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In this study we aim at learning about adolescents’ future fears and wishes from different cultural origins with a view to finding implications for intervention in the furthering of their satisfaction and social integration in their acculturation process. The study sample comprised 938 secondary school students—64.4% Spanish, 19.7% South American and 12.8% African. Wishes and fears were evaluated by means of two open questions and the answers were categorized following traditional content analysis methodology. Results show that the adolescents wish for a satisfactory job, family and economic situation, and that they are concerned about aspects such as their own health and that of their family, the possibility of having a precarious job, isolation from their family of origin, and not forming a family. The findings also allow us to give differential profiles according to the cultural origin of the adolescents.  相似文献   
《宝文堂书目》作为明代的私人藏书目录,其著录的宋人小说一般被认为是留存到明代的宋代话本。“三言”也吸收了宋代话本的精华,各家小说史均有论述。《宝文堂书目》作为宋元明话本、拟话本传藏的一个重要载体,与“三言”有很多类似之处。“三言”在吸收元明新作的同时,也吸收了很多宋话本小说,这其中《宝文堂书目》功不可没。  相似文献   
余全有 《天中学刊》2014,(2):103-106
九月九日定型为民间传统节日是在西汉初期以前,而使用"重阳"这一节日名称,则是在东汉之后。重阳节包含众多习俗因子,许多因子来源于远古先民的生产、生活和宗教活动,它们构成了重阳节的基本内容,并不断赋予重阳节俗新的文化内涵,使重阳节俗一再演变。  相似文献   
依据《孙行墓志》并结合文献,对药王孙思邈的家世源流作了相关考证,同时对孙思邈是否入朝为官作了辨析,认为孙思邈终其一生并未出仕.  相似文献   
赵淳及其子侄或能诗,或诗文兼长。赵淳与杜唐、邹祚永等6位诗人结成诗社,不时同游切磋,相互酬唱,题咏流连于大理晴云山一带。赵淳的诗歌创作主“遍游历”,内容多表现苍洱风物。赵淳《赵州诗学源流述》是一篇集中评介赵州26位诗人及诗作风格的文章,一定程度上体现出赵淳对本土诗学源流的自觉意识,其意义不容忽视。因赵淳本人以及家族成员、诗社成员的传世诗作较少,加之无时人批评表彰,故其影响范围有限。  相似文献   
杂剧是元代最为重要的一种文学体裁,在我国文学遗产中占有重要的地位,是中国文学史上的一次重要变革,是第一流的戏曲艺术.元杂剧中的骂詈语丰富且复杂,通过对元杂剧中与动物有关的骂詈语进行词义溯源研究,探讨其所透射的文化内涵和语用功能.  相似文献   
道教济世度人思想作为道教文化的重要组成部分,其产生和发展,也必然要受到中国古代传统文化的影响,特别是先秦道家、儒家、墨家以及原始宗教巫术救助思想的影响.  相似文献   
韩非子是中国古代法家思想的集大成者,他提出的“法治”思想适应了当时社会的需要,并对社会的发展起到了积极的作用。其“法治”思想理论基于苟子“性恶论”思想,并批判地吸收墨家的“尚同”思想,同时对黄老“法”、“术”、“势”思想进行系统地分析与整合,吸收其法治、术治、势治思想,最终确立了韩非子的哲学思想,对秦朝乃至以后中国的封建君主集权制产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
Language and culture have influenced each other. They cannot be separated as isolated one. Culture finds a better rep-resentation through language use. Language is an indispensible carrier of culture. ...  相似文献   
Gothicism budded from late eighteenth century to nineteenth century and it is still flourishing in modernist writing and even contemporary works.Gothicism is a special branch in the western Romantic Movement and is entitled by the critics as the"dark romanticism".This article introduces the origin,background,development and influence of the Gothic fiction.As a kind if writing style,Gothic fiction has been prevailed for quite a long time.It came into being in the late 18th century and declined in the 1830s.Though it exists so short a period,it prospered for a time and influenced many writers of 19th and 20th centuries deeply.  相似文献   
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