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兴奋剂的使用在现代体育比赛中日益泛滥,并困扰着竞技体育的健康发展.该本文通过对较多的文献资料研究,总结了使用兴奋剂的原因及特点,进一步探讨了世界体坛反兴奋剂运动的新趋势和新举措,期望能为我国体坛反兴奋剂提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   
Without taking a position on the overall justification of anti-doping regulations, I analyse the possible justification of Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) from such rules. TUEs are a creative way to prevent the unfair exclusion of athletes with a chronic condition, and they have the potential to be the least bad option. But they cannot be competitively neutral. Their justification must rest, instead, on the relevance of intentions to permissibility. I illustrate this by means of a set of thought experiments in which only an athlete’s intentions vary. I argue that the Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE) sheds some light on TUEs and illustrate this by applying different readings of the DDE to the thought experiment. This underpins a justification of anti-doping exemptions very different from the approach adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). I argue for three changes to bring TUEs in line with this understanding: rewriting of the regulations, transparency, and a greater role for athletes in determining what exemptions are allowed, and when.  相似文献   

On April 1, 2018, the new standards of compliance to the code of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) came into force. The new standards impact all sports. An important amendment has been made to an article of the existing code ‘Additional Roles and Responsibility of the Parties’. Now, all international federations and the unions in agreement with WADA are obliged to reject applications for holding all sporting events from countries that do not comply with the WADA code. By then, Russian elite sport remained in isolation because the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) had no license from WADA until a compromise agreement allowed Russia back into international sports in September 2018. The probability of obtaining permanent return to international sport was extremely low. In order to obtain the license, Russian sport authorities were asked to agree with the reports of Professor McLaren and to admit the existence of doping support in the country at the state level, which seemed improbable. In Russia, although the new standards of the World Anti-Doping Agency code have not caused special concerns it directly impact Russian elite sport. Unless certain conditions were met by 2019, there was a high probability that Russia would not be able to attend large international competitions in the near future, including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The situation dictates the choice of the new strategy of development for Russian sport and new model for the fight against doping, which can be not dependent on WADA. To date, there have been no real checks on WADA’s authority other than occasional decisions in the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Academics who are critical of WADA’s functions often find themselves marginalized when the purported global doping “crisis” should bring “all hands on deck” to provide a humanistic and scientific approach that is best for athletes past, present and future. The functions of WADA in investigating, charging and punishing athletes do not contribute to sustainable development of sport and the sports industry around the world, and create unipolar environment of influence on sports development. Therefore, in this article, we describe some alternative forms and new order of regulation of the anti-doping relations in sport.  相似文献   
我国反兴奋剂处罚机制重视实体处罚而忽视程序救济之特点长期为学术界和体育界所诟病。人权保护原则、惩罚与救济相适应原则、程序正义原则为反兴奋剂处罚之救济提供了坚实的法理依据。借鉴域外相关经验,仲裁并辅之司法介入的方式对反兴奋剂处罚予以救济是实现反兴奋剂有效管理的制度闭环,考虑到目前国际形势和在我国现实国情,应将运动员在反兴奋剂处罚方面的程序性权利作为立法根基,同时建立行业内仲裁和适当司法介入机制为反兴奋剂处罚提供救济。  相似文献   
刘畅 《体育科研》2017,(5):1-7,21
兴奋剂违规行为的认定以及确定违规行为后的处罚与刑法中的定罪以及处罚有高度的类似性,反兴奋剂规则的运作过程也借鉴了刑法的若干基本原则。在兴奋剂违规行为的认定阶段,参考了刑法的罪刑法定原则、从旧兼从轻原则以及无罪推定原则;在兴奋剂违规行为确定后的处罚阶段,比附了刑法的罪刑相当原则以及累犯加重原则。当代刑法基本原则的宗旨更加倾向于保护刑事被告人,而反兴奋剂实践的趋势却是加重对运动员的处罚。这表明反兴奋剂实践从严处罚的发展趋势与当代刑法基本原则所体现的保护人权的精神相悖,“严打”兴奋剂违规行为的合理性值得商榷。  相似文献   
我国反兴奋剂管理体制的沿革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献综述、专家访谈和分析对比等方法,归纳了我国反兴奋剂管理体制沿革的基本脉络;概括了自20世纪80年代至今我国反兴奋剂管理体制4个不同发展阶段的主要特征;提示由政府主导、各负其责、依法管理、有效运转、既符合中国国情又与国际通行做法接轨的反兴奋剂管理体制,在我国的反兴奋剂斗争中发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   
法律是反兴奋剂斗争的一个重要手段。我国反兴奋剂法建设经历了从《体育法》有限条款到《一号令》再到《反兴奋剂条例》的发展历程,反兴奋剂斗争已纳入法制化范畴。我国反兴奋剂法制建设中所确立的法律制度主要包括管理制度、检查制度、处罚制度和教育制度等。随着反兴奋剂斗争的深入、社会科技的发展和国际上反兴奋剂法律的加强,我国的反兴奋剂法律还需要继续发展和完善。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法,发现学生使用兴奋剂现象比较严重。指出学校反兴奋剂教育的必要性。深入探讨了在学校反兴奋剂教育中“从学生实际出发”、“个体教育和集体教育相结合”、“严格要求与尊重、信任学生相结合”、“注意教育影响的连续性与一致性”策略。  相似文献   
国际反兴奋剂立法蕴含着妨害兴奋剂管理罪的追诉机制,我国反兴奋剂专门立法及相关立法直接或者间接地规定了妨害兴奋剂管理罪的追诉机制。但是,在前者中行刑衔接不力,在后者中行刑衔接基本阙如,故难以实现对妨害兴奋剂管理罪的有效追诉。兴奋剂检查的国际标准与国内标准不一致、兴奋剂样本取证难度大、责任主体沟通渠道不畅、移送监督机制保障不足等,是建构妨害兴奋剂管理罪的追诉机制面临的难题。为此,有必要先制定统一的行刑衔接基本法,然后针对反兴奋剂违规行为制定具体、专门的行刑衔接实施细则。在具体举措上,应当制定严于国际反兴奋剂法的检查标准,建立反兴奋剂机构与公安机关之间的协同侦查模式和兴奋剂犯罪情报信息共享平台,实现案件移送的外部监督。  相似文献   
目前研究兴奋剂道德和机能增强的研究成果不断涌现,劳特里奇集团出版的《体育界性能增强技术:道德、概念和科学问题》一书堪称该研究领域的杰作。对该书进行系统的整理与述评,以期把握反兴奋剂领域的最新研究动向,并对医疗兴奋剂这一全新的反兴奋剂领域进行了初步涉猎。  相似文献   
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