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Affordable and ubiquitous online communications (social media) provide the means for flows of ideas and opinions and play an increasing role for the transformation and cohesion of society – yet little is understood about how online opinions emerge, diffuse, and gain momentum. To address this problem, an opinion formation framework based on content analysis of social media and sociophysical system modeling is proposed. Based on prior research and own projects, three building blocks of online opinion tracking and simulation are described: (1) automated topic, emotion and opinion detection in real-time, (2) information flow modeling and agent-based simulation, and (3) modeling of opinion networks, including special social and psychological circumstances, such as the influence of emotions, media and leaders, changing social networks etc. Finally, three application scenarios are presented to illustrate the framework and motivate further research.  相似文献   
Drawing on communication accommodation theory in a law enforcement context, young adults rated one of four written vignettes wherein an accommodating or nonaccommodating police officer issued a ticket for a minor or major traffic violation. The officer was rated less favorably along both cognitive and affective dimensions when he nonaccommodated rather than accommodated the offender. The effect of officer accommodation on evaluations of officer competence and social attractiveness were both mediated by intergroup sensitivity. These effects, which supported the theory, emerged irrespective of the severity of the violation. The findings add to the literature regarding the effects of intergroup sensitivity and open up new affective parameters for communication accommodation.  相似文献   
Opinion holder identification research is important for discriminating between opinions that are viewed from different perspectives. We propose a new opinion holder identification method that is based on a differentiation between the author and authority viewpoints in opinionated sentences. In our method, the author- and authority-opinionated sentences were extracted, respectively, by utilizing the different features because their writing styles were different. Although the researchers have not focused on it, this differentiation is important for correctly identifying opinion holders. We describe our participation in the NTCIR-6 Opinion Analysis Pilot Task by focusing on the opinion holder identification results in Japanese and English. The evaluation results showed that our system performed fairly well with respect to Japanese documents, and postsubmission analysis has revealed that improvements could be made with respect to English documents as well.  相似文献   
本文首先强调,包含等级制和驭民术思想的中文传统语境下的舆人之论,与戊戌变法时期梁启超等人倡导的立宪民主思想下的舆论概念,有着根本差异。文章简要回顾了西方自古希腊以来诸多思想家对舆论概念的颠覆与再颠覆过程,以阐明舆论研究有着很长的政治思辨传统。文章其次分析了当前国内外学术界对舆论本质的五种基本看法及其研究取向,并最后以实例证明,实证研究应成为现代舆论研究的发展方向。  相似文献   
Opinion summarization can facilitate user’s decision-making by mining the salient review information. However, due to the lack of sufficient annotated data, most of the early works are based on extractive methods, which restricts the performance of opinion summarization. In this work, we aim to improve the informativeness of opinion summarization to provide better guidance to users. We consider the setting with only reviews without corresponding summaries, and propose an aspect-augmented model for unsupervised abstractive opinion summarization, denoted as AsU-OSum. We first employ an aspect-based sentiment analysis system to extract opinion phrases from reviews. Then, we construct a heterogeneous graph consisting of reviews and opinion clusters as nodes, which is used to enhance the Transformer-based encoder–decoder framework. Furthermore, we design a novel cascaded attention mechanism to prompt the decoder to pay more attention to the aspects that are more likely to appear in summary. During training, we introduce a sentiment accuracy reward that further enhances the learning ability of our model. We conduct comprehensive experiments on the Yelp, Amazon, and Rotten Tomatoes datasets. Automatic evaluation results show that our model is competitive and performs better than the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models on some ROUGE metrics. Human evaluation results further verify that our model can generate more informative summaries and reduce redundancy.  相似文献   
The ability to agree with the TREC Blog06 opinion assessments was measured for seven human assessors and compared with the submitted results of the Blog06 participants. The assessors achieved a fair level of agreement between their assessments, although the range between the assessors was large. It is recommended that multiple assessors are used to assess opinion data, or a pre-test of assessors is completed to remove the most dissenting assessors from a pool of assessors prior to the assessment process. The possibility of inconsistent assessments in a corpus also raises concerns about training data for an automated opinion detection system (AODS), so a further recommendation is that AODS training data be assembled from a variety of sources. This paper establishes an aspirational value for an AODS by determining the level of agreement achievable by human assessors when assessing the existence of an opinion on a given topic. Knowing the level of agreement amongst humans is important because it sets an upper bound on the expected performance of AODS. While the AODSs surveyed achieved satisfactory results, none achieved a result close to the upper bound.  相似文献   
盛唐诗人王维有“诗佛”之称,其佛教的“空”观思想在他的诗作中有充分的展现,主要集中一个“空”字上。具体表现在两个方面,一是借自然之“空”间接表达佛学禅意;二是以禅意之“空”直接体现自己的“空”观思想。“空”乃佛学之精髓,也是王维心灵追求的终极觉悟。  相似文献   
Children in sixth grade randomly assigned to a teacher-made writing procedure anchored in the self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) model and training procedures were predicted to surpass children assigned to the comparison condition on dependent measures of writing clarity, organization, and cogency. The prediction was generally substantiated. The results suggest that the rate of change among individual children in the SRSD condition was faster than among children in the comparison condition on measures of clarity and organization. On the measure of cogency, findings showed that the rate of change among individuals in the SRSD condition compared to the comparison condition approached but did not reach statistical significance. Variance in growth parameters on the measure of writing clarity was statistically significant; however on the measure of organization, there was no substantive variation in individual growth parameters. Social validity data from all the children and teachers indicated the training was well received. The results are taken to support the efficacy of the SRSD model and training procedures.  相似文献   
现代远程教育中的虚拟社群意见领袖作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代远程教育在我国开展以来,遍布各地的远程教育教学者和学习者通过新闻群组、BBS布告栏、电子邮件名单、议题讨论区、聊天室、qq、Insn及其他P2P平台进行远程教学和学习的过程中,逐渐形成了一些具有各自名号的虚拟社群,同时各社群自发产生了意见领袖。本文分析了在现代远程教育环境下,虚拟社群及其意见领袖的由来、特点和对现代远程教育的影响,以及对教育组织管理者的启示,具有较重要实践指导意义。  相似文献   
在中国人的自然观中,最和谐的形式是拥有一个美满的家园,其理想模式是男耕女织。自六朝人发现自然山水后,改变了以家园为精神寄托之所的自然观,开始以审美的态度关注自然。人类的进步是以牺牲自然为代价的,全面破坏自然生态平衡的事件发生在工业时代。当“人类中心论”和“科学至上”破坏人与自然的和谐时,它也在破坏人与人之间的和谐关系。在科学理念的支配下,自然变成了“明的野蛮”的索取对象。为了协调人与自然的关系,海德格尔提出了“诗意地居住”的设想。  相似文献   
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