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卢家银 《青年记者》2012,(31):79-80
在世界范围内,德国是较早颁布网络成文法的国家,对青少年在线活动的法律保护探索较多,影响很大。为了保护青少年的网络活动,德国在宪法之下,从立法和司法两个层面构建了比较完善的法律保护框架。在立法上,德国制定了《多媒体法》、《青少年保护法》和《阻碍网页登录法》等多项法律规范网络活动,以保护青少年的各项基本权利。在司法上,德国法院和警方等部门将青少年作为优先保护的群体,在法律  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初期,俄罗斯联邦出台了《俄罗斯联邦文化基本法》,为发展文化提供了法律保障。《俄罗斯联邦文化基本法》包括各级政府的文化管理权限、公民的文化权利、民族文化的保护、文化领域的经济调控以及国家之间的文化交流等内容。旨在确立国家文化政策的原则和规范,发展民族文化,保障公民的文化权利。在政府的文化管理权方面,俄罗斯联邦和各联邦主体成立国家权力机关,由国家权力机关行使权力,保障文化领域中各主体的利益;公民拥有创作权、文化价值知情权等,促进公民在参与文化活动的过程中提高自身素质;针对俄罗斯多民族的特点,俄罗斯联邦尊重和保护各民族文化,为民族文化的传播和延续创造条件;文化基本法对文化机构经费来源和个人收入进行经济调控,保障他们的利益不受损害;加强文化交流,促进俄罗斯文化发展,增强自身在国际上的影响力。  相似文献   

石晓莉 《兰台世界》2007,(3S):48-49
从实践上看,短短几年时间现行件开放服务在全国各地开展得如火如荼,成为政府信息公开的重要窗口之一。但从立法的角度柴看,目前我国的《政府信息公开法》尚未颁布,使得现行件开放服务缺乏统一的专门的法律规范和政策保障,所依据的只有《宪法》中规定的公民知情权等相关法律的若干条款以及一些地方性法规和行政规章等等。相反,档案馆的档案同样承载着政府信息,它的开放具有《中华人民共和国档案法》及各级各地档案法规作为保障,却开展得冷冷清清。为什么会出现这佯的情况呢?现行件公开这一新型信息服务形式的出现,促使我们回头审视一下我国档案立法的不足。[第一段]  相似文献   

从实践上看,短短几年时间现行文件开放服务在全国各地开展得如火如荼,成为政府信息公开的重要窗口之一.但从立法的角度来看,目前我国的<政府信息公开法>尚未颁布,使得现行文件开放服务缺乏统一的专门的法律规范和政策保障,所依据的只有<宪法>中规定的公民知情权等相关法律的若干条款以及一些地方性法规和行政规章等等.  相似文献   

过去十年是我国公共文化服务体系建设取得重大进展的一个时期,也是公共文化服务保障性立法从多方呼吁上升到国家意志层面的跨越性阶段。系统梳理总结现有的理论成果与实践经验,可以有效推动公共文化服务保障性立法及实践。近十年来公共文化服务保障性立法的研究有较大突破:在广度上,既有对国外经验的介绍与分析,又有对国内研究理论、实践的总结与思考;在深度上,涉及了宏观、中观和微观层面;在研究方法上,理论分析、政策解读、案例分析、个案研究等是广泛采用的方法。存在的问题是:当前我国文化领域立法相对落后,虽然《公共文化服务保障法》已经出台,但立法仍处于初级阶段,在法律数量、研究成果质量上仍存在不足,需要持续的关注、深入系统的研究和大力推进;地方立法实践先于中央立法实践出现,但由于地方性法规和规章的级别相对较低,约束力相对较弱,因此亟需成体系的上位法的支撑和指导。图2。表1。参考文献47。  相似文献   

德国是一个新闻事业发达的国家,世界上最早的近代报纸和新闻教育都起源于德国。新闻传播的法规与自律德国现在媒介体制的宪法基础是联邦德国1949年制订的《基本法》第5条,其具体内容是:“任何人都有权以言论、文字、图像等方式自由地表达和传播自己的观点;并通过可普遍接近的来源自由地获得信息。(宪法)保障广播电视和电影的出版自由和报道自由。不实行(新闻)检查。”德国实行联邦制分权体制。《基本法》在涉及联邦和州立法权的第75条对联邦政府关于报刊的立法权进行了限制性规定。德国没有统一的联邦印刷媒介法,但是各州都实施了大同小异的…  相似文献   

