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对17届世界杯西班牙队比赛的研究与分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
采用录像统计、观察法对17届世界杯决赛阶段西班牙队的所有比赛进行研究.结果表明:在17届世界杯上西班牙队的阵型以1-4-4-2为主;西班牙队的进攻以控制球的打法为主,其中前场的短传渗透极具威力;西班牙队的防守采取前场反抢、中场控制、后场密集的方式;西班牙队防守中一个比较大的弱点是对迎面的高球的控制能力较差。  相似文献   
采用录像统计、观察法对17届世界杯决赛阶段南非队的所有比赛进行研究,结果表明:在17届世界杯上南非队的阵型以1-4—4—2为主;南非队的进攻主要是中路进攻并结合快速反击和边路进攻;南非队的防守主要采取前场丢球后就地反抡、封堵.中后场紧逼人盯人结合区域防守。  相似文献   

As is the case within many international organizations, Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) is beset by internal tensions between the North, those nations which have historically held most power, and the South, mainly African and Asian countries, which look forward to a more balanced functioning. The numerous conflicts which arise in the governing body of association football usually takes the form of an opposition between regional confederations. The purpose of this article is to show that the regulation of these disputes may be considered as inflationist. The technique of playing on nominal factors such as the number of places in the executive committee or the number of countries participating the world cup can lead to concessions on real power sharing. This tactic is therefore used in FIFA when feasible.  相似文献   
Changes in muscle activity were evaluated by positron emission tomography–computed tomography (PET–CT) after performing part 2 of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association’s 11+ programme (11+) for 4 weeks. Eleven males performed part 2 of the 11+ for 20 min before and after 37 MBq of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) was injected intravenously. PET–CT images were obtained 50 min after FDG injection. The participants were then instructed to perform part 2 of the 11+ 3 times per week for 4 consecutive weeks, after which another set of PET–CT images was obtained following the same procedure. Regions of interest were defined within 30 muscles. The standardised uptake value (SUV) of FDG by muscle tissue per unit volume was calculated, and FDG accumulation was compared between pre- and post-training PET–CT results. Performing part 2 of the 11+ for 4 weeks increased mean SUV in the sartorius, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, abductor hallucis, and flexor hallucis brevis muscles (P < 0.05). In conclusion, routinely performing part 2 of the 11+ for 4 weeks increased glucose uptake related to muscle activity in the hamstrings and hallux muscles. We speculate that there is some possibility of this change of muscle activity contributing to a decrease in sports-related injuries.  相似文献   
足球90~120分钟比赛是一个以球为中心的有氧供能为主的过程,通过对2010年南非世界杯足球比赛运动员活动负荷数据分析,运动员的有氧耐力水平对足球专项耐力具有非常直接的影响,高水平足球运动员的体能训练重点应放在有氧耐力、力量耐力和爆发力与速度这三个方面。  相似文献   
申办世界杯对中国有着多重意义:1)促进中国足球的发展;2)重塑中国足球的形象;3)带动体育产业繁荣,刺激经济发展;4)有利于体育强国的构建。中国和南非相比占有的优势条件如下:1)政府的大力支持;2)充裕的体育场馆;3)上座率、收视率有保证;4)成熟的安保组织和设施。南非世界杯的成功举办给中国带来了多重启示,具体如下:1)扫除"固疾":提高足球水平;2)刺激经济:加速经济发展;3)反面教材:那些中途"夭折"欧洲强队;4)发展趋势:足球回归技术+战术流;5);亚洲展望:从稚嫩走向成熟;6)老生常谈:变革需从基础抓起。  相似文献   
第5届女子世界杯足球赛进球特征表明,全场比赛各时段进球不平均;进球最多的射门地点在一区和二区;创造进球机会的进攻路线主要在边路,特别是两肋;直接射门的射门方式进球最多,特别是包抄和补射;前卫进球数超过前锋。  相似文献   
根据第5届世界女子足球锦标赛决赛阶段32场比赛的统计,结果表明个人防守行为按实施次数的多少排列依次为断球、抢球、争顶、铲球、封堵,局部防守战术主要实施的是夹击和围抢,夹击实施的次数比围抢多.比赛采用的防守战术结构模式是:局部夹击、小范围围抢、封堵抢截、中前场紧逼防正面进攻、后场防阵地、边路断球、紧逼防快速反击和定位球防守.  相似文献   
国际足联转会制度对中国足球转会制度的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011赛季开始,中国足球职业联赛转会制度将与国际足联接轨。通过文献资料,对比分析,对国际足联及中国联赛现行转会制度进行大量研究分析与对比,指出国际足联转会制度在中国执行的利与弊,并提出相应的发展建议,为中国足球的建设与发展提供有益的启示。  相似文献   
PurposeThe aim of this study was to assess the effects of combining the FIFA 11+ and acute vibration training on reactive strength index (RSI) and 505 agility.MethodsSeventy-four male collegiate soccer players took part in the study and were randomly assigned to FIFA 11+ with acute vibration group (FIFA + WBV), FIFA 11+ with isometric squat group (FIFA + IS) or a control group consisting of the FIFA 11+ alone (Con). The warm-up consisted of the FIFA 11+ and was administered to all participants. The participants in the acute vibration group were exposed to 30 s whole body vibration in squat position immediately post warm-up. The isometric group completed an isometric squat for 30 s immediately post warm-up.ResultsRSI significantly improved pre- to post-intervention amongst FIFA + WBV (p < 0.001) due to a decrease in contact time (p < 0.001) in comparison to FIFA + IS and Con, but 505 agility was not affected.ConclusionThe results of this study suggest the inclusion of an acute bout of WBV post FIFA 11+ warm-up produces a neuromuscular response leading to an improvement in RSI. Future research is required to examine the exact mechanisms behind these improvements amongst other populations and over time course of the performance.  相似文献   
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