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土耳其是在伟大的十月社会主义革命的影响之下,首先掀起民族解放运动的国家之一.十月革命中诞生的苏维埃国家,引起了土耳其人民群众的深刻同情.苏联政府放弃了对土耳其领土的一切侵害,放弃了沙皇政府在不平等条约(特权条约制度)的基础上所获得的损害土耳其人民利益的经济和法律的权益.苏联政府公布了沙皇俄国同英、法、意关于瓜分土耳其的密约,揭穿了协约国的侵略计划.  相似文献   
Associations between antenatal maternal anxiety, measured with the State Trait Anxiety Inventory, and disorders in 8- and 9-year-olds were studied prospectively in 71 normal mothers and their 72 firstborns. Clinical scales were completed by the mother, the child, the teacher, and an external observer. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that maternal state anxiety during pregnancy explained 22%, 15%, and 9% of the variance in cross-situational attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms, externalizing problems, and self-report anxiety, respectively, even after controlling for child's gender, parents' educational level, smoking during pregnancy, birth weight, and postnatal maternal anxiety. Anxiety at 12 to 22 weeks postmenstrual age turned out to be a significant independent predictor whereas anxiety at 32 to 40 weeks was not. Results are consistent with a fetal programming hypothesis.  相似文献   
哈尔科夫州科罗马克区维索科坡尔学校教师Д·科瓦尔致函本刊(指苏联"历史教学"杂志,下同.——译者)编辑部说,历史教师回答问题:为什么一定要学习历史?比起数学、物理、化学、外语教师回答同类的问题,要困难一些,因为后几门功课的实用性质很明显.由此,科瓦尔同志请求本刊阐明学校中学习历史的意义,并引证马克思列宁主义经典作家和其它杰出思想家对作为一门科学的历史的意义所发表的意见.  相似文献   
参观学习是幼儿园之间经常进行的、大家都感兴趣的活动。特别是到幼教事业发达的地区、到先进的幼儿园去参观学习,更是大家心所向往,竞相争取的。可以肯定,这些参观活动对传播信息、开阔视野、交流经验、互相学习起到了积极的作用。   本文在此想和大家共同讨论的是有关参观的一些更为深刻的问题:如何使参观活动对促进幼教改革和教育质量的提高起到更好更大的作用 ?在我们参观学习中还有哪些不足之处 ?参观时看什么、怎样看才能进一步提高参观学习的质量 ?  我认为在以往的参观活动中较普遍存在如下现象:   1.看集体教学活动多…  相似文献   
Sixty females and 60 males between 10 and 15 years of age were interviewed about difficulties in current and past close same-sex friendships. Based on prior studies, it was hypothesized that females' closest same-sex friendships would be more fragile than those of males. Analyses comparing only the closest same-sex friendship of the two sexes demonstrated that females' current friendships were of a shorter duration, that females were more distressed than males when imagining the potential termination of their friendships, that more females' than males' friends already had done something to hurt the friendship, and that females had more former friendships that had ended than males had. Possible reasons are discussed for the greater vulnerability of this type of relationship for females.  相似文献   
A developmental model of subjective group dynamics suggests that social identity is sustained first by intergroup biases and later by intragroup biases. In this study 476 English children 5 to 11 years old evaluated the English and German soccer teams, and judged in-group or out-group members whose attitudes toward the teams was normative versus antinormative. Children of all ages expressed intergroup bias. Differential evaluation against in-group deviants and in favor of out-group deviants strengthened with age. Understanding of targets' relative acceptability (differential inclusion) among in-group and out-group members mediated the effects of age and intergroup bias on intragroup bias. Identification with the in-group moderated the effects only among older children.  相似文献   
近年来,无论电影还是电视剧,其中历史题材的片子占了相当大的比例,可谓建国以来创作最丰盛的时期,同时产生了诸如《鸦片战争》、《大决战》、《大进军》等巨作,同时也存在不少问题,本刊特约记者为此专程采访了著名文学评论家孙琴安先生。历史影视片应当尊重历史O记者:1997年,谢晋执导的历史巨片《鸦片战争》在香港回归之际与观众见面,十分火爆,不知您看后觉得怎么样?孙琴安:我看了以后觉得很好,基本上符合历史真实。在未看之前,我曾担心此片为迎合香港回归这一重大政治事件而变得政治色彩过浓或庸俗化,从而与《林则徐》…  相似文献   
家访是班级工作不可缺少的一个组成部分,它可以使教师更深入地了解幼儿在家园不同生活环境中的表现和特征。但要使家访工作对解决教育工作中存在的实际问题起到积极的作用,还要求教师掌握一定的家访艺术,即通常要经历“三步曲”:一步曲:确定目的,充分准备。根据其目的不同,家访可分为新生家访、特殊幼儿家访、突发事件家访等不同类型,教师必须要明确每次家访的目的,做好充分的准备。比如新生入园家访,教师可预先设计有关幼儿身体发育、智力发展、兴趣、习惯等方面的调查表请家长填写;如果是针对个别幼儿特殊情况的家访,则需要事先对具体情况…  相似文献   
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