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王淑妍 《科教文汇》2011,(19):76-77
当代英国女作家阿妮塔.布鲁克纳在她1992年的作品《欺骗》中描写了一个在家庭责任和独立生活中挣扎、最后开始新的生活的中年知识女性。本文运用弗洛伊德释梦的一些理论来解读女主人公的梦,深入了解她的内心世界。  相似文献   
铁凝小说的女性书写   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为新时期以来一直保持旺盛创作生命力的作家,铁凝将个人经验上升为对整个女性命运的关怀与体察,不断超越与提升着自己的人生境界和文学境界。铁凝小说的女性书写表现为对女性身体的纯净赞美,对女性族群自我戕害的坦然承认,对母性神话的历史颠覆以及女性未来生存状态的美好憧憬。铁凝小说女性自我的生命体认与书写具有鲜明的特色。既是女性化的言说,同时又是超越女性性别立场而更具普泛意义的关于人性的精神诉求。  相似文献   
电影与电视的区别,通常用"梦"与"窗"来形容.文章从三个层面分析电影与电视的区别,即技术层面、艺术层面和接受层面.技术层面从制作技术、传播技术和呈现技术三个方面来论述;艺术层面从艺术综合、艺术选材和艺术表现三个方面来论述;接受层面从接受环境、接受主体和接受心理三个方面来论述.最后指出正是由于电影与电视之间存在的区别,电影才不会消亡.  相似文献   
Motor practice in lucid dreams is a form of mental rehearsal where the dreamer can consciously rehearse motor skills in the dream state while being physically asleep. A previous pilot study showed that practice in lucid dreams can improve subsequent performance. This study aimed to replicate those findings with a different task (finger-tapping) and compare the effectiveness of lucid dream practice (LDP) not only to physical but also to mental practice (MP) in wakefulness. An online experiment was completed by 68 participants within four groups: LDP group, MP group, physical practice (PP) group and control (no practice) group. Pre-test was accomplished in the evening, post-test in the next morning, while the practice was done during the night. All three practice groups significantly improved their performance from pre-test to post-test, but no significant improvements were observed for the control group. Subjective sleep quality was not affected by night practice. This study thus corroborates the previous findings that practice in lucid dreams is effective in improving performance. Its effects seem to be similar to actual PP and MP in wakefulness. Future studies should establish reliable techniques for lucid dream induction and verify the effects of LDP in sleep laboratory conditions.  相似文献   
Researchers' reflexivity about how they shape the phenomena that they study within the data collection process is often presented as a crucial component of ethnographic research methodology. Nevertheless, academic literature about ethnography is mostly silent around whether researchers' dreams are relevant to the research process and their interpretation can be considered a valuable material to be reflexive of. While using data from an ethnographic study in two public primary schools in Australia and Slovakia about inclusive education and school leadership, this paper demonstrates how researcher's dreams and their interpretation navigated his decisions about the data collection process, data analysis and ethical aspects of the study. This paper presents original implications for understanding the concept of reflexivity and putting it in practice when employing ethnographic research methodology.  相似文献   
稼轩词中的梦词有78首,约占稼轩词总数的12.4%;从内容看感叹人生如梦、无奈归隐的梦词有37首,占总梦词的近50%。深入解读稼轩梦词,有助于了解词人从儒家积极入世思想转变为佛道归隐思想的过程。  相似文献   
“美国梦”的幻灭是二十世纪美国文学的主题。舍伍德.安德森最优秀的短篇小说《鸡蛋》就是深刻地表现这一主题的力作。小说以诙谐的笔调,通过一个孩子的不懂事的眼光向人们展示了美国中西部一个普通家庭的既悲惨又滑稽的处境,从而深刻地揭露了“美国梦”的虚妄及其对年轻一代的毒害。  相似文献   
易卜生和曹禺都以诗情勃发的激情在各自的剧作中塑造了一系列的"寻梦者"形象,来表达对现实的反抗以及对自我与他人拯救的理想情怀。他们梦想的指向旨趣迥异:易卜生坚持不懈地叩问人的生命之终极问题,他的梦想都指向人的最终的精神向往;而曹禺在诗意掩映下的梦想却都指向物质的或者现实的、世俗的归宿。虽然曹禺深受易卜生及其他西方剧作家和西方思潮的影响,而传统文化和宗教的积习却使曹禺在实质上选择了一条与易卜生迥异的审美之路,他们的典型"梦想"意象实际是中西两种精神指向的文化显现的代表。  相似文献   
穆旦的诗歌所充斥的对社会、对人类、对自己的智性的反思都与里尔克的创作思想与技巧有千丝万缕的联系,对比和分析他们的诗歌文本,可以看到他们所共有的现身与本真、否定与承担的一种对话,但中国感性的文化传统与西方理性的文化传统又导致了二者存在一定的差异。  相似文献   
<西游记>是家喻户晓的名著.其作者吴承恩在创作<西游记>时,尽情发挥着他孩子气的想象,同时,作者在书中也溶入了自己对当时社会的不满和对求功名而不得的苦恼,创作的过程是他宣泄自己情感的过程.  相似文献   
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