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德国综合性大学"双元制"模式与我国本科阶段"卓越计划"模式在培养层次、培养目标、培养方式上有相当程度的类似性。德国综合性大学"双元制"模式的实施机制可以概括为:"政府搭台,学校、企业、行业协会、学生四角唱戏"。我国的"卓越计划"可以借鉴德国综合性大学"双元制"的经验,加强顶层设计,强化"培养标准"的刚性;强化实施环节,改变参与企业的附属地位;实行双向选择,增加学生选择的自由度;改革考核评价方式,强化质量把关。  相似文献   
分析CDIO工程教育模式的人本主义哲学基础,结合现代教育理论,提出实施"卓越工程师"教育试点的基本途径。  相似文献   
卓越绩效模式下的图书馆馆长领导力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆馆长领导力有两个基本要求:领导决策要求,即确立正确的使命、愿景和价值观;领导能力要求,即构建一个完整的管理体系,促成目标的实现。卓越绩效模式能够提升图书馆馆长领导力,推动图书馆事业的可持续发展。卓越绩效模式下的图书馆馆长要以人为本,准确定位并适时调整本馆的使命、愿景和价值观,建立完善的过程管理系统,建立图书馆与利益相关方之间的有效沟通渠道并协调好他们之间的关系。  相似文献   
新世纪日本的高等教育改革的重要特点之一就是加强建设高水平科研基地,培养具有国际竞争力、具有创新能力的人才。该特点集中体现在"21世纪卓越科研基地计划"这一政策中。本文主要介绍了"21世纪卓越科研基地计划"主要内容,分析其出台的背景,特点、影响以及存在的问题。  相似文献   
This paper critically examines the framing of historical knowledge in the primary and ‘broad general education’ phases (ages 4–14) of Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence. The paper focuses on curriculum documentation, particularly the curriculum's aims and ‘Experiences and Outcomes’ and evaluates these in light of recent research on children's historical understanding. It is argued that the decision to frame historical understanding as ‘People, Past Events and Societies’ within the context of a ‘social studies’ curriculum area has been motivated by a misunderstanding of history's unique disciplinary identity. It is argued that history curricula must take account of the unique ontological and epistemological challenges posed by investigating the past and that by failing to do this, ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ offers children in Scotland a problematic representation of what it means to study the past. The paper challenges the curriculum in both epistemic and pedagogical terms, before suggesting that a rigorous study of history as a discipline can make a valuable contribution to children's personal and social development.  相似文献   

In Scotland, although there is no agreed definition of what constitutes the humanities, they have their locus principally within two of eight curricular areas in Curriculum for Excellence (CfE): Social Studies (SS) and Religious and Moral Education (RME). Both SS and RME are contexts for learning where broad principles apply in relation to curricular coverage. These principles are formalised in Experiences and Outcomes for each of these curricular areas which provide broad guidance around topic areas for study while allowing for the use of local contexts for learning and flexibility in pedagogy. Key opportunities in SS include: exciting and engaging learners, enabling personalisation and choice and equipping learners with a range of skills. In RME, opportunities include helping learners to: understand themselves and others; draw upon religious and other beliefs in forming their own views and engaging in positive social change. Key challenges for SS include: ensuring breadth and depth of coverage; reaching agreed standards across the educational community; responding to the requirement for an increased focus on literacy and numeracy. In RME challenges include: ensuring that national expectations are met; ensuring breadth and depth in learning; the nature and role of assessment; practitioner and parental conceptualisations of the curricular area.  相似文献   
Practicing engineers and undergraduate engineering and technology students seek and use information differently within the research and design process. This paper presents the results of a survey conducted by librarians at Purdue University and information specialists at Caterpillar Inc. to analyze self-reported information habits and challenges of both user populations. The authors created surveys containing similar questions for each user group, using a framework that asked participants to think about their information needs and use during a recent engineering project. The survey questions discerned users' confidence in their information abilities, and their preferences and barriers for finding and using information.The results of this study reveal differences between students and engineers and are informative for both academic and corporate librarians. Key findings affirm previous research that novices are more confident in their abilities than experts. Additionally, the findings suggest undergraduates prefer quick, easy to digest content like online videos and news, while engineers are more likely to learn by consulting a colleague or other subject expert, and through reading journals and trade literature. While students rated themselves as more confident information users, engineers reported working in a more complex information landscape, which includes internal document management systems and numerous places to look for technical information. Findings within this paper can inform the development of information literacy curricula that better parallels the corporate environment, and can give corporate librarians insight into how recent graduates may expect to interact with information in a new work environment.  相似文献   
欧盟科技政策既区别于一体化程度较低的区域组织中的科技合作,又区别于单一民族国家的科技政策,具有独特的价值目标和内在结构.欧洲附加价值是欧盟科技政策存在和发展的价值前提和价值追求,卓越与聚合作为又一组价值目标以一定的张力共存于欧盟科技政策中,基础研究和应用研究随欧盟整体发展战略不同在实践中调适与发展,为其提供知识支撑.  相似文献   
周海涛  刘绪 《高校教育管理》2022,16(2):22-31,46
在新自由主义深刻影响高等教育治理领域,受教育者和市场对高等教育信息透明化需求日益迫切,政府越发关切高校办学水平和教学质量,新公共管理理念加快高等教育改革的节奏等背景下,为进一步提高高等教育教学质量,英国政府于2017—2019年在全国推行教学卓越评审。第一轮评审虽然在鼓励高校为学生提供优质教学、引导高校改善学生体验、助力高中毕业生有效选择高校和专业等方面取得了一定成效,但其在指标设计的科学性、评审数据信效度、结果等级设置合理性等方面还存在一定不足。为此,新一轮的教学卓越评审将进一步丰富评审指标的内涵、增强评审数据的科学性、提高评审结果使用的效率。英国高校教学卓越评审的系列改革可为我国进一步完善本科教学质量评估和保障体系提供一些借鉴参考:高度重视教学质量,强化育人功能;突出学生视角,兼顾公平与卓越;整合多方数据,增强数据的科学性和代表性;理性运用评审结果,监督和奖励并行。  相似文献   
立德树人是教育事业发展的根本,追求卓越是教育事业前进的动力。进入新时期,“以投身西部为荣,以服务基层为荣,以创业成才为荣”成为“新三光荣”精神。要具有“新三光荣”卓越的工程师,就要求企业一定要深度参与培养过程,学校一定要按通用标准和行业标准培养人才,学校和企业联合共同加强学生的知识、技能和创新能力培养。  相似文献   
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