随着数字技术研究领域的成熟与深化,我国数字出版发展迅猛.但是,在面临机遇的同时,也面临着盗版侵权行为泛滥、版权所有者维权困难以及数字版权归属模糊的问题.对问题根源进行分析,可知当前相关配套法律不完善、公众对数字版权保护意识淡薄、相关技术保障不到位是制约数字出版发展的主要原因.在大数据时代背景下对我国数字版权进行研究,文章提出,有必要在立法层面完善相关配套法律制度,出台专门针对数字出版领域的法律;在意识层面加大版权保护的宣传力度,增强公众对版权的保护意识;在技术层面积极推动数字版权保护技术的研发与应用.  相似文献   

德国科技期刊运行机制和发展环境研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
德国的出版管理体制主要由联邦政府与联邦法律、州政府与州法律以及行业协会三个方面组成,其中起主导作用的是法律管理,其次是政府的行政管理和行业协会的自律管理。政府不设立专门的管理机构,出版业在法律体系的主导下,在行业规范的自律下,作为一种商业化行为良性运作。行业协会作用突出是德国出版业的显著特点之一。  相似文献   

采用文献法和调查法对美国公共图书馆运营管理外包的历史演进、法律政策、外包模式以及外包效果进行调研可以发现,美国图书馆运营管理外包实践在购买流程透明度、政府责任尺度、图书馆服务专业性等方面存在问题,存在的广泛争论反映了西方政府从公共服务效率观向公共价值观的理念深层次转变。节约成本、效率优先是美国政府购买图书馆服务治理的改革起点,这与我国现阶段意在通过政府购买服务丰富公共文化服务提供渠道、满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要形成明显差异。我国在借鉴美国经验教训的同时,应从购买政策层面细化相关法律政策设计,明确多元主体责任本位原则;购买过程层面提升利益相关者协同配合能力,全方位保障图书馆服务均等化的实现;购买监管层面完善监管服务体系,确保公共文化价值的实现,进而提升公共图书馆服务水平,助力公共文化服务均等化的最终实现。  相似文献   

美国图书馆立法发展及启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
美国图书馆法对图书馆事业的发展起了很大作用。以联邦图书馆法的发展为例,分析美国图书馆立法背景和过程,美国图书馆立法具有联邦立法和州立法相结合、图书馆法与教育法相联系的特点。美国图书馆立法保障了图书馆经费来源,明确了图书馆行业规范,确保了图书馆健康生存。我国图书馆立法可从法律体系、经费来源、立法内容等方面借鉴其经验.  相似文献   

比利时是君主立宪制下的联邦制国家,按照语言分为荷语区、法语区、德语区和布鲁塞尔双语区四个语言区,法兰西、荷兰和德意志三个文化共同体。比利时的文化政策发展主要是在二战后,文化政策的框架形成于1960年代。比利时文化政策的目标基于政治和文化民主的原则上,三个文化体有各自坚持的原则。比利时的公共文化政策内容丰富,涉及跨文化交流、文化参与、文化多样性和包容性、文化创新、文化支持、数字文化、生态文化、艺术教育和跨文化教育、业余文化等方面。《宪法》和《文化协定法案》是比利时公共文化遵循的一般立法,除此之外还有公共文化立法和部门具体立法。按各级政府和部门对公共文化支出进行了分解,并对公共文化消费情况和雇佣情况进行了研究。  相似文献   

The introduction of federal legislation, mandated by Article I, Section 7 of the United States Constitution, is in the form of bills and joint resolutions. This article reviews aspects of the lawmaking process in the context of constitutional amendments; commemorative legislation; pork-barrel measures, including logrolling; and a bill about the United coinage system. Throughout, the examples given show the difficulty of passage from bill to law, made deliberately arduous by the framers of the Constitution.  相似文献   

According to the administrative office of the U.S. Courts, a significant part of the present docket of federal district courts consists of prisoner litigation. This category of litigation, composed largely of habeas corpus petitions, civil rights suits, and suits related to prison conditions, is often pressed by prisoners whose only legal assistance is the resources and materials available in their prison law library. Although prisoner litigation is an essential means of ensuring that our prisons and criminal justice systems operate within the confines of the U.S. Constitution, these often poorly researched and poorly written lawsuits also present special challenges to the federal courts tasked with processing them. This article explores how establishing programs that involve law students in teaching legal research in prison law libraries could help to both ameliorate the burdens that prisoner litigation places on the federal court system and improve prison law libraries’ ability to provide prisoners with meaningful access to the courts. The article begins by discussing the history of prisoner litigation in federal courts and describes four models of legal research instruction and assistance that have been employed in prisons. Based on the lessons learned from these efforts, the article presents a proposal for a prison legal research clinic that could be established by interested law schools and their librarians, and discusses the benefits to law students, prisoners, and the courts that such a program has the potential to deliver.  相似文献   

