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艾米莉·狄金森是美国19世纪著名女诗人,她的诗独具一格,寓意丰富,耐人寻味,成为后人竞相研究的对象。本文从自然、爱情、宗教和死亡等几个方面对其诗歌内涵进行简要分析和评述。  相似文献   
朱理·米什莱是19世纪法国最杰出的浪漫主义史学家。"历史即复活"最集中地体现了他的浪漫主义史学思想。米什莱始终将个人生活与历史视为一体,他一生的主要经历与他独特的史观形成之间存在着紧密的内在联系,体现了浪漫主义史学强调主体性、富于同情心和想象力的主要特征。  相似文献   
台静农是早期乡土小说流派的代表作家之一,他的乡土小说善于营造死亡意象。本文就台静农小说中死亡意象的表现和台静农为何专注此种意象的营造,进行探求与剖析。  相似文献   
在立即废止死刑是一种奢望时,严格限制和逐步减少死刑的适用,以使死刑的适用与我国的死刑政策相一致,与国际死刑的发展趋势相一致,就显得具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   
死刑是一种最为严厉的生命刑,在历史上多有适用。然而随着人权理论的发展,世界范围内废止死刑的呼声日益高涨。废止死刑是人道主义发展的必然要求,但在物质、精神条件尚未具备的目前,我国不宜废止死刑,而应将对死刑的严格限制作为最佳的进路。  相似文献   
"死亡"作为文学的母题,因其临界终极而魅力永恒,无法诠释又被多次诠释.现代女作家对"死亡"的书写有性别的、断代的属我特征,对之梳理是必要而有价值的.通过探讨女作家对"死亡"所采取的观点、视角及功能取舍来窥测她们的生命观、价值观,则可获取学科研究的新启示.  相似文献   
屈原作品所表现的死亡意境,是诗人死亡观的艺术体现,是诗人人格境界的艺术转化,它蕴含着诗人对死亡的独特理解与阐释。诗人的死亡观既受孔子、孟子的影响,在一定程度上又有庄子死亡观的渗透。屈原对于以死殉节的坚定选择是儒家“内圣外王”、道家“无待而游”人格境界的双重体现。  相似文献   
作为一位伟大的美国现实主义剧作家,阿瑟.米勒一直关注戏剧的社会功能和道德的教谕作用。《推销员之死》是他最具代表性的作品,也是一部最具深远影响的"战后美国最伟大的剧作"。米勒通过创作《推销员之死》,表达了对"美国梦"的理解。时至今日,该剧所体现的美国社会最致命的矛盾依然存在。《推销员之死》当中关于美国梦的思考,关于人类永恒追求的东西——人性、道德、思想以及它赋予戏剧的责任感,仍然值得人们深思和反省。  相似文献   

Sport events that depend upon natural landscapes tend to draw athletes from urban centres to peripheral areas. In doing so these events function as tourist attractions but little is known about the way participating athletes understand these places. This study explores the ways that one type of sport traveller (i.e. ultramarathon runners) understands the host destination (Grande Cache, Canada) as a place of training and competition. A volunteer employed photography data collection method was used along with an inductive thematic analysis. Four themes emerged including place as: (a) landscape, (b) sport competition, (c) community, and (d) an introspective self-portrait. First, under the landscape theme runners saw place as sublime nature during the training camp (TC) and a terrain to be conquered during the race. Second, the sport competition theme reflected place as the event with the competition being the filter through which all other aspects of the setting were understood. Third, the setting was characterized as a place of community that fostered social connection and celebration. Finally, the introspective self-portrait theme focused on the runners themselves as they centred their identity within the setting. While landscape was a dominant theme during the TC visit, the sport competition and community themes became more salient during the competition weekend. The introspective self-portrait theme was strong during both visits. Study findings suggest that runners were attached to the setting through ‘place identity’ in addition to their dependence on it to facilitate the ultramarathon event.  相似文献   
余华的《在细雨中呼喊》是一部具有价值的现实主义著作,整部作品笼罩在对现实的绝望气息当中。黑暗,死亡,性压抑,人性的沦丧,绝望的情绪细密地弥漫在文字之中。在黑暗中的哭泣,在绝望中呼唤,无不展现了在“文化荒原”时代可怕的人性的灭失和情感的决绝。  相似文献   
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