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Sixty-seven participants (39 men and 28 women), ranging in age from 26 to 79 years, were administered Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) on three occasions. Although total APM scores were found to be highly reliable across the three occasions, the reliabilities of most individual items were extremely low. A single-factor model remained a borderline adequate fit (explaining approximately 20% of the variance) for the interitem correlation matrix on all three occasions. Total APM scores increased significantly across the three occasions (approximately two items per occasion). Improvements in total score across the occasions happened within a context of subjects changing both correct and incorrect responses from the previous occasion. The number of items left unanswered was found to be unrelated to both APM score on any given occasion and the amount of gain in score made across occasions. These findings suggest that the improvements in performance were not based on the acquisition of a strategy design to respond to more items or on the retention of item-specific information, but rather, the improvement reflected learning, something common to the types of items found in the APM.  相似文献   
王雷 《巢湖学院学报》2011,13(2):101-105
1916年袁世凯帝制覆亡后,北洋政局有向和平发展的可能,实力派和非实力派在约法问题上的反复争论,反映了这种走向。国民党、进步党急于分享反帝制果实,一味要求无条件恢复《临时约法》和国会;段琪瑞为实现南北统一而作出让步,《临时约法》再次恢复。  相似文献   
介绍了非简并微扰中能级修正与波函数修正的由来,找出能量逐级修正与波函数逐级修正之间的关系。  相似文献   
Visual images played an increasing role in professional discourse and in popular and political debate about progressive education over a century or more. In the early 1900s photography was adopted by some progressive texts to convey new ideas illustrated by practice. This paper highlights an iconic example: John and Evelyn Dewey’s celebrated Schools of To-Morrow (1915), with reference to a small selection of its photographic illustrations. Consideration is given to how images were constructed, their status as historical evidence and issues of interpretation. Comparison is made with other illustrated works, preceding and following Schools of To-Morrow, by advocates of child- or student-centred pedagogies. The article urges critical reflection on visual representation in arguments for and against progressivism in more recent times. Insights drawn from earlier examples should be borne in mind by historians seeking to evaluate the role of pictorial sources in discourses of pedagogical reform.  相似文献   
In this study, a progressive-learning approach to physics, based on knowledge-building pedagogy, was compared to a content-centered approach in which explanations, experiments, and discussions are centered on the transmission of knowledge. Forty-six students attending the first year of high school participated in this study over a whole school year. Students’ knowledge and mastery of physics concepts were assessed through questionnaires containing both open-ended and multiple-choice questions. Overall, the ‘progressive-learning' group outperformed the content-centered group. Results are discussed in relation to the theoretical background and the experimental teacher's diary of classroom activities. The main conclusion achieved by this study is that the teaching of physics should be slow, cyclic, and developmentally appropriate for the context.  相似文献   
元儒程端学在继承程朱灾异观的基础上,形成了更加系统完整的灾异理论学说。程端学反对把具体灾异与具体人事一一对应,但囿于当时的自然科学水平以及儒者将天变人事相联系进行政治宣传和劝谕的需要,他像一般《春秋》学者一样承认天人感应。  相似文献   
美国在19世纪末20世纪初进行了一场轰轰烈烈的进步主义运动,造成这场运动的原因是多方面的,但究其根本来说是美国城市化和工业化的必然结果。进步主义运动一个重要的方面就是城市改革。城市改革分为两个方向,一是面向社会下层,主张改革贫民窟以纠正社会弊端,一是着眼于市政机构,旨在取缔城市老板,提高市政机构效能。改革的成效是显著的,在改革贫民窟和提高城市效率方面取得了一系列的成果,美国城市改革是美国资本主义体制的一种自我调节和改善。他们更多的反映了中小资产阶级反对垄断资本的性质,目的是重建"开明政府",扩大"贤能政府"的权力,把垄断置于政府的控制之下,保持政治、经济、社会替继阶梯的开放和畅通。  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to facilitate progressive transitions in chemistry teachers understanding of nature of science in the context of historical controversies. Selected controversies referred to episodes that form part of the chemistry curriculum both at secondary and university freshman level. The study is based on 17 in-service teachers who had registered for an 11-week course on ‘Investigation in the teaching of chemistry’ as part of their Master’s degree program. The course is based on 17 readings drawing on a history and philosophy of science perspective with special reference to controversial episodes in the chemistry curriculum. Course activities included written reports, class room discussions based on participants’ presentations, and written exams. Based on the results obtained it is suggested that this study facilitated the following progressive transitions in teachers’ understanding of nature of science: (a) Problematic nature of the scientific method, objectivity and the empirical basis of science; (b) Myths associated with respect to the nature of science and teaching chemistry; (c) Science does not develop by appealing to objectivity in an absolute sense, as creativity and presuppositions also play a crucial role; (d) The role of speculation and controversy in the construction of knowledge based on episodes from the chemistry curriculum; (e) How did Bohr confirm his postulates? This goes beyond the treatment in most textbooks; (f) Differentiation between the idealized scientific law and the observations. It is concluded that given the opportunity to reflect, discuss and participate in a series of course activities based on various controversial episodes, teachers’ understanding of nature of science can be enhanced.  相似文献   
革命根据地是党在战争年代进行对敌斗争的大本营,根据地的经济建设如何决定着根据地能否巩固,决定着战争的成败。进行经济建设,离不开政府财政手段的运用,农村地区当时的基本情况决定了当时的财政手段与今天的财政手段是不同的,通过对历史文献的研究发现,虽然具体的手段不同,但就经济思想来讲,当时党和政府认为应该审时度势地采取适当的财政手段进行经济建设,支持抗战直至最后胜利,与我们今天凯恩斯的主义的政府干预经济思想是一致的,虽然二者的机制不同。  相似文献   
基于对本科生实际外语水平的了解,结合运输管理课程的内容特点,选择保持-浸没式教学模式开展双语教学实践,辅以课前预习、课程外语问答、课后练习、原文翻译等训练,全面培养学生的专业课程外语的听、说、读、写能力。课堂提问检测和课程考核结果显示,按照保持-浸没式模式进行双语教学的学生,其专业知识掌握程度、外语水平都优于纯粹的保持式或浸没式双语教学。  相似文献   
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