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1981年,党的十一届六中全会认真总结了新中国成立以来30年社会主义建设的十条经验,表明我们党在吸取经验教训的基础上回归历史唯物主义.2008年,胡锦涛同志总结改革开放30年来的十条经验,充分展现了我们党在改革开放中对历史唯物主义创造性的运用与发展.新中国成立60年的经验证明,历史唯物主义是我们取得社会主义革命和建设胜利的法宝.  相似文献   
"八川分流绕长安,秦中自古帝王州."陕西作为中华文明的重要发祥地,西安作为世界历史文化名城,古来便是我国及我国西北地区的文化中心和文化重镇.因而在这片沃土上积淀的文化遗存和档案资料早已是人们认识古代以及近现代中华文明史、奋斗史的可靠凭证.缘于此,本文拟介绍陕西省档案馆三件已列入<中国档案文献遗产名录>的档案、资料,同读者一起穿越时空隧道,回望那往日的沧桑岁月.  相似文献   
‘New people create new buildings, but new buildings also create New people’, so wrote the German art critic Fritz Wichhert in The New Building: Art as Educator in 1928. The social and psychological legacy of the First World War was deeply profound and affected how people thought about the future. Children were seen to symbolise a new and better future and Modernist architects saw their role as helping to build a new society, a society where the design of schools was seen as an agent of social change. The focus of this article is on the role of the avant-garde in this reforming social project and its impact on school design. It is organised into four sections. The first section introduces the terms modernism and avant-garde in relation to (school) architecture, particularly British modernism. The second section focuses in on the experiences of émigré architects in conservative 1930s England, and in particular the support they received from refugee organisations and their treatment by the state as war in Europe became a reality. The third section discusses the role of these architects in the construction of modernist schools in England. In the fourth and final section the impact of émigré architects on modernist schools in England is discussed along with the concepts of transnational history and cultural transfer.  相似文献   
In the wake of the global refugee crisis, children are exposed to negative attitudes from public and private spheres. Previous research has identified family, peer, and school norms as significant predictors of children’s inter-ethnic attitudes. We extend this literature by examining normative influence from wider society, which has received substantially less attention. Among 266 children (Mage = 11.24), this study investigates the relative contributions of norms from five ingroups (family, class-peers, Irish, religious and all-humanity) to predict children’s anti-refugee bias. Perceptions of positive family and religious norms were the strongest unique predictors of contact intentions and warmth towards refugees. Intergroup anxiety and perceived threat mediated these relationships. Social dominance orientation mediated family normative influence only. These findings highlight the importance of broader groups (beyond that of proximal ingroups) for understanding children’s intergroup attitudes.  相似文献   
To recognize the role schools play in the acclimatization of refugee children to their new life in the host country, we sought to investigate the psychosocial adjustment of Syrian refugee students enrolled in Lebanese public schools. Psychosocial adjustment involves both the emotional and behavioral wellbeing of children and is measured using the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Psychosocial adjustment is also consistently linked to school belonging which, in turn, can be assessed using the Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) scale. The aim of this study is to identify associations between psychosocial adjustment, determined by the SDQ and PSSM scale, and both (1) sociodemographics (age, gender, parental level of education and length of stay in the host country) and (2) classroom environment in Lebanese public schools in the greater Beirut area. A total of 410 Syrian refugee students (222 females) with a mean age of 11.4 years, who arrived in Lebanon between the years 2011 and 2017, were included in the study. The results showed a very weak correlation between older age and psychosocial maladjustment measured using the SDQ (r = .10, p = .04). Additionally, girls had a better psychosocial adjustment than boys (mean PSSM-scale score: 70.7 ± 10.1 Vs. 67.4 ± 11.8, p = .0014). On multivariate linear regression, there was a strong positive correlation between the classroom environment and psychosocial adjustment (p < .001). Policies addressing the emotional needs of Syrian refugee children in Lebanese public schools and promoting their psychosocial adjustment are needed.  相似文献   
Refugee women flee from their home countries due to civil unrest, war, persecution and migrate to Western countries such as the United States in search of a safe haven. This research study conducted in an Upper Midwest community in the US unveils integrations experiences of refugee women from their standpoint. The integration narratives obtained through in-depth interviews with 16 refugee women aged 40 years and above depicted traits of anomie as described by Emile Durkheim and Robert Merton. Excerpts from the integration narratives conveyed anomic traits such as feelings of, loneliness and sadness, lack of purpose/meaning, unmet expectations, feeling isolated, and retreatism mode of adaptation. Using these themes, the study explored how such experiences reinforce anomie among the refugee women. Although this research study does not claim universal representation of refugee women experiences, the discussion provided serves to help communities understand the women’s integration experiences and implement structures and practical guidelines for successful integration.  相似文献   
本文认为充分条件假言判断仅在前件真后件必真时才真,前件假时判断是否为真要看是否满足前件真后件必真这一前提。另外,确定一充分条件假言判断逻辑值还要考虑应用这一判断的语境因素。  相似文献   
宋玉宅是中国古代学恒久的描写主题和经典的学意象,是中国古代人生命的栖息之所和理想的精神家园。根据历史献记载,宋玉宅共有四处。其中最负盛名的是荆州宋玉宅,据传是宋玉服官郢都时所居。归州宋玉宅,也很出名,据传是宋玉从屈原游学时所居。钟祥宋玉宅,可能是宋玉游览钟祥的居留之所。而宜城宋玉宅,则是宋玉故里的住宅。  相似文献   
两汉时期作为我国经学的极盛时期,历代学者均对其进行多角度的研究。就两汉时期经学传承特点这一课题之研究,经历代学者到清代而达顶峰。其代表性的著作《授经图》、《经义考》、《传经表》和《两汉三国学案》,在由稚嫩走向成熟的过程中,体现了清代学者超越前人的卓越成就。  相似文献   
近三十年来,刘长卿研究取得了不少成就。从生平事迹考订,到作品整理校注、诗歌风格特征和思想艺术成就探讨等方面,已取得多方面甚至总结性的成果,并不断开辟新的研究领域,如诗歌与宗教、诗风与意象和意境、诗风与诗人心态等等,反映了学术界对大历这个渐变时期的重视,以及刘长卿在大历诗坛的重要地位。对其“五言长城”加以审视与肯定的同时,突出其五律在唐诗律化进程中的承前启后的诗史地位。  相似文献   
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