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图书馆建筑选址新论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图书馆建筑的存在不是孤立的,它涉及到人与人、人与自然、人与物质、人与技术等方方面面的各种关系。图书馆建筑选址需要哲学的智慧,首要的一点是要明确图书馆建筑选址与人们观念之间的关系,需要进一步加深对绿色图书馆建筑及图书馆(无论是公共图书馆还是大学图书馆、科研院所图书馆)性质、任务、职能和服务工作的认识。选择合适的图书馆建筑的馆址,对于图书馆各方面的工作关系极大。不同性质的图书馆建筑,如城市公共图书馆、大学图书馆等,应结合自身特点辩证地解决选址过程中遇到的诸问题,决不能脱离当地当前的实际情况而强调选址的某一方面。对《辞海》中关于“风水”的解释持不同意见,认为建筑风水是一门学问要坚持实事求是的态度。  相似文献   

文章对现代建筑出现的背景、原因以及其历史局限性进行了研究;指出后现代建筑注重了建筑与环境、历史、建筑形式与人的心理感受等的关系,突破了现代建筑“功能主义”和“简洁主义”的教条。  相似文献   

本文全面分析了深圳大学图书馆馆舍大楼在馆舍选址与环境设计、设计思想与建筑模式、平面布局与内部美化等方面的成功经验,为现代化图书馆馆舍设计提供了一种可供借鉴的模式.  相似文献   

建筑,是人类文明的一个重要组成部分。图书馆则是文化建筑,在文明建筑中更占有重要位置。它与一个国家、一个民族的文化历史有着密切的联系。有人甚至把图书馆建筑物本身看作是文化艺术的象征。现就此谈如下四个问题。一、图书馆建筑形象的性格特点建筑内容赋予建筑形象一定的性格特点,这是建筑艺术审美价值的重要一面。第一、图书馆建筑形象应是一定时代、一定社会精神文明的概括反映。作为精神文明象征的文化建筑一座图书馆,是一个国家、地区、学校、科研机构或某个系统文化发展  相似文献   

林徽因是中国近代史上的一位才女,她的才华、美貌、经历、成就等赢得同时代文人、艺人的钦佩与惋惜。她在建筑方面的才华与成就使其成为中国第一位,也是最具有影响力的女性建筑家。  相似文献   

构建人与自然和谐相处的图书馆建筑   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
图书馆建筑的人文关怀,重要的是关注人在图书馆内活动的生理与心理需求。尊重自然,构建人与自然和谐相处的现代图书馆建筑,才能营造有益于人在其中健康愉悦地阅读、工作和交流的空间环境。为此要确立以人为本的现代图书馆建筑理念,兼顾读者和馆员的需要,为图书馆选定环境优雅的馆址,处理好自然环境与人造景观的关系,建造园林式图书馆,营造宜人的绿色空间,倡导绿色建筑。  相似文献   

台湾图书馆建设及其研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
李明华 《图书馆论坛》2001,20(1):52-54,19
台湾现代图书馆建筑有丰富的文化内涵和时代特色,开放性、多功能、广泛应用新技术;规划设计强调人文与科技相结合,专业馆员参与及图书馆建筑专家的作用。并重视对图书馆建筑理念及信息化网络化挑战的研究。  相似文献   

低能耗建筑是集合了低热能耗建筑及节水、低冷能耗的建筑。实现图书馆建筑的低能耗,地方政府要运用节能法规进行节能评估,决策者要重视图书馆建设前的节能定位,使用者要参与新馆建筑的全过程、增强主人翁意识,管理者要考虑图书馆建成后易管理性及维护成本,设计者的节能理念及在节能技术上的应用要与图书馆使用者沟通。  相似文献   

在人类文明史上,中国古代社会创造出灿烂辉煌的建筑文化,是值得炎黄子孙引以自豪的。中国传统建筑,在结构与构造、功能与审美上的完美结合,以其物质技术与思想艺术的高度统一,鲜明的民族特点与风格,在世界建筑史上独树一帜。  相似文献   

