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2011年10月21—25日,由《图书情报工作》杂志社、图书情报工作研究会主办、北京爱迪科森教育科技股份有限公司协办的第25次图书馆学情报学学术研讨会“图书馆与情报服务:理论创新与实践进展”在泰安市顺利举行,来自全国14个省市共60余名代表参加了会议。  相似文献   

新形势下情报工作的创新与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从高校网络情报工作与传统情报工作的对比中,针对目前高校图书馆开展情况工作的现状,提出高校情报工作的创新和发展理念,并对未来情报工作的发展重点和研究方向提出一些看法。  相似文献   

中国高校自然科学学报研究会完成换届4月21~26日,中国高校自然科学学报研究会在成都召开第3次会员代表大会暨第6次学术年会,173位代表出席会议。会上选出了第3届理事会,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)主编陈浩元编审连任理事长。该研究会现拥有770个团...  相似文献   

分析了文献情报工作对高校创新的推动作用,指出在信息技术的冲击下。文献情报工作自身需要做出调整以更好地推动高校创新。  相似文献   

<正>四川省新闻教育学会科研创新暨《川渝新闻传播教育35年》出版座谈会于2015年11月20日在四川大学校史馆会议厅举行。会议由四川大学文学与新闻学院副院长吴建主持,来自川渝两地多所高校新闻院系、多家媒体的专家学者以及省市相关部门领导参加了会议,并围绕科研创新议题展开了热烈的讨论。一、总结、创新,硕果累累四川省老教授协会会长、四川大学原党委副书记吕重九教授首先发言。他指出,创新一直是新闻学研究的重要动力,在媒介大融合的背景下,更是如  相似文献   

各会员单位、各高校图书馆:根据《河北省高等学校图书馆科学管理研究会第五届理事会第二次会议暨第九次学术研讨会会议纪要》精神,河北省高等学校图书馆科学管理研究会第十次学术研讨会由河北经贸大学图书馆承办,拟定于2011年5月(具体时间另行通知)在石家庄市召开。  相似文献   

<正>2014年5月9-10日,由四川省新闻教育学会、四川省老教授协会新闻传播专业委员会主办,乐山师范学院承办的"四川省新闻教育学会2014年学术年会暨四川新闻教育发展、川渝高校新闻教育合作研讨会"在乐山师范学院召开。会议邀请到省内外新闻教育界、传媒业的有关专家、学者共同就四川高校新闻发展的特色与经验、川渝两地高校新闻教育合作发展等问题进行了交流与探讨。  相似文献   

2006年是“十一五”的起步年。在教育厅的领导和支持下,在全体常委、分委会、专业委员会以及各高校图书馆齐心协力的共同努力下,我委各项工作进展顺利,取得较好的成绩,主要表现在以下几个方面:1、着力协调高校文献资源建设,进一步完善文献资源保障体系为确保高校教学、科研和学科建设对文献信息的需求,根据各高校图书馆文献资源建设的需要,我委协调组织了第二次数据库集团采购。通过广泛调研,比较价格、版权、技术服务、资源等因素,确定数据库供应商,在浙江大学图书馆举办了高校集团采购洽谈会。一年来,成功组织了超星电子图书集团采购和已…  相似文献   

1985年前后,以湖北医学院、上海交通大学等高校图书馆为先导的大学图书馆先后进行了面向社会服务的尝试。此后,全国各地高校图书馆争先效仿,从而掀起了高校图书馆面向社会服务的高潮。然而,迄今为止,大多数高校图书馆都把向读者提供借阅、阅览以及一些低层次的咨询服务作为高校图书馆对外开放的主要手段,这和高校图书馆在社会上的地位是很不相称的。况且,这种开放模式在实行过程中很难解决好校内与社会需求之间的矛盾。我国是发展中国家,国家用于图书情报事业  相似文献   

杨竺 《四川档案》2020,(6):14-15
<正>2020年初,中央财经委员会第六次会议做出推动成渝地区双城经济圈建设重大决策,成渝城市群一体化发展上升为国家战略;3月中旬,川渝党政联席会议第一次会议,吹响了成渝地区双城经济圈建设的"进军号";7月,省委召开十一届七次全会,为推动成渝地区双城经济圈建设绘制了"责任书""路线图"。川渝合作进入了战略引领、高位推动、全面深化的新阶段。全省档案馆系统抓住这一重大发展战略机遇,主动思考、积极谋划,不断深化川渝地区档案馆工作交流合作,  相似文献   

This column documents the rationale for creating information literacy competency standards for nursing based on the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) “Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education” and the three documents from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) on essential skills for nurses in baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral level education and practice. It chronicles the process of the task force which is designing the discipline specific skills and predicts the value of their use, once they are published.  相似文献   

秦小燕 《图书情报工作》2015,59(19):139-144
[目的/意义] 《高等教育信息素养框架》是美国大学与研究图书馆协会(ACRL)2015年最新颁布的信息素养指导文件,通过对其内容的详细解读,可以了解美国高等教育信息素养标准的发展动态,为新时期我国信息素养教育理论与实践提供参考。[方法/过程] 分析《高等教育信息素养框架》的具体内容,建立框架结构模型,并与2000年版《高等教育信息素养能力标准》进行对比,剖析其显著特征与改进之处,思考高校信息素养教育的变革方向。[结果/结论] 认为《框架》拓展了信息素养的内涵与外延,重新界定了信息素养教育的核心内容,并强调元认知培养的重要性,指导新信息环境下高等教育信息素养教育向融入学术、注重能力、促进学术交流的方向发展。  相似文献   

