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张翔 《新闻采编》2002,(1):18-19
“新闻”是新闻传播学的基本概念。 目前学术界关于新闻的定义有文字可查的,在100种以上,代表性的有“事实说”、“报道说”、“手段说”、“传播说”等。“新闻”到底是什么,随着时代的发展、社会的进步、科学的精密,人们迫切要求对“新闻”这一基本概念有一个清醒的认识、准确的定义。近年来,不少专家、学者在这方面做出了大胆  相似文献   

本文运用建构主义取向的知识社会学理论对中国新闻传播研究的自主性问题进行了理论分析.研究认为,包括新闻传播研究在内的社会科学自主性要求学者通过独立和反思性的研究,定义自身角色,承担道德和政治义务,以提出真问题、提供理解洞见的方式生产并推动学科的知识积累,并以此建构起与其他实践领域的合理关系.论文从问题意识的角度指出,自丰性研究要求新闻传播学者对自身与研究对象的关系、以及渗透在研究对象、知识工具和学科建制背后的各种价值,做彻底的质疑和反思.  相似文献   

本文考察了国内学者对新闻评论的"文体说"、"意见说"和"信息说"三种定义方式,认为新闻评论实质上是一种"三位一体"的存在,但其不同的定义方式有可能造成研究路径的差别。新闻评论研究应整合三种不同研究路径,吸收、借鉴不同研究取向的研究所得并加以深化,才能真正推动新闻评论研究的创新发展。  相似文献   

理解霍尔--从媒介功能和新闻真实性的角度看   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨击 《现代传播》2001,(3):19-23
霍尔是在英国文化研究(Culture Studies)的学统之内研究大众传媒的.霍尔把这种理论活动本身看做是一种政治实践,这和我国的党报理论的出发点是一致的.霍尔对主流传播理论的批判是从其不自觉的政治立场为切入点的.媒介的功能能够是什么和应该是什么是两个层面问题.对应该是什么这一问题的回答反映了不同的媒介理论的政治立场和价值诉求.霍尔视媒介产品为现实(reality)的建构而非实现的反映,因而诉诸事实性(factuality)的新闻真实性问题是一个伪问题.  相似文献   

关于新闻的定义,众说纷纭。西方新闻学研究分两大派:一是理论派,一是实用派。他们关于“什么是新闻”的说法有很大差距。理论派大都是学者、教授,他们在著述中对新闻定义的表述一般比较严谨。如美国新闻学者约斯特说:“新闻是已经发生或正在发生的事实的报道。”这与我国新闻界多数人公认的定义“新闻是新近发生的事实的报道”相近。理论派的其他说法主要有: “新闻是最近发生的,能引人兴味的事实。”——美国威斯康辛新闻学院教授布莱尔(又译白来耶) “新闻是任何及时的事实、意念或意见,它使  相似文献   

对三十多年来中国新闻改革所走过的路径进行描述并探讨其发展的动力机制,一直是新闻理论界所持续关注的宏大的理论命题,本土学者和海外学者都做出了极大的阐释努力并形成了三种解释范型:观念引导说;政经博弈说和边缘突破说.当下新闻实践中的大众化--主流化发展路径也正呼唤着新的解释范型的建构.  相似文献   

在学术界,关于“新闻”这一概念的定义,一直争论不休,莫衷一是。凡新闻学著作,当涉及到新闻的定义时,必列举出一排国内外学界名人名家的有代表性的新闻定义来,以供学者参考或作进一步探讨之资,凡此种种,令人喜忧参半。喜者,“百家争鸣”,会进一步推进新闻学理论的研究,使其日臻完善;忧者,“百花齐放”,倘若如此长久下去,也会不利于学者对新闻理论新闻业务等诸多方面作更深、更全面的求索。面对此情此景,不知学界同仁作何感想?!自1948年现代信息概念正式诞生以来,信息论作为一门新兴学科,很快地成长发展,被广泛地应…  相似文献   

