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基于多环境的当代大学生学习观研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生学习观是大学生进行学习活动的指导思想,是增强教学实效性的一个重要课题。新时期普通高校大学生学习的多环境体现为网络化、开放式、多元化,它决定了大学生学习观的不可控性、不确定性。为此,应该针对不同环境采取相应措施,积极引导大学生形成适应多环境的学习观,充分利用其正面影响而避其不利。  相似文献   
随着自媒体的诞生与发展,传统思想政治教育的话语权逐渐受到挑战,教育主体的话语权威逐渐被消解,传统、单一的教学方式逐渐被多元化、新潮的自媒体兼容,教育者的传统话语表达方式无法适应自媒体环境,这一系列原因都造成了当前大学生思想政治教育话语权的困境。在自媒体环境中,如何提升思想政治教育的话语权成为亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   
信息空间巴尔干化成因及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理空间中存在着相互隔离的巴尔干半岛。同样,在以互联网技术为代表的信息逻辑空间当中也存在着类似的空间分布态势,被称为巴尔干化。针对信息空间巴尔干化表现出的负面效应,本文从政治、语言、技术等环境因素和信息空间主体的能力、兴趣等主体因素以及信息空间自身的特性和信息本身等客体因素,深入分析了信息空间巴尔干化的成因,并针对这些阻碍信息空间正常、有序、长效运行的因素,提出了解决信息空间巴尔干化的对策。  相似文献   
垃圾电子邮件与我国网络隐私权保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
垃圾电子邮件问题表明网络隐私权已受到严重侵害,强化对网络隐私权的保护已成为当务之急。借鉴国外立法经验并结合我国立法现状,针对网络隐私权的内容,提出相关的法律保护措施,将更有利于彰显网络隐私权的本质。  相似文献   
在网络生存中,主体以虚拟的形式,在无限空间中自由翱翔,自由创造,主体的自由、创造、独立性得到了极大的展示,主体性得到真正的回归和激烈的张扬。但是,由于网络主体的虚拟性、非现实性、超越性,使主体在无穷的空间迷失了方向,迷失了自我,找不回真正的存在,导致了主体性的迷惘。主体性在资本逻辑中受到商品拜物教冲击而迷失转换为因网络虚拟形态而再次迷失,是对现实主体生存的又一次挑战。破解和回应这一挑战,构成当今发展哲学思考的又一主题。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the ethical issues faced in undertaking research about the role of learning in the subjective experience of chronic illness, where data were taken from social media. Drawing on psychology and education, this paper discusses the ways in which authors from these disciplines are laying the groundwork for legitimate online research by actively debating the public versus private nature of online spaces. The paper explains how this debate informed the development of an ethical approach to research. Relevant ethical guidelines and previous research are used to support the argument that individuals’ informed consent is not necessary in online contexts where data exist within the public domain, and where risk of harm to users is low. This paper provides an insight into one educational researcher's journey through the process of doing ethical social media research, and suggests ways forward for others embarking upon that same journey.  相似文献   
Gossip, defined as evaluative talk about a third party, is a powerful tool for establishing in- and out-group norms and determining belonging. Drama, a form of gossip that is evolving in online spaces, is the process of fighting back against gossip and rumors designed to isolate and ostracise. While literature commonly portrays women as victims or perpetrators of gossip and drama, it rarely examines the potential for evaluative talk as a form of resistance. This article presents a case study of how one young Bangladeshi-American woman uses both gossip and drama to both resist oppressive gender norms and to reinforce her ideas about gender, faith, and culture. Drawing on ethnographic interview data, the paper seeks to elucidate how young women use social network sites like Facebook to negotiate gendered norms associated with individual and collective identity in immigrant communities.  相似文献   
信息空间巴尔干化现象探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以互联网技术为代表的信息逻辑空间,呈现出类似于地理空间的各种巴尔干化现象。文章在对目前信息空间的巴尔干化研究综述的基础上,系统分析了各种巴尔干化现象,将信息空间巴尔干化划分为正面效应和负面效应并分别进行研究,为今后构建和谐、健康和有序的信息传播、扩散和共享生态系统对策的制定指明了方向。  相似文献   
网络作为一种具体的客观历史存在物,本质上是一种反观和改造现实世界的空间,是检验客观实在之真正意义的工具,它的最终目的是解放人的思想,促进人的自由而全面的发展。网络思想政治教育是实现网络条件下人的自由而全面发展的实践活动。其个体价值是网络思想政治教育的客观属性对网络条件下个体的特殊需要的满足关系。网络思想政治教育个体价值的判断标准为:是否有利于满足网络空间中人的需要;是否有利于人的全面发展;是否有利于反观和改造现实世界。其具体内容是:满足人的意义存在需求;拓宽人的思想通道;开发人的创新潜能;重塑真实自我。  相似文献   

Current case law on free speech is a mixed bag. In a case recently dismissed, a professor challenged the President of the University of Oklahoma's decision to bar access to sex news groups from computers on campus. The end result was a two-tier lab system, one permitting access to faculty and those with valid research needs and a second that denied access. On the other hand, a superior court judge ruled that a Cal-State Northridge student could use a Web page to attack an incumbent state senator. Clearer answers will depend on more cases.  相似文献   
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