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Framed within intersectionality, this multiple case study explores women's participation in physics through the construct of physics identity and with a focus on recognition. The study is drawn upon an empirical life-history exploration of three women: a native to Northwestern Europe, late-career white woman and two immigrant women to Northwestern Europe, one is an undergraduate student of color, and the other, an early career Muslim woman. The data for this study were collected through multiple, semistructured, interviews in a period of 2 years, which were analyzed using a constant comparative method. Collectively, the three life-histories tell stories of otherness, persistence, hope, and failure and they elucidate the kinds of identities that are deemed “in-place” and “out-of-place” in physics. They showcase how the three women authored multiple identities that simply co-existed for them, while for others were seen as conflicting and caused misrecognition. The findings point to four main insights: (a) recognition is neither linear nor binary and it comes in many different forms that range from explicit encouragement to no opposition; (b) it is drawn upon various sources including ones in the early years of life: family, school teachers, university instructor, students, and social community; (c) it is culture-dependent and as such, it is influenced by factors on multiple levels, including cultural and gender stereotypes, organizational policies, racism, sexism, classicism, and other forms of discrimination. The implications of these findings speak to the need for: (a) systemic programs on how women are recognized by others and which seek to widen and diversify physics environments from the school level to the professional level; (b) research exploration of the politics of recognition and how they perpetuate the underrepresentation of women in physics; and, (c) disrupting monolithic theorizations of recognition and adopting intersectional approaches to exploring physics identity that value women's personal histories, subjectivities, and positionalities.  相似文献   
奥斯卡.王尔德是19世纪后期英国唯美主义的领军人物,其创作体裁之广,鲜有人及。在短暂的一生中,他在戏剧、小说、童话、诗歌和文论领域都留下了惊世之作,然而真正使他轰动英国文坛的则是他的戏剧。其中以《温德米尔夫人的扇子》等4部喜剧广为人们所熟知。透过作品中所塑造的不同的女性人物形象,我们却能深刻地了解王尔德作为一个唯美主义艺术家对女性主义问题进行的深入思考。  相似文献   
This article explores young women’s agency in relation to the body and the possible role of women’s studies in interpreting body experiences and constructing agency. The article is based on written accounts of one’s body experience written by Finnish students of women’s studies. The young women’s accounts manifested two types of agency: the accounts on agency relating to the body focused around attempts of resistance to cultural body ideals and conventional heterosexual roles. This ideal subjectivity relies on an individualistic and Cartesian understanding of agency, emphasising the young woman’s independence from culture, other people and her own body. The accounts on agency within the body expressed experiences of overcoming the mind/body dichotomy and connecting bodily to the surrounding world. I suggest that a shift from the implicit curriculum of Cartesian agency to a curriculum of corporeal agency could prove useful in educational contexts.  相似文献   
This article begins with Pollock’s comment that Judith Butler ‘finds hope in failure’ and its aim is to explore what ‘hope in failure’ means in relation to A Level students’ engagements with post-feminism and feminism. The article grounds its argument in an exploration of how post-feminism and feminism intersect with sixth form students’ subjectivities through the educational practices of their second-year A Level subject-based research. The article analyses empirical instances of students’ discursive agency through Butler’s notions of performativity, citationality, excessive signification and resignification to consider the complex, multiple and creative ways in which sixth form students produce themselves as viable gendered subjects in relation to post-feminist and feminist discourses. The analysis considers both how discourse regulates and conditions students’ relations with post-feminism and feminism and how discourse contains the possibilities for the subject to refuse the refusal of feminism in popular culture. Through its analysis of how students use their discursive agency to claim a feminist identity, and how these uses constitute transgressive practices, the article explores the political significance of identifications with feminism in doing gender differently. It ends with an argument for the re-consideration of the apparently assured popular cultural ‘failure’ of feminism in post-feminist neoliberal times.  相似文献   
女性主义批评理论发展至今仍然是当下社会文化批评的焦点之一。以雅克.德里达为代表的解构理论冲击了20世纪70年代以来西方社会的所有文化领域,女性主义也不例外。女性主义批评理论与解构主义理论在颠覆"菲勒斯中心主义"的理论基点上高度契合,并且女性主义理论在其影响下也进行了一些自我建构;同时解构主义理论反本质、反权威等理论主张使得女性主义自身也面临解构的危机,女性主义理论陷入了焦虑与矛盾之中。面对这种矛盾,女性主义重新改写策略和政治规划已十分必要。  相似文献   
A range of initiatives to promote well‐being and empowerment have been introduced into English schools. These ostensibly support the citizenship curriculum that seeks to foster a more active and engaged populace. Whilst children are being encouraged to view their own well‐being as a personal project (and as a badge of successful citizenship), this process is being undermined by an informal curriculum of citizenship, embedded within the culture of performativity, that is promoting a climate of misrecognition within schools. This form of “symbolic violence” (that affects working‐class families disproportionately) is encroaching into the private sphere, traditionally a potential refuge providing opportunities for the development of forms of well‐being that were not dependent on institutional endorsement. It is suggested that some of the counter‐hegemonic values developed in the face of marginalisation might usefully inform issues of citizenship and well‐being in schools in ways that would encourage genuinely empowered forms of citizenship.  相似文献   
弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫,英国女作家,被誉为女性主义的先驱。其女性主义思想,尤其是建立女性自己的写作空间以及建设"双性同体"的理论观点,修正了传统的男性化的理论建设,肯定了女性自身的价值,使女性主义文学理论初见规模,对社会产生了很大的影响。拥有一间属于自己的房间,仍旧是当代世界女性主义作家的期盼,而"双性同体"已成为当代女性主义者讨论的焦点。  相似文献   
自由女性主义和激进女性主义是西方女性主义体育理论的两大流派。自由女性主义力图实现女性在运动中的平等参与机会,但未触及体育结构的根本。激进女性主义对性别结构和父权制展开激烈批评,并将女性解放的可能路径诉诸于跨性别运动和放弃家庭。激进女性主义的方案在现实中给许多女性体育参与者造成实践困境,而解决此需要从生态女性主义寻求知识营养。生态女性主义强调女性与自然的关联,并呼吁女性重新思考其在私人领域中的角色,为女性体育指明的道路是休闲体育和家庭体育。  相似文献   
《简·爱》是一部带有自传色彩的长篇小说,它阐释了这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱。然而,其中与女主人公截然不同的另一位女性角色伯莎·梅森,明显受到读者的忽略甚至产生误解。本文将对这个悲剧人物进行介绍,并从女权主义分析这个边缘人物伯莎·梅森,从而证明她的存在对于《简·爱》具有重要意义。  相似文献   
全球化进程的深入使得中西文化的撞击效应越来越多地投射入文学文本中。考察当代书写中西文化碰撞命题的儿童小说会发现,其话语层面往往蕴含着较复杂的"国族/性别"意识形态。如程玮的作品中,就较为典型地存在西方中心主义与男权话语的共谋现象,其第三世界的女性和儿童都承受着双重的压抑而难以自由表达自我。因此,儿童文学应拆解包藏等级秩序的二元对立思维框架,避免对"属下"国族女性及儿童形成多重的权力压制。  相似文献   
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