刘丽晖 《新闻窗》2010,(5):59-60
近几年来,新闻理论研究又进入了一个较为活跃的时期。对新闻理论的研究和探讨在范围上越来越广,在程度上越来越深,对新闻的各个方面进行了新一轮的论述。许多学者认为,陈旧的常识阻碍了新闻领域的探索和更新,要抗拒因此造成的思维萎缩,则必须对以往新闻学体系中的新闻定义。新闻价值.新闻真实性,新闻自由,新闻批评等领域进行全新的研究和定位。  相似文献   

随着新闻理论的发展,学者们纷纷开始寻求新角度来重新认识新闻的定义。俄罗斯文艺理论家巴赫金提出的对话理论也被应用到新闻研究中,为新闻研究者理解新闻传播提供了一个新的视角。巴赫金曾认为对话是人类进行交往和生存的最基本条件。传播究其本质而言就是对话,传播只有在对话中才能达到效果的最大化。  相似文献   

何畅 《新闻世界》2013,(5):297-298
在新闻传播发展的历史过程中,葛兰西、阿尔都塞、霍尔及费斯克都是为人所熟知的名字,他们以其著作和经典理论闻名于世。文化霸权、编码解码、大众文化等理论更是耳熟能详。文化研究学派学者为新闻传播学科作出了重大的理论贡献,为后世的研究提供了重要范本。因此,研究他们的理论及其之间的相关性,对于了解文化研究学派学者的学说及演变具有重要的意义,同时也对解释当代新闻传播领域中的现象具有深远的现实意义。  相似文献   

Thai women who want to participate in politics find that one of the obstacles they face is the representation created by mass media, especially vernacular newspapers. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the conflict in the representation of a woman politician in Thailand. The study focuses on news reports relating to Khunying Sudarat Keyuraphan, currently the Minister of Agriculture and Agriculture Cooperatives of Thailand. The news reports from the two largest-circulated local newspapers in Thailand were analyzed to highlight the representation created for Sudarat, and her response strategy. The analysis showed the representational dilemma Sudarat faced to which she creatively responded yet found herself on the losing side.  相似文献   

A scene is proposed as the unit of analysis in broadcast news studies as a way to measure a more accurate representation of perspectives and arguments of a story. Based on film studies, a scene is defined as a unit that represents continuity in time, place, character, ideas, or themes in a news story. The role of a scene in a news story is analyzed by examining how the position, length, and proportion of a scene frame and valence are related to story frame and valence.  相似文献   

This study analyzes how a female candidate was presented in the news media and on her campaign website, in order to compare the politics of gender representation in news coverage and campaign communication. Content analysis of news coverage of a Korean female candidate and the candidate's website shows that the female candidate was differently portrayed in the two media in presentations of personal trait frames, the linkage between issues and personal traits, and other gender-related characteristics, although the quantity of issue frames did not differ significantly. The findings suggest that although the news coverage still tends to reinforce gender stereotypes regarding a female candidate, the candidate used or articulated gender identities in her campaign website to oppose framing stereotypes in the traditional news media.  相似文献   

The Internet continues to grow as an information and entertainment medium. Internet growth has implications for the news industry. Twenty-four hour news networks such as CNN and MSNBC regularly encourage viewers of their television programs to visit their Web sites. While visiting news Web sites, visitors are invited to participate in opinion polls. Unfortunately, these online opinion polls are not scientific and have little real news value. In spite of these limitations, news Web sites' Internet polls are often treated as serious topics in broadcast news discussions. This article examines media organizations' Internet online polls and critiques them as instances of symbolic representation and pseudo-events that have arisen largely out of the integration of print, broadcast, and Internet media.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(9):1042-1056

On television news, exemplification is almost inevitable, as newscast cannot represent reality but through a particular object that is caught on camera: the only way to signify something abstract on television is precisely through a concrete particularity. The present study analyzes the main stories in a sample of national broadcast news in Chile, where broadcast news remains the most important source of information. Based on a content analysis, results show that particular case reports are widespread in Chilean television news, especially in hard news stories about the economy and crime. They also further evidence on the homogenization of television coverage between commercially run private and public broadcasters. Findings are linked to past research in the Latin American theoretical tradition that underscores the relevance of vivid and emotional representation on television.  相似文献   

