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摘要:以冬奥会进入“北京周期”后为契机,采用文献资料和实地调查等研究方法,对北京冬奥会推动京津冀冰雪旅游发展效应及协同推进策略进行了研究。研究认为:北京冬奥会推动京津冀冰雪旅游发展的效应明显,主要表现在北京市冰雪场馆建设数量明显增加、连续举办的国际冰雪赛事和国内冰雪赛事促进冰雪旅游发展的影响力明显提升、冰雪旅游融合效应显著;天津市冰雪旅游协同发展目标明确深耕细作释放新活力效果显著、冰雪旅游民生工程建设落实有声、“冰雪旅游+文化”深度融合带来红利;河北省在滑雪场和滑冰场数量逐年提升、以张家口为核心的冰雪旅游发展区位优势明显、生态冰雪旅游发展成效显著。据此提出构建京津冀冰雪体育产业链,促进京津冀冰雪旅游产业经济生态圈建设的可持续发展;以全域旅游发展理念为引领,构建多元化的京津冀冰雪旅游公共服务体系;构建完善的京津冀生态冰雪旅游资源开发与环境保障体系的北京冬奥会推动京津冀冰雪旅游发展效应的协同推进策略。  相似文献   
为备战2010年温哥华冬奥会,加拿大联邦政府设计了“登上领奖台”战略,委托OTP组织负责财政援助的划拨和绩效管理。OTP组织采用“决策层—执行层”的双层治理架构,以“奖牌至上”为原则,创建了由“项目文化”“以往成绩”“夺牌潜力”“领先优势的可持续性”4个一级指标的协会分层分类资助制度,邀请国家奥委会和残奥委、国家运动项目协会、体育科研院所等利益相关者组成协同治理网络。通过梳理加拿大治理经验,建议我国当前的备战2022年北京冬奥工作,应重视“一臂之距”理念,明确政府在冬奥备战中的职责;尊重专业自治准则,锻炼社会力量成为竞技体育治理主体;改进绩效管理模式,优化冬奥备战财政资金的申请和使用程序;重视科学创新,促进体育智库组织网络化。  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of simulated training strategies on performance potential in elite short-track speed skaters. Training load and field-based criterion performances from fifteen athletes (10 males, 5 females) were collected over a 3-month training period and the relationship between training loads and performance was computed with a variable dose-response model using a genetic algorithm. Individual simulations of tapers preceded or not preceded by an overload training (OT) were assessed. We obtained a significant correlation between actual and modelled performances (R2 = 0.76 ± 0.07). Regarding model parameters, no significant difference was found between males and females but the time to recover performance tended to be lower in females. Simulations in which the taper parameters were free highlighted that an exponential or a step taper were the most effective for increasing performance compared to a linear taper (p < 0.05). Optimal exponential taper duration after OT was 10.7 ± 2.4d and the optimal load reduction was 75.9 ± 3.7%. OT intensity had the greatest influence on the predicted performance, followed by OT duration, taper decay, and to a lesser extent load reduction during taper and taper duration. Thus, a variable dose-response systems model allows the evaluation of different taper strategies and their potential effect on performance changes.  相似文献   
文章采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、视频分析法和数理统计法,对李大勋在重大国际赛事中的交手回合、基本技术、组合技术的应用频数以及成功率等指标进行统计分析。根据2018-2019年度世界跆拳道联盟公布的最新奥运积分显示,李大勋拥有605.94个奥运积分且高于第二名将近300余分,目前世界排名第一,其技战术风格具有一定的代表性。结果显示:李大勋在比赛中习惯采用前腿侧踢与前腿横踢技术进行主动进攻、控制距离、防守破坏、封堵迎击;利用后腿横踢技术进行补充击打;灵活使用中变中、中变高等变线技术突破对手;新规则后近身贴靠时攻防转换技战术变化多样,"推+踢"技术运用巧妙,增加了其得分手段。分析认为,在实施新规则的比赛中李大勋结合判罚尺度与分值的变化,优化了进攻方式,增加了得分手段,提高了时局节奏,同时反映出现阶段跆拳道项目技战术发展趋势。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法、秩和比法等对进入第31届奥运会男子篮球决赛阶段的12支球队的攻防指标进行了研究。研究显示:在进攻端,美国、西班牙、澳大利亚、塞尔维亚4支球队排在前4名,中国男篮的进攻RSR值为0.21,在所有参赛球队中垫底。在防守端,西班牙、法国、克罗地亚、美国排在前4名,中国队的防守RSR值为0.35,列所有参赛球队的第11名。攻防综合方面,美国、西班牙、澳大利亚是表现最为出色的球队,中国男篮的攻防RSR值为0.13,在所有参赛球队中垫底。本届奥运会形成了美国男篮实力出众、欧洲球队整体实力强劲、大洋洲和非洲篮球进步明显、亚洲篮球远远落后于世界篮球的新格局。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、录像观察法和秩和比法等,对参加31届奥运会男篮比赛球队的攻防能力进行综合量化评价,并将中国男篮与对手的攻防能力指标进行对比分析.结果显示:中国男篮进攻RSR处于D级,在得分、助攻、3分球命中率与罚球命中率上,与对手存在非常显著性差异,在失误数、进攻篮板、3分球出手数上与对手存在显著性差异;中国男篮防守RSR处于D级,防守篮板数比对手少,而失分和犯规数比对手多,且在犯规数上与法国男篮存在显著性差异;中国男篮攻防RSR处于E级;球队最终排名与进攻RSR值和攻防RSR值之间存在非常显著性相关.  相似文献   
