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论我国弱势群体的社会保障   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会主义改革是分阶段进行的,在改革的每一个时期都会伴随一些与改革初衷相左的事物与现象,是改革所付出的成本代价.在当前的社会转型期,弱势群众的出现,便是改革过程中衍生的社会矛盾现象.问题的关键在于,必须积极、适时地采取公平有效的社会保障措施解决这些问题,以推动改革的进一步健康、顺利发展.  相似文献   

The roots of Savate in France stretch back at least 200 years, and there is extensive interdisciplinary research in French showing changing interpretations of its meaning and purpose. Savate is now a globalised combat sports with potential to enter the Olympic Games. To help remedy the lacuna of English-language research, this paper considers: (1) Documentaries and rare instructional literature; (2) online videos and discussions of archival Savate footage; (3) contemporary documentation from the Great Britain Savate Federation; and, (4) ongoing fieldwork in one UK Savate school. Through our multimodal study of printed, televised, digital and physical action, we add to the discussions to the constant reinvention of Savate to a modern, seemingly inclusive combat sport. Using John Urry’s framework of mobilities, we introduce the notion of ‘mobile masculinities’ underpinned by a European sense of relatively elite individualistic cosmopolitanism. Savate provides a rich case study of gender inclusivity in sport – how a previously male-dominated activity incorporates women in positions of power and responsibility and teaches men to acquire elegance in style and elite levels of stamina.  相似文献   
This paper argues that teacher training programs, with the objective of transforming gender norms in schools, should employ a critical pedagogy framework in order to achieve the transformational learning goals necessary to change the deep-seated beliefs and patterns of behavior that characterize these gender norms. Using document analysis, this study evaluates the teacher in-service training component of two school-based intervention programs, aimed at promoting gender equality in school communities. This paper finds that the trainings miss opportunities to employ elements of critical pedagogy and therefore, are not likely to create a transformative change around gender norms in schooling.  相似文献   
The year 2015 marks the twentieth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, with a goal to contribute to gender equality globally. As scholars continue in their quest to ‘take stock’ of the ways in which gender and education work in tandem to achieve greater gender equality, we observe a revival in interest regarding conversations on gender and education. These conversations cover a gamut of related issues, including teaching and achievement as well as a number of intersecting issues such as gender-based violence. Within the conversation has been a continued focus on the role of equity primarily defined as access and opportunity. This paper explores the context of quality as it relates to equity in education and addresses the problems that are still left on the margins. Our goal is to take stock and assess the strength of evidence and to provide directions for future research.  相似文献   
随着中小学新的课程体系和新教材的出台,每一位教师都面临着真正的严峻考验,能不能从传统教育中走出来,转变教育观念。其中具有决定意义的第一步:尊重学生。尊重学生的前提是师生平等,尊重学生的核心是尊重学生的个性,尊重学生的目的是为了学生的全面发展。  相似文献   
洪秀全依靠平等的思想原则,得到了广大农民群众的热烈拥护,太平天国运动因此而发生发展起来。1853年定都南京后,他却抛弃了平等的思想原则,搞等级森严的封建统治,失去了军心民心,太平天国运动因此由强至弱地衰败下去。可以说,平等原则是太平天国成败的双刃剑。  相似文献   
书院是我国古代特有的教育组织形式和文化载体,在其漫长而曲折的历史发展过程中,传播了学术思想,丰富和发展了我国古代教育思想,形成了书院独有的人文关怀理念.文章通过对书院精神文化的研究,分析书院的人文特质,试图对当今的大学改革提供一些有益的借鉴.  相似文献   
收入、权益、能力等多方面的弱势地位是目前城市民工犯罪的重要根源。“统筹城乡教育发展”将使农民与城市市民一道公平地享受国民教育,必将有利于改变农民的弱势地位,从而预防民工犯罪的发生.当然公平的城乡统筹教育可能要面临解决“城乡二元思维”,教育经费、公平与实效等问题.  相似文献   
陶行知是一位讴歌民主、追求自由的伟大思想家。他自幼受到儒学的熏陶,深知底层社会的痛苦,具有同情和关心劳苦大众疾苦的情怀。通过基督教中学和教会大学的求学经历,陶行知受到纯正的西学教育,大学毕业论文《共和精义》是系统形成民主思想的标志。美国求学,陶行知亲身体验考察了美国民主,更对民主的学理作了深入的探求。回国后,陶行知无论是从事平民教育,还是乡村建设运动,以及民族救亡运动都贯串了民主的不懈诉求,其思想也与时俱进。五大民主学说奠定了陶行知在中国民主思想史上的地位,其思想有其鲜明的个性特征。  相似文献   
在等级秩序尊严观念下,人不是作为一个自主、自立的人格主体存在,只是处于社会某种等级序列关系中的一个样品,并以特定的身份存在于社会关系之中。作为中国传统思想主流学派的儒家思想所包含的等级观念一直为等级秩序尊严观提供理论支持。以人性恶为基础的荀学思想和法家思想中暗含的人格尊严观、道家思想中的人性尊严观和墨家思想中的平等尊严观是中国传统思想中关于人的尊严的闪光点,是中国传统社会反对等级特权制度的有力思想武器。  相似文献   
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