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刍议做好新形势下高校统战工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认真做好新形势下高校统战工作,对于发展社会主义民主、调动党外知识分子建设中国特色社会主义积极性,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。阐述高校党外知识分子自身独特优势和做好新时期高校党外知识分子工作的意义,探讨了做好高校党外知识分子工作的途径。  相似文献   
寂寞与自由如同学术的两翼,是洪堡大学观的基本组织原则。从中世纪大学到19世纪德国柏林大学的建立,寂寞与自由是一个渐变传承的过程。中世纪的教师、学生及大学在寂寞与自由方面均有独特的表现。及至柏林大学,洪堡将寂寞与自由并存论述。柏林大学对寂寞与自由的践行实施,为我国当代大学及学生、学者的发展提供一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
First musicians using polyphony and homophony in their compositions can be seen during the 19th century in Turkey. These talented amateur composers, who worked in simple forms, such as marches or educational music, were not actually professional composers but either orchestral or choral directors. Later, during the Republic period (after 1923), "Turkish Five" emerged. "Turkish Five" consisted of professional composers who were educated in Europe and learned western musical forms. These musicians, according to their birth years, are Cemal Resit Rey (1904-1985), Hasan Ferit Alnar (1906-1978), Ulvi Cemal Erkin (1906-1972), Ahmet Adnan Saygun (1907-1991) and Necil Kazan Akses (1908-1999). "Turkish Five" achieved important accomplishments and did significant contributions to Turkish contemporary music in 30-40 years with their efforts. While doing this, they used over 500-year old musical legacy of the West. At the beginning, these musicians used Turkish folk tunes and their rhythmic and modal system, however, later, they began to use "impressionism", "neo-classicism" and finally "atonalism" in their music. In the current study, the contributions of "Turkish Five" to contemporary Turkish piano music and their approaches to piano education were examined via literature review. After an extensive research with the literature on the topic, the researcher has interviewed with six piano teachers from different music institutions in Turkey (including two schools of time arts, two conservatories and two music teacher training schools). During these interviews, the contributions of the "Turkish Five" were examined based on "relativity" and "local to global" principles in education, and the researcher has searched for the ways to use more of their music in piano education through the interviews. Therefore, the main purpose of the study was to discover ways to implement more of the music by "Turkish Five" in piano education in Turkey and to ffmd solutions fo  相似文献   
黄丕烈受乾嘉学风影响,藏、校了数十种宋人词籍,其中不仅有像宋刻《详注周美成词片玉集》这样的珍本秘册,还有许多重本与残本,为其校雠、补缺奠定了基础。黄丕烈以丰富的经验和科学的方法对词籍的版本形态、源流情况等作出了精审鉴定和深入研究,并一一记录在题识当中。在校勘上,他以对校为主,不惮复校;若遇歧异,则只列不改,以存真面;他还请顾千里等高手,博采众家之长。黄丕烈对词人生平、词籍名称甚至是抄者史迹多有考订,遇无法解决者,便开列阙疑,以俟来者。黄丕烈的词籍整理活动对宋词在清代的传播以及宋词版本学、校勘学在清末成为词学研究的重要分支,起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   
在明末清初的朝代更替中,有不少中国文人和僧侣,由于明末战乱、日本德川幕府的支持等原因,纷纷东渡扶桑,形成了一次移民浪潮.与此同时,也掀起了中日文化交流史上中国向日本进行文化传播的又一次高潮.在这过程中,中国人在宗教、哲学、医学、建筑、书法、音乐、武术以及造船业等方面都对日本产生了巨大影响.  相似文献   
儒士是中国古代的知识分子,儒士们以六经为务。汉初儒士在特定的时代背景下,兢兢业业钻研儒学,弘扬文化。汉初儒士基本由三类人构成:第一类是儒学实践型,以叔孙通及其弟子为代表,他们着重继承和改革先秦儒家礼仪,为汉立法;第二类是理论型,以陆贾、贾谊为代表,他们居官为政,直接从事儒家政治和理论文化建树;第三类是教师型,从事学术义理的研究,并开门授徒,薪火相传,以专门的学术集团为代表。儒士们的努力,为武帝时代经学昌明打下坚实的思想基础。  相似文献   
20世纪初,来自各界的日本学者怀着不同的目的,对海南黎族的方方面面进行了详细的调查研究,并在此基础上向日本占领军提出了制定黎族政策的建议和意见。这些建议和意见,在制定政策的过程中,在一定程度上被占领军当局所吸纳。但从占领期间侵琼日军的种种恶行来看,学者们的研究成果并没有真正地发挥作用。  相似文献   
初唐文馆的名称及文馆学士职能几经变化,这种变迁,与盛唐时期图书校勘发展有莫大的关联.  相似文献   
The founding of the Fā?imid caliphate across the southern Mediterranean, and then in Egypt, Syria and the ?ijāz at the turn of the fourth/tenth century, necessitated its negotiation with the ashrāf, those who claimed lineal descent from the Prophet Mu?ammad, and who by this time had gained significant influence as a social class based on their charismatic descent. While other dynastic powers fostered relationships with various members of the ashrāf, the Fā?imid–ashrāf dynamics were distinctive in that the Fā?imids legitimised their rule as Ismā?īlī Shī?ī imām-caliphs, based on their claim of descent from the Prophet Mu?ammad, and as the sole successors to his authority and leadership over the Islamic world. Consequently, Fā?imid–ashrāf relations were permeated by fraternal camaraderie as well as by competing contestations based on their shared claim to Prophetic lineage.  相似文献   
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