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在我国的封建社会男尊女卑的思想下,妈祖作为一个女神,她的崇拜不但有没被遏制反而得到历代朝廷的褒封,一度超越其他众神成为我国至高无上的海神,是具有多方面的原因。本文主要从古代福建社会的特性、古代福建人的母亲崇拜心理、闽人崇拜女巫的潜意识三大点来阐述。  相似文献   
运用文献资料、数理统计、录像观察等方法对世界顶尖男子双打选手的发球落点情况、以及接发球效果与第三拍技术的处理进行了研究,发现发球和接发球技术在专业羽毛球男子双打比赛中有着极其重要的作用,男子双打发球质量的好坏决定着比赛的胜负,发球落点的变化性是高水平双打选手发球技术的重要标志。  相似文献   
Young boys' ‘underachievement’ and their disaffection with learning continue to dominate education agendas [Francis, B. 2006. “Stop That Sex Drive.” Times Educational Supplement 30; Peeters, J. 2007. “Including Men in Early Childhood Education: Insights from the European Experience.” NZ Research in Early Childhood Education, 10. Accessed February 4, 2013. http://stop4-7.be/files/janpeeters10.pdf; Lloyd, T. 2009. Boys’ Underachievement: What Schools Think and Do. A University of Ulster Research Project Funded by the Department of Education and Northern Ireland Office. November. Accessed January 10, 2014. http://www.socsci.ulster.ac.uk/sociology/research/y%20publications/Boys%20underachievement.pdf; Lloyd, T. 2011. Boys’ Underachievement in Schools: Literature Review. Boys Development Project. Belfast: Centre for Young Men's Studies, Ulster University. Accessed February 4, 2013. http://www.boysdevelopmentproject.org.uk/downloads/reports/Boys%20and%20underachievement%20literature%20review%20edited%20in%20pdf.pdf]. In recent years, there has been an eruption of government policy making and public discourse in England [Moran, L. 2011. Quarter of All Primary Schools Have No Male Teachers Despite More Men Entering Profession. Daily Mail, September 2. Accessed February 4, 2013. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2032970/Quarter-primary-schools-NO-male-teachers-despite-men-entering-profession.html#ixzz2JwpQjSL8; DfE (Department for Education). 2012b. Poor White Boys ‘Lagging Behind Classmates at Age Five’. The Telegraph, November 21. Accessed January 10, 2014. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/9693409/Poor-white-boys-lagging-behind-classmates-at-age-five.html; PARITY. 2013. Is Action Overdue on Boys’ Academic Underachievement? Briefing Paper, March. Accessed January 10, 2014. http://www.parity-uk.org/Briefing/BoysEducPaperRev1b.pdf] calling for more men to transform young lives by working in the 0–8 sector and acting as male role models in an attempt to narrow the ‘attainment gap’. This paper critically explores the perceived qualities/characteristics of men who seemingly serve as ‘male role models’ by reporting on select doctoral research findings which sought to investigate the ambiguities of the male role model from the perspective of men who work in the 0–8 sector. Research participants were asked to identify the qualities/characteristics that they felt ‘male role models’ should exhibit for young boys in the early years (0–8). The qualities/characteristics identified were categorised by research participants as being ‘masculine’ (e.g. diplomatic), ‘feminine’ (e.g. caring) or ‘natural’ (meaning authentic). Whilst research evidence suggests that male role models will present a diverse range of personal and professional qualities/characteristics, it is argued that these are likely to be shaped by not only the needs and circumstances of the children that the ‘male role model’ comes into contact with, but also the expectations of others, e.g. parents/carers and staff. This paper argues that there is a real tension between those qualities/characteristics of the male role model that are created as a result of their personality/individual beliefs and those which are anticipated or enforced by others.  相似文献   
英国当代女作家多丽丝·莱辛的处女作《野草在歌唱》内涵丰富,淋漓尽致地描写了西方殖民者对南部非洲土著黑人的压迫。通过后殖民理论探讨莱辛的暴力观,说明黑人的反抗是殖民者压迫下所产生的必然结果,而暴力则是黑人反抗殖民者压迫的有力手段,表现了黑人的反抗意识和莱辛的暴力观。  相似文献   
运用文献资料及数理统计等方法对2011年世界杯男子排球比赛中中国男排与俄罗斯、波兰、巴西队在扣球、拦网和发球三大得分技术以及相关的非技术因素进行比较研究,发现中国男排高度虽有但力量不足,从而导致进攻的攻击性稍差,发球攻击性欠缺等问题.因此,中国男排要保持高度,完善身体结构,加强力量训练;加强基本技术训练,提高发球攻击性;组织立体进攻,提高拦网配合应作为训练重点.  相似文献   
竞走项目是我国田径的传统优势项目,也是冲击世界奖牌的重点项目。通过对2009竞走大奖赛男子成年组和男子青年组的数据研究,发现我国的男子竞走运动员成年组和青年组存在犯规时间超前、速度特征不正常等问题。文章试图通过男子成年组和青年组比赛成绩的对比数据揭示这些问题,给广大的教练员和运动员带来一些启示。  相似文献   
现代文学史上,杜衡的处境极为尴尬,他常作为“第三种人”的代表被正统文学史视为“异类”、“边缘”与“他者”,但其文学活动与创作又曾极力热衷左翼文学;同时,新感觉派的诞生、发展、壮大直至消亡,都与他有着千丝万缕的联系,他宛如这个流派文学观念的代言人。从现代文学史上有关“第三种人”以及“京海”论争可看出,其创作风格又不同于常用现代主义创作技巧反映现代上海的喧嚣生活的刘呐鸥、穆时英、施蛰存等。这就是杜衡在左翼文坛与新感觉派之间情感与理智上所表现的徘徊性与游离性。  相似文献   
现有的乒乓球技战术研究更多是对单一技战术指标的分析,对技战术组合结构与落点区域一体化方面的探讨较少,割裂了技战术体系运用的整体性。以乒乓球落点区域为视角,运用文献资料法、录像观察法和数理统计法,对我国优秀男子选手前三板技战术转化结构与落点区域进行研究,以揭示技战术转化的一般规律。结果发现:前三板技战术转化以控制-进攻转化为主,控制-控制转化为辅;从得分率来看,控制-进攻转化效果最佳;控制-进攻转化主要集中在控制对方近网区域后第3板在中路和半出台区域转化进攻衔接;控制-控制转化密集分布在近网区域。  相似文献   
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