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目前国家助学贷款实施过程中,存在着银行要求高等学校承担一定的连带责任而学校不愿承担的问题。究其原因,这是由于国家助学贷款中的几个主体——政府、银行、高校、学生之间的权利与责任界定不清晰所致。从高等学校的功能和权利义务对等两个角度对问题的成因进行分析,有助于廓清高等学校在国家助学贷款中的责任范围,并提出解决问题的政策建议。  相似文献   
This study examines the global trend in shifting university costs from national governments to individual students and families, with a specific focus on the existing cost-sharing model in Australian higher education. The research examines the manner in which the availability of income-contingent loans (through the Higher Education Contribution Scheme, or HECS) enters into individual cost assessments and evaluative frameworks during the university exploration and search process of low-income Australian youth, and the resulting lessons that might be applied to other national contexts. Semi-structured interviews with 16 participants addressed a broad range of issues related to the development of educational aspirations, and how beliefs and attitudes about cost influenced participants’ understanding and decision-making regarding tertiary enrollment and post-graduate plans. A number of discreet and related themes emerged from analysis of the interviews, including motivations for attending university; pre-university cost considerations; self-assessments of skills, abilities, and personal traits and characteristics; general financial orientation; pre-university experiences and influences; and the role of others including family, peers, teachers and other school staff. The author concludes that the Australian system is worthy of consideration by other nations as a possible mechanism for enhancing access to higher education for individuals who might otherwise not possess the opportunity to participate.  相似文献   
针对国家助学贷款“河南模式”存在的问题,文章指出:要在进一步探索和完善全社会征信体系建设的基础上,加大对个人信用机制的宣传和落实力度,形成习惯服从制度,制度转化为个人诚信习惯的有利的社会环境;要落实学校国家助学贷款工作的事业编制和建立银行合理支付学校业务费用的机制;要简化毕业生还款程序,完善管理考核机制和管理信息系统,从而保证国家助学贷款工作的健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   
关于我国助学贷款现状的调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家助学贷款是国家为资助家庭经济困难高校学生而推出的重要政策,目前已初见成效,但在具体实施过程中也出现了学生“骗贷”和违约不还款、银行限制借款等种种问题,究其原因是多方面的。为此,我们专门成立了课题小组,旨在通过调查研究发现目前助学贷款存在的问题及深层原因,为进一步发展助学贷款,帮助贫困大学生提供思路。  相似文献   
Australia’s Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) is an income contingent loan scheme, in which university students pay back part of the costs of their tuition after their post-university income reaches a certain threshold, is an important policy innovation for the financing of higher education. However, its critics claim that HECS increases socioeconomic inequalities in higher education and the HECS debt reduces the ability of young people to make the transitions to adulthood. This paper investigates these claims. There is no evidence that socioeconomic inequalities in higher education in Australia increased after the implementation of HECS in 1989 or the 1997 reforms. The magnitude of the HECS debt was found to have a negative impact on the transition to parenthood, but had no negative impacts on other transitions to adulthood: leaving the parental home, marriage and home ownership. Its effects on parenthood were moderate compared to other influences, such as full-time work in the previous year, marriage and being in a de facto relationship. Furthermore, only a small proportion of young people who attended university have large enough HECS debts for it to affect their fertility decisions.
Gary Neil MarksEmail: URL: http://www.melbourneinstitute.com/people/gmarks/
基于图书借阅的人类行为标度律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过研究两所大学图书馆数据库中的真实资料,从群体和个体两个层面分析一次借阅过程中图书的借阅时间和用户连续两次借阅或还回图书的时间间隔等统计特征。结果表明,群体行为与个体行为表现出不同的统计特征,除群体行为的借阅时间表现为指数分布外,其它统计量都服从指数范围为1至3的幂律分布。研究说明,人类行为在群体和个体层面上具有不同的多重标度特性。  相似文献   
作为一种创新金融工具,资产证券化可以分散发起人风险,却不能消除其自身风险。正是由于此,近年来,红极一时的美国次级抵押贷款市场引发资产证券化出席卷全球的金融危机。鉴于经济环境与制度等方面还不够成熟,我国的资产证券化风险问题则更加突出。本文从健全的监管和法律体系、完善的会计处理政策、资产证券化工具自身改良以及高素质的从业队伍等角度提出了控制资产证券化风险的具体思路,以期促进这一金融创新工具在中国的健康发展。  相似文献   
中国农民银行的建立和发展在整个中国农村金融史上占有重要地位。它是中国第一个中央农业银行,经过法币政策的实施和四行实行专业化,中国农民银行逐渐统一了农贷,成为国民政府的国家农业专业银行,这是中国农村金融现代化历程中的重要里程碑。安徽是民国时期中国农民银行最早开展农贷业务的省份之一。中国农民银行在安徽的农贷经过多年的实践和探索,并结合时局的变化和安徽的自身特点,逐渐走上了一条相对完善的道路,形成了一套比较完备的农贷制度。  相似文献   
香港地区学生贷款:贷款机构的视角   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据政府对资本市场干预程度的不同 ,香港地区形成了三类教育贷款 ,即政府补贴性贷款、成本回收型教育贷款和盈利性教育贷款。这三类教育贷款在满足不同群体的教育需求上是互补的。香港入息教育款的成本回收率达 71 .4% ,这表明香港的教育贷款已形成了一个良好的资金发放与回收体系 ,1 %的贷款拖欠率亦表明香港已具备了完备的个人信用制度与金融网络体系  相似文献   
国家助学贷款是我国政府帮助经济困难大学生顺利完成学业的主要措施。实施几年来,收到了巨大的成警,竺其速行中,也存在着许多不规范之处,并且引发一些不良后果。如何处理大学生、高等学校与贷款银行之间的关系,避免助学贷款的负面影响,成为本文探讨的主要问题。  相似文献   
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