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Q博士:我想给贵刊提个建议:在杂志的页脚处不一定都得登脑筋急转弯呀,还可以登些课外小知识,或者是没被选中的稿子中的精彩句子,  相似文献   
“一个人的青年永远属于他正年轻的年代,一个人的老去也永远属于他正在朽腐的年代。”十年生死两茫茫,不思量自难忘,十年,你不属于我我也不属于你,这世道谁和谁都不是永恒的朋友。一个朋友曾经跟我认真地说,所有的忠诚都期待回报。没错,从1996到2006,十年的光阴飞逝而过,阿伦·艾弗森坐在宾西法尼亚州费城某个酒吧的角落里,品味着那些曾经的岁月,曾经的故事,曾经的青春,曾经的篮球,曾经的这座城市以及曾经的76队,R&B或者HIP-  相似文献   
企鹅老博士:您好!夏天我们一家在院子里乘凉,突然飞来几只萤火虫,它们带着闪烁的光亮飞向高空中,我想问您萤火虫为什么会发光呢? 山东省枣庄市立新小学四年级二班孙一鸣  相似文献   
Resistin, a newly discovered peptide hormone mainly secreted by adipose tissues, is present at high levels in serum of obese mice and may be a potential link between obesity and insulin resistance in rodents. However, some studies of rat and mouse models have associated insulin resistance and obesity with decreased resistin expression. In humans, no relationship between resistin level and insulin resistance or adiposity was observed. This suggests that additional studies are necessary to determine the specific role of resistin in the regulation of energy metabolism and adipogenesis. In the present study, we investigated the effect of resistin in vivo on glucose and lipid metabolism by over-expressing resistin in mice by intramuscular injection of a recombinant eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3.1-Retn encoding porcine resistin gene. After injection, serum resistin and serum glucose (GLU) levels were significantly increased in the pcDNA3.1-Retn-treated mice; there was an obvious difference in total cholesterol (TC) level between the experiment and the control groups on Day 30. In pcDNA3.1-Retn-treated mice, both free fatty acid (FFA) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels were markedly lower than those of control, whereas HDL cholesterol and triglyceride (TG) levels did not differ between the two groups. Furthermore, lipase activity was expressly lower on Day 20. Our data suggest that resistin over-expressed in mice might be responsible for insulin resistance and parameters related to glucose and lipid metabolism were changed accordingly.  相似文献   
The relations of observed parental warmth and positive expressivity and children's effortful control and ego control with children's high versus low emotional expressivity were examined in a 2-wave study of 180 children (M age = 112.8 months). There were quadratic relations between adults' reports of children's emotional expressivity and effortful control; moderate expressivity was associated with high effortful control. Structural equation models supported the hypothesis that children's ego overcontrol (versus undercontrol) mediated the relation between parental warmth or positive expressivity and children's emotional expressivity, although parenting at the follow-up did not uniquely predict in children's expressivity after controlling for the relations in these constructs over time. The alternative hypothesis that children's ego overcontrol elicited positive parenting and expressivity also was supported.  相似文献   
铁丝网是这样得来的约瑟夫在加利福尼亚州的一个牧场里当牧羊童时,他一边放羊,一边看书。但当约瑟夫埋头读书时,牲口却常常撞倒用木桩和铁丝围成的放牧栅栏,成群地跑到附近的田里去偷吃庄稼。每次发生这种事时,老板就冲着约瑟夫咆哮:“混蛋!放羊要什么学问!把书丢掉,好好看着羊!”  相似文献   
从前,有一个自私的王子,他让人修了一座游乐场.却不让任何人进人 这里是我一个人的,不许其他人来玩!王子开心地在空荡荡的游乐场里玩耍。游乐场的大门紧紧地关着。天空听不到 笑声,花儿 看不到快乐游乐场是的人们,所聚集快乐以他们都不的地方,你开心了。却把大家都赶走了。于是,游乐场热闹起来。天空不再伤心,花儿也绽放出了笑脸。王子和朋友们开心地玩耍着。王子游园记@小Q  相似文献   
乌贼又叫墨鱼,它与章鱼虽然都和“鱼”沾 边,但它们的确不是鱼类而是软体动物,是没有贝 壳的海贝。 乌贼有一种特殊的自卫本领,遇到敌害时,能 迅速喷出“墨汁”,在黑色烟幕掩护下乘机逃跑。大 的乌贼有18米长,3万公斤重,能打败大鲸。小船遇到它都十分危 险。 章鱼有八只脚,它的每只脚上布满着 数以百计的有很强吸引力的吸盘。它爱躲 在岩石缝里,睡觉时两只脚“值班”警戒, 一旦有动静,立刻通知躯体醒来。章鱼进 攻敌人有两招:第一招是用它柔软而富有 弹性的脚把敌人“吸”住;第二招是在迫不 得已的情况下,向敌人喷射出少…  相似文献   
据说女人双腿最美的节季是 18岁~23岁,因为双腿在这时能呈现出最美的曲线。这一说法客观上有些道理,20岁的女性已发育成熟,腿部显得丰满、颀长.浑圆、紧绷、可过几年结婚、怀孕,生了孩子后双腿顿显韶华尽褪,往日的风采荡然无存,让人一眼就看出生育过的印痕。在寒冷季节,这些你尚可借大衣长裤遮掩,在夏天就难免要原形毕露了。怎么办呢?  相似文献   
最近很多同学写信给大博士,向我倾诉他们内心的烦恼寻求帮助。要知道,迈向人生的漫漫长途。谁都不可能一帆风顺。面对前方的艰难险阻,什么才是我们最强有力的武器呢?先听我讲两个故事吧。  相似文献   
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