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就像"肯尼迪"这个在美国政治圈影响力非凡的姓氏,冠上"科波拉"的名号在电影圈行走,别人会不自觉地对你肃然起敬。索菲娅·科波拉是好莱坞"任人唯亲"的受益者。索菲娅早年在父亲的电影中皆有出场表演机会,那些让多少人争得头破血流的机会,她唾手可得。她不缺乏机会、贵人、名利和奉承,但她需要真正意义上的认可和赞美。所以,她努力过,尝试过,摔倒过,思考过,终于,在导演这条路上,她找到了自己一直需要的如鱼得水和刮目相看。她的导演风格与父亲的恢弘大气完全不同,她喜欢小情调、小地方,她热衷于用女性的细腻捕捉那些生活中的曲调和故事,直戳观众的心窝。  相似文献   
在纳什维尔一个冰冷的二月天,斯威夫特在SIR录音室为其进行中的47城巡回演唱会进行排练,宣传自己的专辑《红》(2012)。她当时正漫不经心地弹着一把镶着珍珠母的泰勒吉他,那是她最钟爱的品牌。斯威夫特擅长写很好听的流行歌曲,这些歌余音袅袅,萦绕你心头就像是棒棒糖粘在你的头发上一样。她的嗓音有时会为人诟病,因为纤细单薄,但是听着很甜美优雅,还带着那么点乡村鼻音。斯威夫特在自己的录影带中塑造笨拙可爱的形象,通常在其中她扮演不  相似文献   
Research on masculinity has become an important area of gender and education that includes a wide range of empirical concerns and theoretical approaches. This article identifies a number of studies that are asking questions about the conceptual usefulness of masculinity within educational contexts. The first section explores how educational researchers are beginning to suggest alternative ways that hegemonic masculinity may be configured. The second section draws upon work that interrogates the disconnection of gender from sex. Such work considers the importance of understanding schooling worlds through an untethering of gender categories from physical bodies. The third section suggests the possibility of a post-masculinity position by exploring research that questions the viability of masculinity as a conceptual frame to understand gender. In conclusion, the paper argues that such developments can be used heuristically to inform the critical reflexiveness of future research in the area.  相似文献   
College-bound recipients of DACA—a 2012?US administrative policy officially titled Consideration for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals—face a series of administrative and financial barriers in pursuing postsecondary education. These barriers often include a complicated process for in-state tuition consideration, as well as exclusion from the majority of educational subsidies. This research sheds new light on DACA students’ own understanding of their financial exclusions and the often ingenious methods they use to finance higher education. The research employs critical race theory/LatCrit frameworks to examine the structural systems of exclusion within educational policies and the corresponding measures taken by DACA recipient students in Ohio to overcome them. Participants’ testimonios highlight their own resilience in the face of multiple obstacles, dispel notions of meritocracy in higher education, and educate institutional agents about funding inequities in an effort to rectify them. This work finds, in response to the barriers they face, many DACA recipients in Ohio find a variety of unconventional ways to navigate a complex admissions process and secure a means of paying entirely out of pocket for their tuition. Participants in this longitudinal, qualitative research refer to these navigational strategies as participating in “the scheme game.” The scheme game consists of 3 overlapping practices: “grindin’,” “hustlin’,” and “schemin’.” Rooted in hip-hop, these terms originally refer to the ways Black, Brown, and immigrant communities navigate the barriers of a formal economy and participate in an informal economy to financially sustain themselves. Additionally, the research introduces the scheme game as a new epistemological perspective from which to understand the measures some DACA students take to afford a higher education.  相似文献   
略显苍白的面容,偏厚的嘴唇,脸上布满了细小的雀斑,埃迪·雷德梅尼的长相说不上英俊帅气,但是在他过硬的演技和独特气质的衬托下,这些特点反而成就了他的独特魅力。凭借在《万物理论》中的出色表演,埃迪·雷德梅尼横扫奥斯卡、金球奖和美国演员工会奖等多项大奖,年纪轻羟便斩获影帝头衔。然而,看过《万物理论》的人都不会对这个结果感到诧异,埃迪·雷德梅尼在其中的表现实在可圈可点,就连霍金本人及其前妻简·怀尔德都给予了极高的评价。俗话说得好,台上一分钟,台下十年功。为了演好霍金这个角色,埃迪·雷德梅尼付出了许多心力,就让我们来看看  相似文献   
For the first time in more than four decades, Central and EastEuropeans can openly voice their opinion about everything fromthe price of bread to the performance of the government. Publicopinion has become a dynamic factor in the decision-making processof the new governments of Hungary, Poland, and Czechoslovakiaand will play an important role in determining what kind ofpost-communist societies develop in these countries. In an effortto explore public sentiment about what kind of society theywant to develop, we analyze results from 14 nationwide, representativepublic opinion polls commissioned by the United States InformationAgency's Office of Research between June 1989 and January 1992in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. After tracing trendsin public opinion over this period, we look at some aspectsof the political culture in these countries. We then reporton our preliminary attempts to understand the determinants ofindividual preferences for either a society that emphasizesindividual freedom and responsibility (‘individual opportunities’society) or one in which the state assumes responsibility forassuring public welfare (‘state guarantees’ society).  相似文献   
我更喜欢称本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇为"卷福",因为这里面代表了影迷对他以及这个角色的喜爱,而这个角色也必定是他演艺生涯的一个重要注脚。你看他那种略带神经质的表演会禁不住疑问:他本人是这样的吗?如果不是,为什么能把这个角色演绎得如此惟妙惟肖?康伯巴奇出生演艺世家,名校出身,一直得到不同程度的锤炼和赏识。如果你以为"卷福"之前的康伯巴奇一事无成、籍籍无名,那你就错了,他在舞台剧、电视剧以及电影都有作为,所以他可以在名利突然而至的时候不至于失态,可以在所谓的"无名小卒"时期不至于变态。他在健全人格形成之前并没有在名利  相似文献   
Professor Aguirre’s essay provides a strong argument for his thesis that the academy robs Chicana/o scholars of their presence and voice. However, he does not share much on how successful the agency of these scholars has been in opening the space needed for that presence, and what gains there have been in expressing their voice. The author reviews his commentary and concerns with Chicano Studies and provides additional information on the history and current status of the field. It seems that the numbers and distribution of Chicana/o Studies units, faculty and courses signal some measure of success, even while struggles for legitimacy and acceptability continue.  相似文献   
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