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Amid the complex international situation and entangled interests, news narration is usually conducted by the government, media and the public together by copying mainstream ideas and concepts. In covering the Asian Games, People's Daily takes on a periodical change in its narration about Asia during the history of China's participation in the Games: in the stage of ‘alienation and struggle’, the narration is focused on politics; in the stage of ‘participation and competition’, the narration becomes two dimensional, touching on both politics and sport; in the stage of ‘hosting the Games and taking the lead’, the narration is further diversified and incorporates politics, sport and culture. Such an evolution takes place in a profound international and historical context, reflecting the changes not only in China's sporting events coverage but also in the ‘mindset and insight’ of Chinese media in covering sporting events and Asia.  相似文献   
This article studies similarities and disparities between the two nations England and Norway as they could be observed before and during the London 2012 Olympics, and discuss them in the historical perspective of geopolitical and sportive relations. The main perspective is how these relations have been seen and experienced from Norway. The article also studies whether the London Olympics of 2012 did present new forms of relationships between the two geographical neighbours. The article discusses the role of ball games, preferably team handball at the 2012 Games, as one example of where sporting interests differ. The article reflects upon these matters in a historical context. It builds upon traditional historical methods, document and media analysis. It also looks at the 2012 London Olympics against the background of the former London Games of 1908 and 1948, and the overall historical sports relations between England, ‘land of sport’ and a small country like Norway, who generally has been on the receiving end of these interchanges. Such asymmetric relationships invite to a critical use of perspectives like cultural imperialism and post-colonialism. The article discusses whether such perspectives can be fruitful also when one discusses matters between the so-called First World nations. As the title of the article indicates, Norway and England are both close, politically and culturally, while also being strangers to one another, e.g. in parts of the sports culture. The 2012 Olympics seemed to reinforce this impression.  相似文献   
自由式滑雪空中技巧运动适合我国的国情、国力,在较短时间内运动成绩提高显著,具有参加冬奥会潜优势项目的特征。通过对该项目中外运动员成绩和技术特点的分析比较,提出我国自由式滑雪空中技巧运动备战索契冬奥会的成绩目标,并以此目标为训练依据,从培养运动员基本姿势的稳定性与快速准确交换重心能力,加强运动员上体、髋关节控制能力,熟练把握转弯时机与转弯节奏变化技术,提高拼板立刃刻雪、点杖、提杖技术等几个方面改进回转技术;同时提高运动员完成比赛动作的滑行速度、空中技术动作的难度与完成的质量,从而提高比赛动作的得分,实现我国自由式滑雪雪上技巧项目在索契冬奥会成绩的突破。  相似文献   
通过对2013年美国盐湖城速度滑冰短距离世锦赛成绩的统计分析,对比国内外选手的优势与不足,探寻我国短距离速滑运动员存在的主要差距、努力方向和训练重点。针对我国选手存在的问题,提出针对性的解决方案,并对备战索契冬奥会进行了展望,从明确备战目标、制定好训练与参赛计划、精心选择训练策略等方面,探讨了备战索契冬奥会的对策,以期为备战2014年索契冬奥会提供参考意见。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法对英国的奥运"金牌战略"进行剖析,为迎接2012年伦敦奥运会的到来,同时也为实现竞技体育本身的政治、经济价值,英国政府通过加强体育管理,采取政策措施,加大投资等方式在短时间内取得了斐然成绩,并对赛后遗产进行妥善规划。作为2008北京奥运的主办国,中国在今后发展竞技体育的过程中当汲取其成功经验,进一步完善举国体制,政府与社会共建,协调发展体育事业。  相似文献   
严石 《湖北体育科技》2013,32(5):472-473
对伦敦奥运会皮划艇项目单人艇决赛成绩进行统计分析,认为欧洲国家仍然在该项目中处于垄断地位,男子单人皮艇200 m竞争最激烈。通过与中国队的比较分析,对发展中国皮划艇项目提出建议。  相似文献   
从北京到伦敦,随着奥运主场的转移,TOP赞助商中的中国企业阵容也随之改变,尤其是大陆企业出现了大面积撤退的情况,几乎销声匿迹。那些在四年前不惜重金共襄盛举的赞助商和供应商们似乎放弃了进军伦敦奥运战场。调查发现,中国企业的大面积撤退与业绩并无太大关联。结合国外企业成功开展奥运营销的关键因素与中国企业体育营销存在的问题探讨对此现象的思考。  相似文献   
在2012年意大利罗米尼举行的世界休闲组织理事会上,青岛市成功地获得了举办2015年第二届世界休闲运动会的主办权,笔者与世界休闲组织主席德雷克?卡塞先生和世界休闲组织秘书长克里斯托夫?爱丁顿教授,就2015年第二届世界休闲运动会的基本理念、主要目标、项目设置、举办规模、对城市的发展影响和居民生活质量的提高等问题进行访谈,对这种全新运动会发展模式给出了具体规划和设想。  相似文献   
刘戈 《搏击·武术科学》2013,(3):106-108,124
文章介绍了中国恢复国际奥委会合法席位后所参加的历届冬夏季奥运会,以2008年奥运会为分界,将中国体育发展分为体育大国和体育强国建设阶段,论证奥林匹克运动对中国体育发展的影响和中国体育在奥林匹克运动发展中所扮演的重要角色。提醒国人须清醒认识到我国体育实力仍与强国存在差距。还认为,奥运不只是金牌,体育也不只是竞技、赛场和强身健体,我国应加强对体育真实内涵和奥林匹克真谛精神的宣传教育。  相似文献   
根据奥林匹克文化和中华武术文化的两个文化系统的背景下,通过对武术文化理念及青奥会文化理念分析,武术在青奥会中传播的可行性进行了阐述,为推动武术在国际性运动会中的传播提供可能。  相似文献   
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