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浙江省温岭市是南宋江湖诗派代表人物戴复古的故乡,最近,在其故里附近出土了其堂兄弟戴忱及家人的六方墓志铭。根据这六方墓志铭、早几年发现的两方戴氏墓志铭和古县志上记载的两篇戴氏墓志铭,修正了戴复古家世辈分,并对20多年前发表的《戴复古家世考》和其中的世系表作了较大的改动补充。  相似文献   
明清徽州家谱的发达与徽商的参与密切相关。徽商参与家谱编修,一是利用家谱列传使自己名垂后代的内在精神追求得到实现;二是利用编修家谱团结族众、减少恶性竞争,将家谱作为经营手段之一;三是利用家谱编修确定商籍,保证徽商子弟顺利参加科举考试。徽商参与家谱编修的行为促进明清徽州修谱的发达,也使徽州家谱鲜明地体现了重商的特征。  相似文献   
两晋南朝时期的门阀谱牒,从历史文化的角度来看,其意义并非单纯地记录历史,而是建立起某种相对于现实的参考坐标。在这个过程中,对“先世”荣光的集体“追忆”成为一种精神上的溯源仪式,而将家族集体记忆中的“先世”故事变为和现实同构的某种象征。  相似文献   
Until recently the dominant critique of ‘student participation’ projects was one based on the theoretical assumptions of critical theory in the form of critical pedagogy. Over the last decade, we have witnessed the emergence of a critical education discourse that theorises and critically analyses such projects using Foucault's notion of ‘governmentality’. In this paper, I argue that while these governmentality studies challenge some of the key theoretical and taken for granted assumptions upon which such initiatives rest, they neglect to challenge the central assumption that such initiatives represent a historical break with traditional schooling practices. The importance of accounting for and critically analysing these projects within a historical framework will be argued through a discussion of Foucault's notion of genealogy as a particular conception and method of critique. It will also be demonstrated using an example, which shows an unacknowledged nineteenth century history of the current discourse and practice of student participation.  相似文献   
云南永胜他留人是吸收了众多民族成分而形成于明末清初的一个特殊族群,有自己的语言,无文字,主要靠口传心授传承其民族文化。历代官家史书对于他留人的记载较少。汉文记载的他留人档案史料大致可分为史籍文献、家谱记载、铎系唱经、石刻档案、刻画符号等,内容主要包括他留人的祖籍来源、世系族谱、生产生活等方面。这些为数不多的档案史料对了解和研究他留人这一特殊族群具有重要价值。  相似文献   

One of the most important resources for social and family historians researching the former Russian Empire are the revision lists, a series of ten enumerations of the population conducted between 1719 and 1858. Listing the members of each household among taxable classes of people across the Russian Empire, the revision lists are useful for studying historical population demographics and reconstructing family relationships. An awareness of these records and where to access them can be useful for Slavic librarians to facilitate the research of Russian historians and genealogists. This article provides an overview of the history and content of the revision lists with a survey of available collections online and offline.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 学术谱系是科学家成长的摇篮,可以反映学科的形成与发展过程。研究以科学家学术谱系为研究对象,运用计量学方法,建立评价学术谱系的计量指标,并建构学术谱系树模型。[方法/过程] 提出评价科学家学术谱系的计量指标,包括学术谱系的繁衍能力、学术谱系的影响力和学缘关系;在实证方面,以武汉大学马费成教授的学术谱系为例,从3个维度对其学术谱系进行评价。[结果/结论] 研究结果表明,利用研究构建的学术谱系评价指标,可以对科学家的学术谱系进行量化分析,从而揭示学科的繁衍与发展。学术谱系树模型的建立能够更好地对学术谱系的计量指标进行解释与可视化呈现。  相似文献   
唐代书法家李邕的郡望是江夏。两晋后期,江夏李氏逐渐成为当时江夏地区非常有影响的士族家族。通过与河东卫氏家族和琊王氏家族之间的交往,他们在书法领域取得了较大成就,不仅在当时具有一定的影响,而且也得到后世书论家的赞誉。江夏李氏在书法文化领域的文化积淀毫无疑问会影响这个家族的后裔,因此,李邕在书法领域取得巨大成就与其家族的书法积淀有着密切的关系。  相似文献   
福柯通过考古学和谱系学研究,以后结构的散落性-来源论-差异性-断裂性来代替古典历史书写的总体化-起源论-同质化-连续性原则,进而揭示了身体-知识-权力之间的辩证关系,为后结构式的重写历史开辟了道路。  相似文献   
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