图书馆的室内环境构建是人与环境沟通的艺术。在强调功能的同时,又要考虑人的审美需要,满足人的心理要求。运用合理的照明技术手段和室内色彩设计,能引导人的行为,给工作、学习创造一个优美的环境。  相似文献   

文章首先对浏览器进行了概述,包括浏览器的构成、目前主流的浏览器及其历史等,提出了浏览器兼容性问题及其重要性.随后,分别使用Internet Explorer、Firefox及Opra这三个浏览器对图书馆学常用的12个围内及国外数据库的浏览器兼容性进行测试,包括CNKI、维普、万方、人大复印资料、超星、方正Apabi及LISTA、ARL、Emerald、Elsevier、Ebrary、JSTOR等.最后对测试结果进行分析并据此提出了一些改进建议.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(87-88):5-96

This introduction to Africana reference describes the populations of researchers, the kinds of questions they ask, and how librarians–both specialist and generalist–may respond. It explores issues in “known-item” searches, including name authority and access to material in collected works and series. Choices made by authors, publishers, indexers, librarians, and researchers themselves have an impact on topic searches. Terminology for African languages, ethnic groups, place names, and topics cause problems for novice researchers, but library policy decisions can also impede access. Errors of all kinds–minor or major–can block access to information. The speed of electronic desktop publishing seems to have encouraged reduced care with proofreading, indexing, and verification of quotations and citations. The need for accurate information about Africa is great, but the market for publications and electronic resources focused on Africa is relatively small. This low market share can result in less coverage of Africa in indexes and reference tools. Despite the difficulties encountered in researching Africa, researchers and the librarians who assist them benefit from the tools, services, and initiatives of specialist Africana librarians and from a number of commercially produced resources.  相似文献   

Bibliographic management tools have been widely used by researchers to store, organize, and manage their references for research papers, theses, dissertations, journal articles, and other publications. There are a number of reference management tools available. In order for users to decide which tool is best for their needs, it is important to know each tool's strengths and weaknesses. This article compares four reference management tools, one of which is licensed by University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey libraries and the other three are open source and freely available. They were chosen based on their functionality, ease of use, availability to library users, and popularity. These four tools are EndNote/EndNote Web, Zotero, Connotea, and Mendeley Desktop/Mendeley Web. Each tool is analyzed in terms of the following features: accessing, collecting, organizing, collaborating, and citing/formatting. A comparison table is included to summarize the key features of these tools.  相似文献   

图书馆自律规范是自发维护秩序的约束机制。文章利用直观的数据统计和可视化的知识图谱对中美图书馆自律规范文本进行定量分析,并对其在图书馆、图书馆员的"誓约"及其他配套规范方面的体系特征,其在自由人权与责任伦理、民主精神与仁义礼智、微观操作与宏观引导等方面文本视角特征,其在道德理念、图书馆权利、馆藏建设等方面的语义内容特征等3个方面的同异性进行定性比较,以有助于提升我国图书馆领域自律规范体系的建设水平。  相似文献   

This study investigated the nature of direct mail advertising, a commonly used but little studied form of political campaign communication. 715 brochures were content analyzed employing the Functional Theory of Political Campaign Discourse and Issue Ownership Theory. Acclaims were more common than attacks, which in turn were more frequent than defenses. Primary campaign pamphlets used more acclaims and fewer attacks than general campaign brochures. Democrats used more attacks and fewer acclaims than Republicans. In the general campaign, incumbent party candidates acclaimed more and attacked less than challengers. Incumbents were also prone to use past deeds to acclaim more, and attack less, than challengers. Incumbents tended to use future plans to acclaim more, and attack less, than challengers. Winners used more acclaims and fewer attacks than losers. Overall, direct mail brochures discussed policy more than character. Democrats discussed policy more and character less than Republicans. Democrats discussed Democratic issues more, and Republican issues less, than Republicans. Incumbent party candidates discussed policy more, and character less, than challengers. Winners discussed policy more, and character less, than losers. Winners attacked more on policy, and less on character, than losers. Similarities and differences between direct mail advertising and other message forms were discussed.  相似文献   

