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通过运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,研究了宁夏城镇回族女性参与大众健身操活动的人口学特征,结果显示:年龄年轻化、学历层次高、职业分布广、月收入水平较高、技能水平不均衡的特征.  相似文献   
通过对江西宜春学院体育专业6届共595名学生各方面情况的调查,探讨教师在体操教学中如何根据学生的实际情况进行科学的观察与指导。  相似文献   
体操是体育教学的主要内容之一,其动作结构复杂,技术性较强,有些动作需要在高器械上或高空中完成,因此在教学中学生往往会产生害怕心理。本文从教学实际出发,从探索学生在体操练习中产生的害怕心理入手,分析了在体操教学中学生害怕心理的表现和产生的原因及其消除的方法。  相似文献   
美育在我国深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育的进程中有着不可替代的作用;竞技体操运动特点独特,对人的身体和心理素质锻炼价值极大。文章以竞技体操运动特点和体育美学为立论支撑,运用文献资料、访谈及逻辑分析法,探析竞技体操内蕴美、特质美,发掘其健身健心功能价值,激发人们用新视角审视竞技体操,淡化畏难情结,树立正确的竞技体操审美观,在竞技体操欣赏和练习中积极渗透美育思想。  相似文献   
文章以运动损伤心理角度出发,对排球运动员损伤前后的心理情况进行了分析研究,旨在教练员能够正确对待运动员的伤病,关注其心理状态,科学、合理地安排受伤运动员进行康复及康复后的训练和比赛。  相似文献   
采用文献资料、调研、录像分析和数理统计等方法,对中外艺术体操集体项目在协作方面的现状进行分析与研究,结果表明:我国艺术体操集体项目在协作类型运用与变化的巧妙性、流动性上同奥运会优秀队伍还存在明显差距,要想提升成套动作的编排价值与效果,首先要有自己的独特风格,其次紧跟世界整体发展的潮流,这样才能推动艺术体操运动在中国更快、更好地发展。  相似文献   
文章以红河学院体育教育专业2005级、2006级、2007级学生体操专业课程的技术考试为研究对象和内容,通过考试方式和评价方法的变革,结果发现,改革考试方法不仅能够有效地激发学生的学习积极性,同时能够极大地促进学生体操专项技能的提高、创新意识和理论联系实际能力的发展.正确培养学生的自我认知观,增强教师的责任感.  相似文献   
提高普通高校体育教师的综合素质是21世纪高等体育教育面临的新的任务。在党和国家如此重视素质教育的今天,普通高校体育教师应改变旧的观念,重塑职业形象。不断开拓,进取,创新,提高自身素质。本文从适应当今社会的要求出发,对体育教练员所应具备的素质和能力做了阐述,旨在为建立一支政治思想觉悟性高,执教能力强的高水平教练员队伍提高借鉴。  相似文献   
Forty-one practitioners inclusive of physiotherapists, sports scientists and strength and conditioning coaches from the academies of elite soccer clubs in the United Kingdom completed an on-line questionnaire which examined their: (1) background information; (2) perceptions of injury occurrence and risk factors; (3) screening and return to play; and (4) approach to designing and delivering injury prevention programmes with a response rate of 55% (41/75). Contact injuries were the most common mechanism reported and players between 13–16 years of age were perceived to be at the greatest risk. Pertinent risk factors included: reduced lower limb and eccentric hamstring strength, proprioception, muscle imbalances, and under developed foundational movement skills. Joint range of motion, jump tests, the functional movement screen, overhead and single leg squats were the most utilised screening methods. Training modalities rated in order of importance included: resistance training, flexibility development, agility, plyometrics and balance training. Training frequency was most commonly once or twice per week, during warm-ups, independent sessions or a combination of both. Injury prevention strategies in this cohort appear to be logical; however, the classification of injury occurrence and application of screening tools to identify “at risk” players do not align with existing research. The frequency and type of training used may also be insufficient to elicit an appropriate stimulus to address pertinent risk factors based on current recommendations.  相似文献   
In the present study we add to the literature by exploring the degree to which UK practitioner psychologists perceive themselves able to support sport coaches, and how professional training prepares psychologists for coach work across performance domains. Ten participants comprising seven sport and exercise psychologists with Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) practitioner psychologist status and three trainee psychologists studying towards the British Psychological Society (BPS) qualification in sport and exercise psychology (QSEP) were individually interviewed. All participants reported prior experience of working with coaches across all performance domains. We explored: practitioner’s understanding of the challenges coaches face within their job; practitioner’s experiences of coach work; perspectives about the ways in which practitioners could and should support coaches; and, the degree to which professional training prepares practitioners for coach work. Using recommended procedures of Connelly and Peltzer, content analysis revealed practitioners perceived the challenges faced by coaches are different at grassroots level compared to those working with elite athletes, and that practitioners require skills to provide one-to-one coach support and group-based interventions. All practitioners perceived that training programmes do not adequately equip trainees with skills required for coach work. We discuss the implications for enhancing practitioner training in the UK.  相似文献   
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