Tennis featured in every Olympics from 1896 to 1924, after which disagreements between the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Lawn Tennis Federation (ILTF) on matters pertaining to organisational control and the amateur eligibility of players led to tennis being removed from the Olympic Games as a full-medal event until the 1988 Seoul Olympics. This paper traces the steps of the sport’s reinstatement, from when efforts commenced in the 1950s, setting this development in the contexts of: broader political movements, shifting IOC leadership, burgeoning commercialisation of Olympic sport, the concomitant push for professionalisation and the declining influence of amateur ideals within both the Olympic movement and international tennis. Under the leadership of the amateur stalwart Avery Brundage, the IOC stymied attempts to facilitate tennis’s re-entry, challenging both the ILTF on failing to deal with widespread ‘sham-amateur’ practices and the avaricious promoters luring amateur players toward the professional ranks. Brundage and the IOC also strongly condemned the move to ‘open’ tennis and an acceptance of full-blown professionalism. Only a change in leadership, firstly with Lord Killanin and then the progressive reformer Juan Antonio Samaranch, did the IOC recognise the value of tennis within the Olympic movement, which by then had itself become increasingly money-oriented.  相似文献   
This study compared the effects of six warm-up modalities on peak power output (PPO) during the high-pull exercise. Nine resistance-trained males completed six trials using different warm-ups: high-pull specific (HPS), cycle, whole body vibration (WBV), cycle+HPS, WBV+HPS and a control. Intramuscular temperature (Tm) was increased by 2°C using WBV or cycling. PPO, Tm and electromyography (EMG) were recorded during each trial. Two high-pulls were performed prior to and 3 min after participants completed the warm-up. The greatest increase in PPO occurred with HPS (232.8 ± 89.7 W, < 0.001); however, this was not different to combined warm-ups (cycle+HPS 158.6 ± 121.1 W; WBV+HPS 177.3 ± 93.3 W, = 1.00). These modalities increased PPO to a greater extent than those that did not involve HPS (all P < 0.05). HPS took the shortest time to complete, compared to the other conditions (P < 0.05). EMG did not differ from pre to post warm-up or between modalities in any of the muscles investigated. No change in Tm occurred in warm-ups that did not include cycling or WBV. These results suggest that a movement-specific warm-up improves performance more than temperature-related warm-ups. Therefore, mechanisms other than increased muscle temperature and activation may be important for improving short-term PPO.  相似文献   
中国少数民族传统体育运动(简称民族运动会)是富有中国特色的体育赛事,它的举办具有弘扬民族传统文化、促进民族团结的功效.以中国知网收录的347篇与民族运动会研究相关文献为研究对象,采用citespaceⅢ进行了关键词共现、成果产出作者、机构等分析.结果显示:当前,民族运动会研究发文量增加显著,研究视角呈多元化发展态势,历经了起步、持续发展、高度发展三个阶段;研究的主题主要集中在基础理论、发展历程及走向、制度建设、社会向度、项目设置及竞赛项目等方面.结合存在的问题,指出民族运动会未来研究应重视全民健身、体育产业、大数据等视角的探析.  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、统计分析法等方法,对2010年羽毛球世锦赛、亚运会和国际羽联巡回赛十二站超级赛各国的羽毛球项目比赛成绩进行对比,分析中国羽毛球项目备战伦敦奥运会的形势,结果显示:当今世界羽坛的竞争格局并未发生根本的变化,中国羽毛球项目依然处于世界一流水平行列,但世界各国的竞技实力正日趋接近,加之奥运会新参赛规则的设置,导致中国队以往的竞争优势已不复存在,面对伦敦奥运会的备战国羽的形势不容乐观,只有提前做好准备,才能期待在伦敦奥运会上有备无患,继续书写辉煌。  相似文献   
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