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基于成本-效益分析的公共图书馆经济价值研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
公共图书馆的成本-效益分析(CBA)是一种新兴的,以经济学视角对图书馆经济价值展开的评价研究。公共图书馆总经济价值包括使用价值和非使用价值,较难确认和量化。但因体现公共图书馆价值的服务具备公共物品的性质,所以国际上主要采用经济学中的消费者剩余法、意愿支付法和时间成本法为代表的公共物品评价方法,保守地评价公共图书馆的经济价值。结果表明,通过上述方法可以测量公共图书馆的经济价值,且公共图书馆全部的经济价值要高于实际测量结果。这不仅对量化评估公共图书馆自身服务所形成的社会和经济效益有重要作用,从另一方面也向公众表明了公共图书馆服务效益对促进社会文化、经济发展的价值。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]图书馆价值评估已成为图书馆学界的研究热点,通过评估图书馆空间产生的经济价值,用数据验证图书馆空间为高校师生科研与学习做出的重要贡献,可为高校图书馆空间改造提供决策依据。[方法/过程]结合文献调研法和消费者剩余法,对图书馆不同类型空间及服务产生的经济价值进行计算和评估。[结果/结论]以本文方法估算的华东师范大学闵行校区图书馆空间每年产生的经济价值达2519万元;在开展空间经济价值评估时,要注意仔细梳理空间类型及服务,选择恰当的市场替代品。  相似文献   

在分析图书馆经济价值评估内涵、方法的基础上,构建公共图书馆经济价值评估研究框架,详细探讨模型中诸要素作用机理。基于此,以河南省图书馆作为实证研究对象,利用消费者剩余、条件价值评估等方法,对河南省图书馆的经济价值进行了评估,获取其效益成本比1.449∶1,为管理者决策提供重要的参考,也为研究公共图书馆经济价值可持续发展提供一个新思路、新方法。最后,提出政策性建议。  相似文献   

国外公共图书馆经济价值评估方法探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
公共图书馆的经济价值评估在国内尚属新鲜事物,国外公共图书馆对公共图书馆经济价值的评估主要采用成本效益分析法与经济影响分析法,为国内开展相关研究与实践提供了一定的借鉴。表1。图1。参考文献9.  相似文献   

随着我国公共图书馆免费开放脚步的加快,各级政府对公共图书馆的投入大幅度增加,社会公众和政府亟待了解公共图书馆的投入产出效率。在免费开放的背景下,成都图书馆采用消费者剩余和条件价值评估法对成本效益进行分析,发现成都图书馆的服务效益离世界公共图书馆的平均水平尚有距离。因此,国内公共图书馆需要继续在促进全民阅读和分馆建设上加大投入,抓住免费开放的契机,丰富服务内容,拓宽服务范围,进而提高公共图书馆的服务效益。  相似文献   

在解析图书馆经济价值评估的理论和现实意义的基础上,简述评估方法的理论基础和分析其应用于高校图书馆经济价值评估的可行性,最后从成本效益分析(CBA)的角度,利用"消费者剩余"和"条件价值评估"等方法,结合本土的实际,对高校图书馆的经济价值进行了评估,并探讨了提升高校图书馆经济价值的途径。  相似文献   

基于关键事件法收集调查问卷数据,基于成本效益分析法并综合采用时间成本法和消费者剩余法,定量评估了样本学校图书馆数字资源服务在学校多项科研产出中的价值,并以投资回报率的形式予以呈现。其中,投资回报率模型中的"收益"包括图书馆数字资源在学校科研产出中的创作价值、引用价值,为学校带来的直接经济收益,教师利用图书馆数字资源服务而不采用替代性服务所节约的资金/时间等。  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆经济价值评估方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆经济价值评估体现了图书馆的社会贡献。本文介绍了美国公共图书馆经济价值评估中涉及到的3种主要方法:投资回报率(ROI)方法、用户调查方法和图书馆SWOT分析方法。其中重点研究公共图书馆如何使用ROI方法分析图书馆的存在给一个地区经济发展带来的影响。最后阐明对现有评估方法的意见。  相似文献   

运用条件价值评估法(CVM),通过支付卡式问卷和二分式问卷评估中国人民大学图书馆的服务价值,得出读者的最大支付意愿和图书馆产生的服务价值,并对影响因素进行分析.研究结果有助于高校图书馆更科学地认识自身价值,并为图书馆的科学管理、提升服务等提供更为充分的科学依据.  相似文献   

提供了一种图书馆价值评估的新方法--成本效益分析法.这一方法立足图书馆的立场,借用了直接效益、间接效益、消费者剩余等经济学的概念,通过调查访问,借助用户-服务矩阵等统计学的方法对图书馆价值进行了评估.该书注重实证研究、重视用户和服务、关注多学科融合和因地制宜等方面的内容,有利于普及图书馆具有经济效益的观点.  相似文献   