ACRL的《高等教育信息素养框架》解读与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]2014年11月美国大学与研究图书馆协会(ACRL)发布的《高等教育信息素养框架》(第三版),取代2000年制定的《高等教育信息素养能力标准》,将成为国际范围内信息素养教育重要的指导性文件.通过对其内容的解读,为新信息环境下的国内信息素养教育提供参考. [方法/过程]阐述《高等教育信息素养框架》以及相关附件的内容,并与《高等教育信息素养能力标准》进行比较,分析其内容特点,进行总结归纳,在此基础上对信息素养教育的实践进行思考.[结果/结论]认为在新信息环境下,高校信息素养教育内容要与学术过程进一步融合,并注重Web 2.0环境下的信息交互参与,建立相应的教学内容与评价体系.此外,借鉴其他信息素养指导性文件,使信息素养教育内容、目标明朗化.  相似文献   

《Research Strategies》2001,18(4):303-309
Information literacy, as defined by the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education [2000. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries], is the ability to locate, retrieve, evaluate, and use information. Critical thinking is an essential component of information literacy and is reflected in the Standards through the evaluation, application, integration, and use of information. At Arizona State University East, an activity in source analysis is used in an international business class to foster students' critical evaluation and selection of sources and is an example of a library instruction exercise that promotes critical thinking.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(51-52):359-383
In April, 1994 Mercy College completed an extended self-study in preparation for a team visit from The Commission on Higher Education, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. This article examines the impact of institutional evaluation on the library's bibliographic instruction program, and its evolution into an information literacy program responsive to changes in student demographics, curriculum content, assessment methods, and communication technologies. Three initiatives are described: (1) an effort to increase course-integrated information literacy instruction in the general education requirement; (2) development of an information literacy assessment plan; and (3) recruitment and training of information literacy peer tutors to assist public services librarians. Although still in a formative stage, eight future directions are recommended for successful implementation.  相似文献   

The Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (CIHE) of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) standards places less emphasis on quantifiable and arbitrary inputs and more emphasis on institutional effectiveness and assessment of student learning. NEASC includes the library throughout the standards and also has a long section specifically for the library. The authors advocate use of the ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) Standards for Libraries in Higher Education alongside the NEASC standards to ensure a focus on outcomes and assessment of libraries in the context of other areas of the institution. An effective strategy for streamlining the assessment of library resources and services is provided.  相似文献   

Findings from in-depth interviews with academic librarians reveal initial perceptions of the value of the new Association of College and Research Libraries' Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and information about individual experiences in implementing the framework into information literacy skills instruction. Fifteen academic librarians, recruited through the ILI-L listserv, participated in Skype interviews that averaged 50?min in length. Participants shared that the Framework has had an impact on their teaching, helps them to better articulate the role of the librarian and the concept of information literacy, supports collaboration with faculty, and presents new empirical research opportunities for academic librarians. At the same time, acceptance of the Framework by librarians has not been universal, implementing the Framework into one-shot information literacy instruction is difficult, and full implementation of the Framework may require a restructuring of how information literacy education is approached.  相似文献   

In 2010, the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education released, “Sustainability curriculum in higher education: A call to action,” encouraging infusion of sustainability topics into universities' teaching and research. Since then, academic programs and research related to social, economic, and environmental sustainability have enriched university curricula. An exploratory study was conducted to determine the position and engagements of academic libraries and information science schools in their contributions to scholarly sustainability activities and curricular initiatives. This article presents the results of the study which reveals a number of engagements by library professionals in the areas of sustainability, such as increasing open access to research, building sustainability-related collections and research guides, and incorporating sustainability content into information literacy. While academic libraries and information science schools are engaged in a broad spectrum of initiatives that support their institutions' sustainability research and curricular functions, this study indicates that such activities require a more targeted approach.  相似文献   

A syllabus study was conducted to gain insight into the library use expectations of faculty for undergraduate accounting students. The findings were compared to the professional competencies articulated by Canadian professional accounting association competency maps, and there was an expectations gap. All three competency maps referred to a set of professional skills that, when mapped to the Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, were equivalent to information competence, yet the majority of courses taught required very little library use. This study contributes to the literature as the first to map the ACRL's standards to Canadian professional accounting association competencies.  相似文献   


Visualizing Oral Histories: Comics and Graphic Novels/Digital Humanities Lab, is a new model for digital humanities scholarship that other librarians can follow to create and teach similar DH labs attached to humanities courses at other institutions. The model includes a preliminary syllabus and preliminary assignment rubrics designed to integrate the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) “Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education” (ACRL Framework) into course assignments. Incorporation of a DH lab into a humanities course curriculum reimagines librarian roles and creates a pedagogical strategy that explicitly incorporates information literacy standards into the undergraduate course curriculum.  相似文献   

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