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柏桦的长诗《水绘仙侣》通过明末遗民冒辟疆与名妓董小宛婚后在江南水绘园中闲雅、安详的家居生活的描写,旁涉文人雅集、宗教实践,乃至离乱、疾病与死亡,从而为读者呈现了一种理想的生活方式;同时,长诗也通过水绘园这一理想世界的构建,强调了中国文化传统中一种"逸乐"的文学观、价值观,表现出当代诗人在全球化视域下对于本民族文化的丰富理解,以及重构中国新诗文化身份的自觉努力。  相似文献   
拉毛 《青海师专学报》2010,30(2):97-100
司法文书课已被我国各类高等法律院校列为法律专业的一门必修课程。它的教学任务在于以写作的基本规律为指导,遵循法律的有关要求,培养学生具有法律专业性质的应用写作能力。民族高等院校司法文书的教学应注重结合自身特点与实际情况,抓住少数民族学生学习文书写作课的重点和难点,采纳讲、练、评“三步走”的教学步骤,把学生的练习和教师对学生习作的讲评作为重点,改革教学方法,以达到培养高层次复合型民族法律人才的目的。  相似文献   
LA  SKY 《当代体育》2011,(20):70-71
"在季后赛里,谁更能说垃圾话,谁就更能赢球,"球员X说。"当然,那个叫KG的家伙除外。"球员X是NBA的匿名球星,文章取自他的专栏。这两年的季后赛,已经很少再出现能够流行的垃圾话了,至于那些摄魂幽默、绕梁三日的辛辣争辩,更是想都别想。是  相似文献   
LA 《当代体育》2011,(12):60-63
现实总是充满荆棘和残酷,NBA就是一个江湖,在这里湿了鞋的每一个成员,从第一天起就做好了遭遇种种突发事件的准备,包括最有可能出现的背叛。杰拉德·华莱士为山猫效力了七年,正应了中国那句老话"七年之痒",于是,曾经的"猫王"也遭遇了背叛。  相似文献   
This paper aims to show how the Goffman frame perspective can be used in an analysis of school and education and how it can be combined, in such analysis, with the frame factor perspective. The latter emphasizes factors that are determined outside the teaching process, while the former stresses how actors organize their experiences and define shared situations. In this light, an analysis of framing of and in Swedish compulsory school, based on governing documents, is carried out. Since the frame factors are contradictory, different possibilities to frame school in the Goffmanian sense present themselves to the school actors. In spite of frame factors, school can be framed in different and inconstant ways, for example, as an institution, an organization, a movement, or a seminar. Such nuance shifts show different dynamics of social interaction in school and can be used to understand variations between and within schools.  相似文献   
Past research found a negative impact of Internet use on psychological well-being of young adults. This finding conflicted with the emerging literature on Internet use among older adults, which usually suggested positive effects. The goals of the current research were a) to examine age differences in psychological well-being, b) to study the impact of Internet use on psychological well-being of young and older adults, and c) to explore group differences between older Internet users and nonusers of psychological well-being and personal characteristics. Three hundred and ninety-six young and older adults completed a survey on internet use and psychological well-being. Young and older adults were found to differ on dimensions of psychological well-being. In addition, older Internet users were more positive than non-users concerning psychological well-being and personal characteristics.  相似文献   
随着我国科教兴国战略的提出,全面实现教育现代化成为当务之急,要实现教育现代化则务必要加强教育信息化建设,因此教育信息化成为了衡量一个地区教育现代化的重要指标.基于当下十堰地区教育信息化过程中的实际情况,通过分析所存在的问题基础上,对十堰地区教育信息化工作提出具有现实意义的参考性建议.  相似文献   
思想政治教育学作为一门独立的学科形成以来,思想政治教育管理问题就引起了广大思想政治教育者的高度重视,对其研究也逐渐形成体系,文章对其研究进行一定的梳理,在原有的基础上提出一些研究思路,以供参考。  相似文献   
徐菲菲  剌利青  Feng Ye 《资源科学》2018,40(7):1483-1493
随着Web2.0技术的发展,网络文本已成为目的地形象研究的重要数据来源。本文选取南京作为案例地,以马蜂窝游客对南京的10 077条在线评论文本为数据,运用网络大数据文本挖掘法、词频统计法和共现网络法,分析得出目的地形象维度重要性存在差异,旅游吸引物是第一层次,公共基础设施是第二层次,休闲和娱乐、旅游环境和地方氛围是第三层次,旅游基础设施是第四层次。其次,南京感知形象中突出的认知成分源于旅游吸引物和公共基础设施维度的感知,而情感形象为正面,并产生了一定的意动形象,形成了网络口碑效应。此外,南京整体形象主要源于旅游吸引物和公共基础设施维度的感知,进一步验证了感知维度的重要性存在差异。本文验证了旅游形象的相关理论,丰富了旅游大数据研究方法,并可为南京旅游形象建设和发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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