Interviews with the ordinary man or woman on the street are omnipresent in television news. These vox pop interviews are used to represent the general public in the news. Several editorial and practical guidelines exist about the characteristics of a “good” vox pop. But what characteristics do journalists search for in vox pops in practice? This study answers this question by looking at visual and contextual characteristics of vox pop interviews as a means to gain a better understanding of which vox pops appear in the news as a representation of the entire population. We conducted a content analysis of 2000 vox pop interviews in Flanders, Belgium’s Dutch-speaking region, supplemented by interviews with television journalists. We find that, despite editorial guidelines to do so, journalists hardly ever contextualize vox pop interviews by clarifying that they are not necessarily a good representation of the entire population. The results show that journalists select vox pops which are representative of age and gender, but not of minority groups such as ethnic-cultural minorities and people with disabilities. In some regards, vox pops thus provide a biased representation of the population and might influence the public to make wrongful generalizations about public opinion.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(9):1075-1090

The initiation of economic reforms in the 1990s led to major recastings in the media-state-market relationship in India. Looking specifically at the television news media space, the age-old monopoly of the state broadcaster Doordarshan was challenged by the mushrooming of a host of private television news media. Private participation in the television news sector was in sync with the logic of market capitalism. Market-based news model radically altered the nature of production, representation and consumption of news. This paper makes an inquiry into one such predominant aspect of news production, the ascendancy of views/opinion based prime time programming in television news media, in contemporary India. Through a series of semi-structured interviews with journalists, the paper attempts to make sense of the reasons, the nature and significance and the likely impact of such programming on the nature of public discourse in India.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):476-491
This study focuses on how interviewees' utterances are used as resources in news production processes. We examine how these communicative units, here labelled “interview bites”, are integrated in every major aspect of the news production process as well as in the presentation of news reports. Basically, we argue that an interview bite operates in three distinct ways, as (1) a format, (2) a mental representation, and (3) an artefact. Although we claim that it has these different functions, the three dimensions interact and collectively work as powerful motivations for the choices made by reporters throughout the news production process. The data are gathered from field observations of Swedish reporters' work at a major news desk and from in-depth reporter interviews. Theoretically, the study re-visits Clayman's (1995) considerations for enhancing quotability: narrative relevance, conspicuousness and extractability. While maintaining these three basic cornerstones of what makes certain statements quote-worthy, a re-definition of the rationale behind each consideration is needed in order to make them relevant for our understanding of everyday news production practices.  相似文献   

Commenters have expressed concern over media content related to military veterans, saying journalists fail to provide the public with an accurate understanding of what it means to be a veteran. Nevertheless, few studies have examined the representation of veterans in news media content. The present study analyzed 740 photographs shared by regional news outlets on the popular social media platform Twitter. Coders documented the representation of veteran groups (gender, race, and service period) and stereotypes concerning veterans (homelessness, charity, and trauma) in the images. Results showed that the photographs rarely communicated stereotypes about veterans. Photographs overrepresented female veterans, although male veterans remained the significant majority. Minority veterans were underrepresented. Photographs most often contained images associated with World War II.  相似文献   

This article seeks to critically re-open the closed structure of news coverage of ethnic minorities by proposing a dialogical model of representation, which evokes mutual understanding across differences through well-crafted narratives of minority experiences. Informed by Mikhail Bakhtin and Charles Taylor, it explores the notion of “dialogue” within journalistic narratives and delineates two dialogical approaches, namely the evaluative articulation of moral values and the polyphonic incorporation of different voices. The former suggests that journalists should employ nuanced languages to situate ethnic minorities’ aspirations and experiences in a common “horizon of significance”. The latter challenges the hegemonic monologue of an ostensibly objective narration and accentuates the manifold voices from ordinary people, urging the journalists to rethink their positionality as narrators. Two cases are analyzed to reveal how the dialogic representation can be realized in news reporting, calling for a transition from “ethics of inarticulacy” to ethics of care in journalism practices.  相似文献   

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