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在魏晋南北朝这个纷繁动乱的时期,思想文化潮流因这一时期封建礼教束缚的放松而得到极大的解放。女性这个在古代社会处于从属地位的群体,她们的思想在这一时期也极大开放,社会地位也有很大的提高,特别是教育文化领域女性的地位显著提高,为这一时期的教育文化事业做出了突出的贡献。  相似文献   
萧红的作品,以低处向上看的体恤情怀,始终聚焦在穷人和妇女身上,她完全自觉地站在受难的穷人和妇女一边,控诉社会的不公。此外,她在批判底层民众的愚昧麻木的同时,也在一定程度上深入到20世纪二三十年代整个东北乃至整个中国底层的人生。展现了沉重的社会悲剧以及历史惰性之源。她的小说所展示的底层生活不是一个阶层或个体的命运,而是民族历史的性格和命运的投射。  相似文献   
自宋代起,由于特殊的社会历史机缘,闽西一隅一直深受宋明理学的影响。及至清代,伴随理学贞节观的极端化发展思潮,闽西地区礼教之风更是严肃,出现了包括节妇、烈妇、贞女、烈女、义妇在内的庞大的列女群体。文章对乾隆《汀州府志》中的列女群体进行分类,并在此基础上勾勒其命运的基本轨迹,以期正确看待这一特殊社会群体所蕴含的历史文化意义。  相似文献   
爱是教师最重要的职业品质,但是要让教师产生职业之爱,不能简单地靠教师职业教育与培训,而要靠教养。教养作为人生的教育,为教师职业之爱奠定了基础。因此,要培养教师的职业之爱,就必须把教养纳入教师教育的范畴。  相似文献   
《德莫福夫人》是亨利?詹姆斯女性命运的早期作品之一。文中众多女性被塑造成两个固定的模式:无欲无求的天使和蛊魅人心的巫女。文章运用西方女性主义文学批评理论,分析文本中所有女性在男人"凝视"下的形象,从而进一步揭开那层扭曲了女性形象的神秘面纱。  相似文献   
高职院校学生的职业生涯规划教育要立足“能力”本位,紧密结合“以就业为导向”的办学方针,紧抓职业能力培养目标,在职业岗位认知能力、职业环境适应能力、职业发展能力三方面,发挥更大作用。  相似文献   
职业生涯规划是人生和事业成功的导航仪,对大学生的成长与发展有着重要的意义和指导作用。目前许多高校已经开设了职业生涯规划课程,但也存在着许多问题。高校应该从树立职业生涯规划理念,构建全程化、系统化的职业生涯规划教育体系,建设专业化、高素质的职业生涯规划教师队伍,建立健全大学生职业生涯规划课程体系,开展职业训练等几个方面来不断完善我国大学生职业生涯规划教育。  相似文献   
基于大样本问卷调查,分析大学生职业观存在的偏差以及教育对策,为高校开展职业观教育和就业指导工作提供参考。发现大学生职业观存在诸多偏差,包括强调个人职业价值,忽视社会责任;就业缺乏自主性,存在依赖心理;职业认识模糊,对自身专业缺乏认知;职业规划不足,缺乏职业发展目标;缺乏个性化就业辅导,就业指导机构的作用有待增强。提出从强化理想信念教育、引导就业观念更新、加强就业指导、普及职业规划教育等方面纠正大学生职业观偏差,更好地引导大学生职业发展。  相似文献   
Women constitute just over one fifth of full professors in UK higher education and whilst work has emerged in recent years on professors as leaders, there has been comparatively little research about how this under-represented cadre define and practise their role as intellectual leaders. This paper seeks to analyse how women see their role as full professors through autobiographical accounts of their intellectual and career histories via interviews with women professors, and a small comparison group of male professors. A range of freedoms and responsibilities connected with the professorial role are identified along with personal qualities considered central to success. Both female and male professors understand their role principally in terms of research leadership, but women are more likely to emphasise the importance of academic citizenship, especially mentoring, compared to their male counterparts, an obligation that weighs especially heavily on women working in science, technology, engineering and mathematics areas. While these findings are indicative of the continuing effect of so-called ‘academic housework’ in holding back the academic careers of women, they are also a positive indicator of a commitment to an all-round role as an intellectual leader.  相似文献   
The role and number of Associate Dean posts in UK universities has grown considerably in recent years. Despite this, relatively little is known about the reasons why individuals take on such roles and how it fits into their career trajectories. The purpose of this article is to explore these issues by drawing on data from the first national study of Associate Deans in the UK. Adopting a two-staged mixed methods approach, data were collected from semi-structured interviews (n = 15) and an online survey (n = 172). The findings suggest that academics take on the role for a number of reasons such as the challenge of working across the University, making a difference to staff and students, or being asked to take it on by a senior member of staff. It is argued that these Associate Dean roles are part of new and emerging academic career pathways within the higher education sector.  相似文献   
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