楹联数据库的构建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了构建楹联数据库的重要意义,讨论了楹联数据库的数据字段、层次与结构、数据输入格式、楹联检索界面、建库的前期准备工作、楹联的知识产权以及相关问题。  相似文献   

德国的图书馆信息资源共享模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
德国图书馆信息资源共享主要集中在州层次上,主要组织形式是地区性图书馆联盟。全国性的信息资源共享通常针对特定的信息服务和信息资源,如文献传递服务和电子期刊。该文简要介绍了德国的图书馆信息资源共享概况,图书馆联盟的管理、技术、经费和成果。最后分析了德国图书馆联盟的特点与问题。  相似文献   

This study examines how the use of a foreign country's media and culture influences perceptions of that country. A total of 315 Korean and 290 Japanese college students were surveyed in 2002 to facilitate the author's analysis of the flow of cultural products between Korea and Japan and the impact of their use. Between countries cultural products flow in one direction because of differences in market size and cultural competitiveness. This paper aims to reconfirm the asymmetric flow of cultural products between Korea and Japan. Its results reveal that Korean college students spend 25.40% of their media usage time consuming Japanese media products, whereas only 1.79% of Japanese students devote any time at all to Korean products. Next, studying both domestic and foreign media use, the author examined the effects of asymmetric cultural consumption on how Koreans and the Japanese perceive each other. Perception of a country is described in terms of three variables: cultural affinity, product purchase intention, and preference for the country. Use levels of foreign media, cultural exposure to the foreign country, and social demographics were hypothesized to influence these variables. Traveling experience to the counterpart country and preference for that country's food were measured to represent cultural exposure. Gender was a significant variable influencing cross-cultural perception. For Japanese students, first-hand exposure to Korean culture affected their perception of Korea significantly, whereas Korean students were more strongly affected by media use. Interestingly, Korean students’ domestic media use negatively affected their cultural proximity to Japan, while Japanese students’ domestic media use positively affected their intentions to purchase Korean products.  相似文献   

National culture is among those societal factors which could influence research and innovation activities. In this study, we investigated the associations of two national culture models with citation impact of nations (measured by the proportion of papers belonging to the 10 % and 1 % most cited papers in the corresponding fields, PPtop10% and PPtop 1%). Bivariate statistical analyses showed that of six Hofstede’s national culture dimensions (HNCD), uncertainty avoidance and power distance had a statistically significant negative association, while individualism and indulgence had a statistically significant positive association with both citation impact indicators (PPtop10% and PPtop1%). The study also revealed that of two Inglehart-Welzel cultural values (IWCV), the value survival versus self-expression is statistically significantly related to both citation impact indicators (PPtop10% and PPtop 1%). We additionally calculated multiple regression analyses controlling for the possible effects of confounding factors including national self-citations, international co-authorships, investments in research and development, international migrant stock, number of researchers of each nation, language, and productivity. The results revealed that the statistically significant associations of HNCD with citation impact indicators disappeared. But the statistically significant relationship between survivals versus self-expression values and both citation impact indicators remained stable even after controlling for the confounding variables. Thus, the freedom of expression and trust in society might contribute to better scholarly communication systems, higher level of international collaborations, and further quality research.  相似文献   

文化传承与文化教育是图书馆区别于其它信息服务机构唯一特征,也是高校图书馆的基本职责。本文明确提出高校图书馆在培养学生价值观、传承大学文化、传播社会主流文化等方面的职责,并从构建图书馆文化体系、建立长效文化育人制度、培养图书馆员的文化追求、充分利用馆藏特色文化资源四个方面提出改进策略,以期充分发挥高校图书馆的文化育人功能。  相似文献   

The German archival law is established by the archives acts of the Federal Republic of Germany and the 16 federal states. The core elements of the German archives acts are the transfer of records from public authorities to public archives and the access to records transferred to public archives.  相似文献   

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