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Seventeen healthy adults exercised for 30 min (70% V O 2max ), at different times of the day and night throughout a 24 h period. The effect on the phase of core temperature rhythm was assessed by comparing the rhythms on the day immediately before and immediately after the day of exercise with the participants living normally on these 2 days. Assessments were made upon data that had been corrected for the thermogenic effects of sleep and activity. When exercise was performed in the period between 4 h before and 1 h after the temperature minimum, there was a phase delay of 1.03 - 0.78 h (mean - s ; n = 6); when performed between 3 and 8 h after the temperature minimum, there was a phase advance of 1.07 - 1.23 h ( n = 9). Both means were significantly different from zero (Student's one-sample t -tests: P ? 0.05). Performed at other times, exercise had no significant effect on the phase of the temperature rhythm. The phase changes were not significantly different from those previously observed by us in sedentary individuals exposed to domestic lighting. We conclude that the amount of physical activity has very little effect on the body clock.  相似文献   
The aims of the present study were to determine whether available “fasting” and oral glucose tolerance test-derived insulin sensitivity indices could effectively discriminate between individuals with higher than normal insulin sensitivity, and whether they would all provide similar information in clinical practice. Sprint runners (n = 8), endurance runners (n = 8) and sedentary controls (n = 7) received a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test. All participants were healthy lean males, aged 21?–?29 years. Besides glucose and insulin responses, a total of nine such indices were computed. Fasting as well as post-load glucose concentrations were similar in the three groups, while basal plasma insulin and the insulinaemic response to glucose were both higher in untrained individuals (at P?<?0.05 and P?<?0.02, respectively). There were no differences between endurance and sprint runners. The results for insulin sensitivity, however, were quite variable: three indices showed that both groups of athletes were more insulin-sensitive than controls; three indicated that this was the case for endurance runners only; one indicated that this was the case for sprint runners only; and two showed that sprint runners were more insulin-sensitive than either sedentary individuals or endurance runners (all differences were significant at P?<?0.05). Controlling for total body weight or lean mass did not effectively resolve this disagreement. Apparently, the various insulin sensitivity indices examined provided different quantitative and qualitative information, despite insulin action being greater in both groups of athletes relative to controls, as reflected by their similar glucose tolerance with lower insulin concentrations. We suggest, therefore, that the use and interpretation of such indices among physically active individuals be made with caution.  相似文献   

Kenyan athletes have dominated international distance running in recent years. Explanations for their success include favourable physiological characteristics, which could include favourable genetic endowment, and advantageous environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to compare the demographic characteristics of elite Kenyan runners with those of the general Kenyan population. Questionnaires, administered to 404 elite Kenyan runners specializing in distances ranging from the 800 m to the marathon and 87 Kenyan controls, obtained information on place of birth, language, and distance and method of travel to school. Athletes were separated into two groups according to athletic success: those who competed in international competition and those who competed in national competition. The athletes differed from controls in regional distribution, language, and distance and method of travel to school; athletes also differed from each other with the exception of method of travel to school. Most national and international athletes came from the Rift Valley province (controls 20%, national athletes 65%, international athletes 81%), belonged to the Kalenjin ethnic group (controls 8%, national athletes 49%, international athletes 76%) and Nandi sub-tribe (controls 5%, national athletes 25%, international athletes 44%), and spoke languages of Nilotic origin (controls 21%, national athletes 60%, international athletes 79%). A higher proportion of all athletes ran to school each day (controls 22%, national athletes 73%, international athletes 81%) and covered greater distances. In conclusion, Kenyan runners are from a distinctive environmental background in terms of geographical distribution, ethnicity and travelled further to school, mostly by running. These findings highlight the importance of environmental and social factors in the success of Kenyan runners.  相似文献   
目的:探讨基因多态性对速度类项目成绩的影响,以期为寻找适用于我国优秀运动员相关运动基因型提供理论依据,从而使运动选材更趋向科学性和准确性。方法:根据基因多态性所表现的个体差异,通过信息技术方法,对各洲际国家之间在速度类项目中,前八名总数进行比较分析,剖析运动员在世界体坛上创造一个又一个神话的根本原因。结论:基因多态性可以作为运动员选材分子生物学标记。建议:开展我国不同地区人群的基因多态性与运动的关联性研究,对我国寻求优秀运动员具有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   
目前福建省青少年运动员信息注册管理采用的是"运动员注册管理子系统",但该系统尚存在采集运动员基本身份信息的手段缺乏智能性、指纹识别率不高、所采集的运动员信息过于简单、缺乏信息公开查询功能、无法进行网络报名报项等不足。为进一步提高运动员信息注册管理的准确性和高效率,应对该系统进行改进,在系统中设置第二代身份证阅读器,采用识别率高的指纹仪器,增加运动员拓展信息的录入,增加数字照片导入、信息公开查询和报名报项的功能。  相似文献   
运用问卷调查、文献资料和数理统计等研究方法,对湖南省第七届少数民族运动会高脚竞速运动员在训练、比赛中所产生的运动损伤情况进行追踪调查与分析。结果表明,高脚竞速主要损伤部位是手掌、拇指内侧、膝关节、足趾、踝关节及大小腿肌肉群等。分析认为,准备活动不充分、技术不正确或不熟练、运动负荷过大、身体疲劳、场地器材的不适合等是造成损伤的主要原因。建议从运动训练学、运动医学角度进行防治,最大限度地减少其发生率,将有助于高脚马运动水平的不断提高。  相似文献   
目的:探讨专业运动员肩胛下肌损伤的诊断和治疗方法。方法:38例患者随机分为A、B两组,分别采用传统的推拿、理疗手段和封闭治疗,对比两组治疗效果。结果:封闭治疗组治愈率为78.95%,远大于推拿理疗组的21.05%;封闭治疗组无效率为5.26%,远小于推拿理疗组的57.90%。结论:封闭是目前治疗运动员肩胛下肌损伤的有效治疗方法。  相似文献   
杨兵 《毕节学院学报》2007,25(2):122-124
智力因素和非智力因素在现代竞技运动竞赛中具有重要价值作用,它是构成高水平运动员比赛能力的重要因素。  相似文献   
针对目前武术散打运动项目发展中存在的问题,应用竞技体育发展的规律和理论,提出建立健全一套培养高水平武术散打教练员和运动员科学化选材体系的必要性及其理论构思.  相似文献   
随着体育全球化的推进,各种体育赛事层出不穷。游泳是奥运会的重要比赛项目,奖牌多,影响力大。新形势下,世界泳坛百花争艳,各国选手都极具竞争力,而我国游冰运动员的运动寿命短暂,平均年龄低于国外选手,忽视了许多大器晚成的优秀运动员。因此,本文通过介绍“运动寿命”的定义,分析我国优秀游泳运动员的培养现状,讨论造成优秀游泳运动员运动寿命短暂的因素,寻找延长优秀游泳运动员运动寿命的策略。  相似文献   
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