cognitive, metacognitive, and prior knowledge strategies. Survival analysis revealed specific actions associated with success in Web searching: (1) using clear criteria to evaluate sites, (2) not excessively navigating, (3) reflecting on strategies and monitoring progress, (4) having background knowledge about information seeking, and (5) approaching the search with a positive attitude.  相似文献   

以武汉大学专家检索系统WHU-ES为平台,借鉴基于相关文档集的归并排序法和基于词典进行查询扩展的方法,对图情领域专家检索进行实验与评价,包括专家排序和专长识别两个方面.利用基于词典进行查询扩展的方法对基于相关文档集的归并排序法进行改进,实验结果表明,利用专长词表可以有效地提高专家检索的查准率和专长识别的效果.未来研究中需进一步解决词表的规范性生成问题.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The article explores the characteristics of public health information needs and the resources available to address those needs that distinguish it as an area of searching requiring particular expertise. METHODS: Public health searching activities from reference questions and literature search requests at a large, urban health department library were reviewed to identify the challenges in finding relevant public health information. RESULTS: The terminology of the information request frequently differed from the vocabularies available in the databases. Searches required the use of multiple databases and/or Web resources with diverse interfaces. Issues of the scope and features of the databases relevant to the search questions were considered. CONCLUSION: Expert searching in public health differs from other types of expert searching in the subject breadth and technical demands of the databases to be searched, the fluidity and lack of standardization of the vocabulary, and the relative scarcity of high-quality investigations at the appropriate level of geographic specificity. Health sciences librarians require a broad exposure to databases, gray literature, and public health terminology to perform as expert searchers in public health.  相似文献   

Objective: To identify or develop a critical appraisal instrument (CAI) to aid in the selection of search filters for use in systematic review searching. The CAI is to be used by experienced searchers without specialized training in statistics or search filter design. Methods: Through extensive searching and consultation, one candidate instrument was identified. Through expert consultation and several rounds of testing, the instrument was extensively revised to become the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) CAI. Results: The CADTH CAI consists of ten questions and can be applied by experienced searchers with a moderate knowledge of search filter methodology. Conclusion: The CADTH CAI provides experienced searchers with a means of selecting the search filter that is most methodologically sound.  相似文献   

基于文档权重归并法的企业专家检索*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对企业专家的专长识别与检索问题,采用文档权重归并法,利用TREC W3C数据集实现企业内的专家检索,并与专家档案法进行了比较。研究结果表明同样采用BM25模型,采用文档权重归并法具有稳定的优势。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the relationship between online public access catalog (OPAC) searches entered in a small academic library's catalog and the circulation of items during the same time period. Rather than identifying all searches resulting in a reasonable number of retrievals as successful, searches in this study were determined most useful if items on the results list were subsequently borrowed from the library. This comparison of search results with subsequent material checkouts indicates which metadata elements seem most useful to searchers, and suggests ways libraries might use this knowledge to enhance their users’ search experiences.  相似文献   

华斌  吴诺  贺欣 《图书情报工作》2021,65(23):58-69
[目的/意义]提出一种基于专家个体多维特征刻画的电子政务项目评审专家组推荐方法,提升专家组间项目评审的一致性水平。[方法/过程]以专家个体的长期评审意见为数据源,利用意见挖掘技术实现知识元识别与情感极性获取;构造专家的领域知识结构并动态迭代更新;利用统计分析刻画专家知识水平、评审深刻性、情感风格、领域专长特征,实现基于科学计量的专家特征刻画并以此为基础进行专家组合的推荐。[结果/结论]本文的方法注重专家组的多维特征均衡,对电子政务项目评审具有很好的问题针对性,并在实践中取得了良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

