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美声唱法起源于17世纪的意大利,它是随着艺术歌曲、歌剧的诞生和发展而逐步完善的,它主要以艺术歌曲和清唱剧、歌剧等题材作为表演形式。它的歌唱发声是在遵循演唱者自身的发声器官、共鸣腔以及气息运用的科学规律,充分挖掘最佳声音潜力,使得声音自然流畅、音色优美、连贯并富有弹性。而我国的民族唱法来自于生活和劳动中,它的声音具有朴实亲切、明亮高亢等特点。借鉴美声唱法的科学发声方法来丰富和发展我国民族唱法,可以逐步完善我国民族唱法,达到更具魅力、完美的民族唱法。  相似文献   
该文以绿色荧光蛋白FRP为实验对象,通过设计原核蛋白表达、镍柱亲和纯化、荧光光谱分析、SDSPAGE电泳分离、Western blotting免疫印迹及蛋白质质谱鉴定等内容的生物化学综合实验,提高学生的生物化学实验技能。荧光光谱分析表明,纯化的GFP蛋白的最大激发波长为480nm,最大发射波长为500nm,与已知的GFP荧光光谱基本相同。SDS-PAGE电泳分离发现,GFP的亲和纯化效果好,且纯化得到的GFP分子量约为27kDa,与理论值相符。该实验适用于生物科学专业本科生系统完整地学习蛋白质表达、纯化和鉴定的实验方法,具有很好的综合性,取得非常好的教学效果。  相似文献   
笔者通过对“西方经济学”课程的试卷分析,发现本三学生的学习能力在多个维度上都与本二学生存在显著的差距。本文基于学习能力差异的量化依据,遵循“因材施教”的原则提出了相关本三教改建议。  相似文献   
It is common to hear Māori discuss primordial states of Being, yet in colonisation those very central beliefs are forced into weaker utterances. In this process those utterances merely conform to a colonised agenda. ‘Mātauranga’, a tidy term that overwhelmingly refers to an epistemological knowing of the world, colludes nicely with its English equivalent, ‘knowledge’, to further colonise those core contemplations of Being. Its plausibility relies on an orderly regard of things in the world. In education, historical and current practices of schooling pave the way for things in the world so that they amount to mātauranga for Māori, and even the term ‘ako’ will conspire in its own way. Both Novalis and Heidegger have the ability to identify subtly colonising philosophies, and may even propose some theoretical solutions for Māori.  相似文献   
文章主要从考古学、文献资料等角度对中原与西域在先秦时期存在的联系进行了概述证明,并根据这些早已存在的联系,从经济交流、文化艺术和思想观念上具体分析了这种联系所产生的影响,旨在说明早在张骞通西域之前中原与西域就存在着不可忽视的联系。  相似文献   
钱钟书《谈艺录》评陆游诗"好谈匡救之略,心性之学","大言恫吓"、"夸词入诞",谓其毕生抒发爱国情怀的绝大部分诗篇都是"作态"、"作假",如果真让陆游领兵抗金,必然失败。然而,陆游自幼接受儒家思想教育,忧国忧民,知行合一,其伐金计划与治国方略皆通察时局、老谋深算,却不被朝廷采纳,终其一生得不到重用,只能在诗中抒写抱负、寄托理想。钱钟书只读陆游之诗,对陆游的家世、才能和生平行事不作全面深入的考察,以假设、猜想代替事实判断,厚诬昔贤,违背了治学必须求真求实的基本规律。受"五四"以来西学风气影响,钱钟书不关注儒学义理,论学割裂诗文与经史的关系,只识词章之美,不明至善之道,致有是论。  相似文献   
采用在研究产业竞争能力方面闻名的波特钻石模型法,从生产要素、需求条件、政策支持和相关产业的表现、战略结构设置四个大方面对厦门建设航运金融中心的优劣势逐一进行分析,进而达到验证厦门能否成功建设具有国际影响力的航运金融中心目的。  相似文献   
Many East-Asian countries are actively positioning themselves as receiving countries of international students. Consequently, the number of international students in these countries is steadily growing. Given the differences between Eastern and Western conceptions of teaching and learning, it could be expected that Western learners studying in the region may encounter educational practices that are foreign to them. This study sought to understand contemporary East-Asian teaching practices as experienced by Western students. Specifically, it explored Anglo and Hispanic students' perceptions of the pedagogic approaches they encountered at a Taiwanese university. In-depth interviews were conducted with 22 degree-seeking students in different fields of study. The findings indicate that despite the government's continuous initiatives to foster less traditional pedagogic approaches, a transmission model of instruction still looms large in Taiwan's higher education context. It was also found that the students in this study were ill-adapted to this form of teaching practice.  相似文献   
西方高水平的社会道德水平受到全世界的关注.而除了法律的约束,宗教是一个不可以忽略的部分.宗教在社会生活中发挥着重大的作用.在西方,基督教作为第一大宗教,其对于西方道德文化的影响是不可忽视的.本文通过对于基督教中“末日审判”的研究,探讨其对于西方社会道德的积极作用.  相似文献   
《这里的黎明静悄悄》与《西线轶事》在当代军事战争题材作品中都具有里程碑的意义,它们的艺术构思新颖、反映角度独特、表现手法别致.但由于两位作家的国情区别、生活环境的差异和文化传统等诸多因素的限制,使两部小说又呈现出不同的文化意蕴和审美风格.  相似文献   
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