Public support of library services must be targeted towards children because these services play a key role in their development. However, no prior research has investigated the value of public library services for children. Specifically, earlier studies evaluated the value of public libraries as a whole, without considering library services for different stakeholders. The fact that children are not autonomous economic agents is another problem to address. These barriers can be overcome by using the contingent valuation method with parents/caregivers as the subjects queried and children used as the objects in this study. Thus, the economic value of library services for children can be obtained to support managerial decisions on services specifically designed for children. More precisely, this study is unique in that it develops a contingent valuation methodology for estimating the value of children's library services based on adults' willingness to allocate a proportion of municipal budgets. Both users and non-users were surveyed to verify the proposed methodology empirically. The results show that the perceived effectiveness (ratio between perceived benefits and costs) of children's library services is 11.2 (11.2 units of benefits for each unit invested) in Czech public libraries compared with 4.3 for a library as a whole. This finding confirms the essential role of children's library services, implying that public libraries should offer a broader selection of children's books and other services. The study also shows that the value of children's library services depends on the age, education and economic structure of the adults queried. In addition, their satisfaction with library services is another important determinant, indicating that public libraries can influence the perceived benefits of children's library services.  相似文献   

A selective review of valuation studies evaluated various characteristics, including methods, subjects, and reporting media, in order to identify theoretical frameworks to aid in understanding trends in library services. Two distinct frameworks were identified: the marketing framework with revealed preference method, and the evaluation framework with contingent valuation method. The marketing framework studies aim to promote communication between libraries and their stakeholders to affect the future state of a library, whereas the evaluation framework studies aim to describe the current state of a library and predict its future state. This two-framework approach supports further theoretical and practical exploration of library valuation and library services.  相似文献   

条件价值评估法在公共图书馆价值评估中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
条件价值评估法(CVM)是一种通过调研来评价非市场物品与资源的经济价值的最常用的工具。本文首先定义了图书馆经济学上的价值,讨论了评估公共图书馆价值的意义,然后介绍了CVM的经济学原理和国内外研究应用现状,最后在此基础上给出在公共图书馆中使用CVM的研究方法设计,用支付意愿(WTP)和接受补偿意愿(WTA)来测评图书馆的价值。  相似文献   

论文介绍美国雪城大学图书馆价值评估SU-ROI项目背景,分析SU-ROI项目采用方法,包括对图书馆价值的定性和分类,图书馆服务的明细划分和条件价值法的灵活运用,展示SU-ROI项目成果,包括SU图书馆的使用量成果和经济性成果,总结SU-ROI项目的先进性和局限性,包括实证性、普适性、科学性等先进性和研究成果未能包含图书馆环境性、社会性价值的局限性。  相似文献   

Altruism is recognized as a significant component of willingness to pay (WTP) estimates when using contingent valuation method (CVM). The argument of whether all values that are motivated by altruism can be considered as real value has been discussed in various fields. In order to derive the real WTP value for public library valuation, an attempt was made to decompose an individual's total WTP into two categories: local versus global and paternalistic versus nonpaternalistic. A contingent valuation survey was conducted to demonstrate how altruistic motivations affect WTP estimates for public libraries. Approximately 22% of the WTP value was found to be excluded from the total WTP value, because of motivation by local and nonpaternalistic altruistic attitudes. The results suggest that in a WTP study using the contingent valuation method, one must design a survey questionnaire with a comprehensive view that takes into account two different aspects of altruistic motivation.  相似文献   

办馆效益探微   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
办馆效益是指图书馆社会职能所产生的应有作用 ,是图书馆被社会认同的存在价值。它具有无形性、间接性、潜移性、幅射性、波动性、模糊性等特征。从不同标准出发 ,办馆效益可分为社会效益与经济效益、宏观效益与微观效益、正面效益与影子效益、真正效益与虚误效益 ,等等。要实现办馆效益 ,必须做到入藏文献合乎社会需求 ,要千方百计地把文献提供给读者利用 ,要力求使兑现价值大于投入。对图书馆进行评估是实现办馆效益的重要手段 ,应进一步搞好评估工作  相似文献   

发展公共图书馆事业的政府责任   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
在发展公共图书馆事业的过程中,政府负有两方面的责任,一是对公共图书馆事业的价值定位的责任,一是为公共图书馆事业的发展提供制度保障的责任。在价值定位上,政府应该认识到:发展公共图书馆事业是民主政治建设的需要,是保障公民文化权利的基本方式,是建立公共文化服务体系的基本内容,是建设和谐社会的必然要求。在制度保障上。政府应负有制度供给和制度实施的责任。制度供给的核心内容是制定图书馆法;制度实施的责任,主要包括经费保障的责任和普及公共图书馆服务的责任。  相似文献   

Public library value is often ascertained by outlining the economic, social, and cultural benefits public libraries generate for the greater community. While researchers have focused on the concepts of social capital, civic engagement, and the role of libraries in promoting democracy, fewer studies have explored the public’s perceptions of libraries in an effort to determine library value. Furthermore, library nonusers are rarely included in these studies. In Alberta, Canada, 1,201 Albertans from across the province, including both urban and rural areas, were asked a series of questions about their perceptions of public libraries and library use. Findings reveal characteristics of library users and nonusers, what services and resources are used most often at public libraries, what value the public places on public libraries, and the role that libraries play in supporting communities.  相似文献   

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