Google is the search engine of choice for most Internet users. For a variety of reasons, librarians and other expert searchers do not always use Google to its full potential, even though it provides capabilities not possible in traditional bibliographic databases and other search engines. Applying expert searching principles and practices, such as the use of advanced search operators, information retrieval strategies, and search hedges to Google will allow health sciences librarians to find quality information on the Internet more efficiently and effectively.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]如何理解新手在与学术数据库交互过程中其心智模型的演进过程和学习模式是值得关注的问题,探究任务类型对学术数据库新手用户心智模型和学习模式的影响能够更好地帮助用户使用学术数据库。[研究设计/方法]本研究通过77位新手用户参与完成三种不同类型的任务(事实型搜索、探索型搜索和干涉型搜索)前后分别绘制的中国知网概念图的实验,对概念图的结构差异和内容差异进行分析,探讨不同任务情境下学术数据库新手心智模型的演进规律及学习模式。[结论/发现]研究表明用户信息搜索前后心智模型的演进模式受到任务类型的驱动,呈现出不同的概念图结构和维度内容;用户在不同任务的搜索前后均进行了学习行为,但学习模式存在差异,大多数新手用户在事实型任务和干涉型任务搜索后进行了有意义的学习,而在探索型任务搜索后用户进行了初步学习。[创新/价值]从任务类型的影响视角丰富了“搜索即学习”中的新手用户心智模型和学习模式的研究内容,有利于信息专业人员为新手开展信息检索技能培训和优化检索系统设计。  相似文献   

Anonymous personalization in collaborative web search   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present an innovative approach to Web search, called collaborative search, that seeks to cope with the type of vague queries that are commonplace in Web search. We do this by leveraging the search behaviour of previous searchers to personalize future result-lists according to the implied preferences of a community of like-minded individuals. This technique is implemented in the I-SPY meta-search engine and we present the results of a live-user trial which indicates that I-SPY can offer improved search performance when compared to a benchmark search engine, across a variety of performance metrics. In addition, I-SPY achieves its level of personalization while preserving the anonymity of individual users, and we argue that this offers unique privacy benefits compared to alternative approaches to personalization.  相似文献   


To assess the quality and usefulness of one health sciences library's mediated computer search service, a survey was undertaken to determine satisfaction rates, why users do or do not use the service, and how useful the service is perceived to be in comparison to instructional service. Satisfaction rates were high, with users indicating librarian expertise and time/cost savings as the main reasons for using the service. Non-users indicated that they preferred to do their own searching, and many were unaware of the service. Though a majority of respondents do not currently use the service, surprisingly a majority of respondents placed significant value on the mediated search service in relation to instruction.  相似文献   

王颖  张智雄  孙辉  雷枫 《图书情报工作》2015,59(16):119-128
[目的/意义]构建国史知识检索平台,提高用户获取国史知识的效率,促进国史宣传和教育。[方法/过程]提出基于本体的国史知识检索平台构建思路与总体框架,在构建国史本体知识库的基础上,采用Neo4j数据库作为RDF数据仓储,创建基于Solr的实例索引、三元组索引和词条索引,针对多种检索需求设计实现检索引擎的执行流程、检索式构造方法以及查询处理算法,并为国史知识展示设计可视化实现方式。[结果/结论]构建国史知识检索平台,提供实体检索、查询问答、关联检索、时序检索及语义资源浏览等检索与浏览服务。该平台框架及关键技术实现方案可为面向领域知识的深度检索服务提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Background: The traditional role of health librarians as expert searchers is under challenge. Objectives: The purpose of this review is to establish health librarians’ views, practices and educational processes on expert searching. Methods: The search strategy was developed in LISTA and then customised for ten other databases: ALISA, PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, ERIC, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar. The search terms were (expert search* OR expert retriev* OR mediated search* OR information retriev*) AND librar*. The searches, completed in December 2010 and repeated in May 2011, were limited to English language publications from 2000 to 2011 (unless seminal works). Results: Expert searching remains a key role for health librarians, especially for those supporting systematic reviews or employed as clinical librarians answering clinical questions. Conclusions: Although clients tend to be satisfied with searches carried out for them, improvements are required to effectively position the profession. Evidence‐based guidelines, adherence to transparent standards, review of entry‐level education requirements and a commitment to accredited, rigorous, ongoing professional development will ensure best practice.  相似文献   

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