The United States’ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) operates over one hundred observing systems and numerical models providing information and forecasts about the planetary environment from the bottom of the ocean to the surface of the Sun. Collected NOAA data constitute an irreplaceable resource that must be well-documented, discoverable, accessible, and preserved for future use. Good data management should therefore be part of NOAA's core business practices, and employees and leadership should be aware of their roles and responsibilities in this arena. NOAA has developed an Environmental Data Management (EDM) Framework document that discusses Principles, Governance, Resources, Standards, Architecture, Assessment, and the Data Lifecycle, and which also enumerates specific recommendations. The NOAA EDM Committee has issued Directives pertaining to data management planning, archiving, data access, metadata, and other topics. A Data Catalog has been established, and a project to assign persistent, citable identifiers to archival data is well underway. Numerous groups at NOAA are performing technical work related to data access, usability, and preservation.

The purpose of this article is to describe these documents and activities in order to share our experiences and to provide guidance and encouragement for improved data management practices and processes at other organizations.  相似文献   


British translator and publisher of Russian technical literature Eugene Gros, evidently of Czech origin, collected over two thousand titles published in the Soviet Union from approximately 1945 to 1965. These books are now at Texas A&M University library, which introduced the books into the OCLC online union catalog from Library of Congress catalog cards while updating name entries, series, subject headings, and classification numbers. Publishers, notable authors, and titles in the Gros collection are surveyed, proceeding from power, mechanical and civil engineering, metallurgy and defense (e.g., aerospace and electrical engineering) to Academy of Sciences and popular publications on science and technology. Book title imagery and style are another perspective on the collection.  相似文献   


Advances in computing power have accelerated the growth of knowledge and created opportunities. However, the resulting tidal wave of information presents challenges, including vast quantity with varying quality. In higher education, curation offers one solution as librarians and faculty, as educators and researchers, increasingly curate knowledge for students, colleagues, and other stakeholders. Using integrative and systematic methods, the purpose of this literature review was to examine curation in education. This article presents major findings related to the panorama, perspective, people, product, place, purpose, and process of curation in education. We also discuss major themes including the changing and expanding landscape of curation from curating artifacts to content and data, from non-formal to formal learning contexts, from individual to collaborative curation, and the role of curation in education in bridging people, communities, and knowledge.  相似文献   


Digital technology and global economic trends present fundamental challenges to copyright law in the twenty-first century. On a practical level, librarians need to understand the particulars of current laws in order to make responsible decisions and to utilize to the fullest extent the possibilities that copyright law affords them in their missions. This article will identify the major copyright issues associated with library digital activities, and will discuss copyright protection in the digital environment of material originating in the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian nations. It covers use of Slavic and East European material in the U.S. in various contexts, including Internet activity, preservation and replacement, interlibrary loan, electronic reserves, classroom and educational use, text encoding, digitization of print and microform materials, and creation of digital content and databases.  相似文献   

Serials cancellations are dreaded equally by librarians and faculty. Previously, faculty reviewed title lists, and librarians canceled what they recommended. Today's cancellation process is more complex; there has to be a context and a timetable. Reports must include at least data about historical pricing and titles associated with e-packages that are not cancellable. Although libraries' workflows differ, there are basic steps necessary to carry out a successful cancellation process. This joint presentation demonstrated how integrated planning and the use of serials management tools are used to organize complex information into useable data. It takes early and collaborative planning between Collection Development, teaching faculty, and Serials Technical Services to make a dreaded process less painful and more effective. This tactics session was delivered in parts by Susanne Clement and Gaele Gillespie, Head of Collection Development and Serials Librarian, respectively, at Watson Library, University of Kansas, and by Sarah Tusa, Coordinator of Collection Development and Acquisitions at the Mary and John Gray Library, Lamar University.  相似文献   

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