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The researchers investigated the effect of the Reread-Adapt and Answer-Comprehend intervention (Therrien, Gormley, & Kubina, 2006) on the reading fluency and achievement of d/Deaf and hard of hearing elementary-level students. Children in the third, fifth, and sixth grades at a state school for d/Deaf and hard of hearing students received a fluency intervention that was supplemental to their regular reading instruction. Significant improvement was found on a generalized measure of reading fluency after intervention. Though the researchers found no significant improvement in performance on a generalized measure of comprehension after intervention, the students demonstrated consistently good comprehension on both literal and inferential questions during the intervention sessions. The findings support the importance of incorporating a comprehension monitoring strategy in fluency instruction.  相似文献   
Effect sizes are powerful tools for evaluating the practical importance of study findings that should be considered in the context of study characteristics such as participants, dependent variables, and comparison condition. In this article, we discuss how group‐difference effect sizes are used to gauge the practical importance of group experimental studies. We first define different types of group‐difference effect sizes and discuss how they can provide valuable information for research consumers. Second, we present guidelines for interpreting group‐difference effect sizes. Third, we discuss important contextual variables that should be taken into account when interpreting group‐difference effect sizes reported in the literature. Last, we provide two examples of how group‐difference effect sizes have been used in the learning disabilities research base.  相似文献   
同学们喜欢吃饺子吗?饺子是我们国家历史悠久的民间美食之一。在很多地方,除夕守岁吃饺子是任何山珍海味都无法替代的传统。但是这个传统从何而来,是谁第一个做出了饺子呢?我们一起来从传说中寻找答案吧!  相似文献   
《少年维特的烦恼》是第一部让歌德在德国几乎一夜成名的小说。本书1774年秋天在莱比锡书籍展览会上面世,并在那里成了杨销书。由此而来的成功给歌德的一生带来了名誉和财富。歌德(1749—1832)是德国近代杰出的诗人、作家和思想家。世人公认他是继但丁和莎士比亚之后西  相似文献   
关于邻居的概念,于我而言,更多的是有关童年和少年时的回忆。或许很多人有着与我相似的人生轨迹:童年和少年时期享受着亲密、欢乐的邻里生活;求学时期的后半段离开故土,"邻居"的身份是与"室友"合二为一的;工作后,作为一个"异乡人","邻居"两个字显得最为淡薄,它代表着不同居所里一扇扇紧锁的门,没有感情色彩,拒人于千里。如今,在这个城市安了家,左邻右里,一边是新搬来的租户,一边是一户偶尔住上两三天的人家,还有一户因为刚刚换了"学位房"而搬走了,当然,楼道里更多的是几年来连头也没点过的陌生人。很多时候,走出电梯,看到那一扇比一扇扎实的大铁门,我心中总会泛起一种焦虑,仿佛自己依然是这个城市里多余的"入侵者"。人们总说,儿时的记忆是最深刻的,感受亦然。或许终有一天,我们还能找回一个地方,大家都敞开着大门,等待邻居们一一探索……  相似文献   
我认为下午五点就该放下工作了。在一个严格奉行新教工作道德的国家,这种信念可算是太激进。每周只工作四十小时?我已经看不到有多少人还会在五点钟就打卡下班了。这种事情看起来完全是古旧怪异,与过时的怀表和鞋油无异。我的父亲曾试图教育我勤奋工作、多花时间以及献身事业的重要性。但后来,他却在无意中教会我一些道理,例如在他最后一次下班回家爬上楼梯的时候。  相似文献   
This paper describes the development and formative evaluation of a computer-assisted tutoring program to help students who experience problems learning to read. Based on a combination of social constructivist and behavioral theories, this program addresses the cost and quality issues associated with delivering high quality, cost-effective tutoring. Initial feedback on the beta version of the program provides support for developing a program designed with “just in time” support for tutors and interactive activities for tutees based on material that students are struggling with in their reading class.  相似文献   
The importance of publishing studies with null findings to the scientific enterprise is garnering attention in social science at large and education in particular. In this article, we first define null findings and publication bias as they relate to group and single‐subject instructional intervention research. We then explore the prevalence of instructional intervention studies that report null findings in the learning disabilities literature. Overall, we found that few studies have been published in learning disability journals that reported all null results. However, a significant number of group studies reported mixed findings (i.e., at least one, but not all, outcome measures were not statistically significant). Next, we summarize the experimental studies that comprise this special issue on null findings. Last, we speculate regarding strategies that might be enacted to increase the publication of studies with null findings in the learning disabilities field.  相似文献   
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