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One of the major causes of pathologies in our historic buildings is the presence of moisture, particularly rising damp. Since these constructions tended to be built near water lines, to facilitate their supply, and because their walls are mainly made of high porosity materials, the presence of rising damp is constant. Although many historic buildings in Portugal have already been the targets of interventions to eliminate pathologies, the fact is that it has not been possible to do it properly. The treatment techniques available nowadays are quite diverse but all of them have low applicability to historic constructions. Research has been carried out, in this past years, at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Coimbra in collaboration with Department of Civil Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto to try and solve this problem. An old but poorly studied technique has been investigated experimentally and numerically in the past few years: ventilation of the base of the walls. It was experimentally validated to limestone walls 20 cm thick. Numerical investigation has been carried out in order to analyze the influence of different parameters on its efficiency. In this paper we present the results of the latest investigations that have been carried out about the influence of the size of the ventilation channel on its efficiency.  相似文献   
Pre-1992 English universities are changing the way they appoint their deputy and pro-vice-chancellors (PVCs). Traditionally, PVC posts were filled by internal secondment from within the professoriate, but these days an increasing number are appointed by means of external open competition involving advertisement and/or executive search. So has this ‘opening up’ of PVC positions created new career progression opportunities for professional services managers? Findings from a census, online survey and interviews with a range of senior university managers suggest not. Despite the PVC role becoming more managerial, those getting the jobs remain overwhelmingly career academics. Professional services managers confront a glass wall, excluded from consideration by a non-negotiable requirement for academic credibility. Aware they have little chance of getting a PVC job, they are unlikely to apply. The continued monopolisation of PVC posts by academic managers represents a form of social closure that serves to maintain their elite status.  相似文献   
本文对山区高速公路石砌挡土墙的施工及质量控制做了探索,指出目前挡土墙施工中存在的质量问题,具体讨论了问题涉及到的挡土墙的基础、片石、砂浆、砌筑方法及质量控制等问题。  相似文献   
利用朗肯土压力理论,通过对最小倾覆力矩和最小土压力的求解,得出了挡土墙卸荷台的合理位置:在距填土表面的垂直距离为墙高的1/3~1/2范围内。  相似文献   
外墙装饰抹灰工程质量的好坏直接影响建筑物的感观,外墙抹灰脱层、空鼓、裂缝等质量缺陷普遍存在,尤其是住宅建筑更为严重,这些现象极易造成房屋外观差及外墙渗漏等质量问题,通过几年来的经验和摸索,积累一些经验。  相似文献   
王小苗 《科教文汇》2011,(25):92-93
盛大金磐地面沉降监测标组位于陆家嘴CBD核心区,由于施工场地的局限性,上海市地质调查院采用一井多用办法,鉴别孔兼做基岩标和第V承压含水层水文监测孔,标底与新鲜基岩80箛固结,是该工程技术要求之一,为了保证施工质量,我公司采用顶杆式阀注水泥浆液,解决标杆与基岩固结难题。  相似文献   
以智能机器人灭火比赛规则及灭火场地为基础,通过分析场地,设计4种不同的行走线路.根据不同的线路,进行算法设计及程序实现,通过多次现场灭火实验,在分析实验数据的基础上,得出最优路线,及最佳灭火方案.本文的成果在实际比赛应用中,得到很好验证,取得了优异成绩.  相似文献   
《西厢记》作为元杂剧的成功之作,对其的研究之文汗牛充栋。董每勘先生对《西厢记》的研究,“就戏论戏”、内容详实、分析精确,成就较高。但是,其研究之文亦有可商榷之处。本文即对其在《五大名剧论》中对崔莺莺寄简、张君瑞踰墙所作的分析提出不同意见,试图为董先生提出的“矛盾”之处做出合理的解释。  相似文献   
论述混凝土地下连续墙的特点及其应用,阐述施工过程中地下连续墙混凝土浇筑质量的影响因素,对常见的地下连续墙混凝土浇筑的质量问题进行分析,并提出相应的质量控制措施及设计优化方案。  相似文献   
高攀龙是明代东林党领袖、著名思想家和文学家,著述甚富,然其现存著作多系其门人及明清时人汇编而成,迄今未见有今人的整理本问世。笔者在研读高氏诗文集时,发现其中有他人作品误入的现象。文章对高攀龙水居诗中的《水居题壁》二首作了考辨,指出“涧水泠泠声不绝”一首实为署名九华山白衣人的唐诗,“渔竿消日酒消愁”一首亦系晚唐高骈《写怀》诗二首其一。通过考辨,以期引起对高攀龙著作整理的重视。  相似文献   
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