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实证主义与社会学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文追溯了实证主义社会学的由来与演变,及其在基本原则、认识论、方法论方面所遭遇的批评.通过介绍实证主义社会学与反实证主义社会学之间的冲突与融合,以求社会学能超越实证主义与反实证主义,成为一门更加科学,完善的学科.  相似文献   
本文述介了建立理论心理学的必要性,它的研究对象和方法以及理论心理学家所起的作用。对理论心理学作出了一定的评论,指出理论心理学是一门元理论,是科学领域中不可分割的一部分。本文同时也论及了理论心理学所存在的不足之处  相似文献   
摘要:目前我国体育社会科学的研究现状并不理想,很多研究者并未从社会科学研究范式(paradigm)的角度去结合理论研究与体育实践,造成大多数体育社会科学领域在研究问题、理论框架、研究方法等方面尚缺乏规范性和针对性,也未特别考虑要对我国体育领域面临的重大社会问题制定规范性的研究程序。基于此,主要采用运用文献分析法、比较研究法对国内外体育社会科学博士论文研究范式进行分析,发现我国相关研究的规范性与国外同类研究相比存在较大差距,特别是在研究范式选择、方法的结构上表现的十分混乱。我国体育社会科学研究不但应该国际接轨,而且更应该与母学科接轨。研究应该遵循母学科的研究范式,而不是随心所欲、自娱自乐。应该培养学者选择研究范式的自觉性,依据研究问题的性质选择合理的研究范式,掌握每种研究范式的理论体系、研究规则和方法的结构。并严格在这一研究范式的规则下,建立自己的理论框架,让自己的话语体系建立在该研究范式理论的话语体系之下,从而可以在同一个话语体系里进行理论对话。这样才能真正提高我国体育社会科学研究的规范性。  相似文献   
Following the end of World War I, the Ontario Department of Education initiated a series of reforms aimed at both elementary and secondary schooling. This article examines the reforms that were made to elementary school curriculum and pedagogy. These were initiated within the context of a call for a general reconstruction of education and society as a response to the tragic consequences of World War I. They were also based on a series of denunciations that identified scientific materialism, the unity of science and psychology, as the principal causes of war. In numerous public declarations, the religious, political, and education elite of the province expressed their belief that scientific materialism and the unity of science posed an obstacle to the development of education in the province. Although these reforms were the result of a political assessment that fervently rejected scientism, they were, in fact, underpinned by a positivist science that entailed processes of counting, measuring, and sorting to build a system of state-directed human capital formation. This article considers the nature of the scientific knowledge that underscored elementary school reform and assesses whether it represented a significant departure or simply a reconfiguration of knowledge and techniques that ensured the state’s ability to govern and administrate.  相似文献   
The problematique addressed by the article is the growth of a dominant discourse in early childhood education and care, which has a strong effect on policy and practice, paralleled by an increasing number of other discourses which problematise most of the values, assumptions and understandings of the former. Yet there is very little engagement between these discourses, in large part because they are situated within different paradigms—modernity in the former case, postfoundationalism in the latter. The author argues that the absence of dialogue and debate impoverishes early childhood and weakens democratic practice. The article considers whether and in what conditions the concept of agonistic pluralism might provide a framework for political engagement among at least some on either side of the paradigmatic divide, and takes evaluation as one example of a subject for an agonistic politics of early childhood.  相似文献   
从社会学概念界定出发,梳理了经典时期有关社会学研究方法的讨论,并以迪尔凯姆和韦伯的社会学研究方法为线索来思考社会学研究方法,认为两者的方法论是互补关系而不是对立关系。  相似文献   
循证教学具有求真(以最佳证据支持最佳实践)、民主(研究者、管理者、教育者和受教育者的共同参与和协调)、共享(证据的无边界传播)、高效(以最低成本获取最大利益)等积极价值,但同时也存在着证据拒斥经验、技术僭越艺术、规范腐蚀创新、科学凌驾于价值之上的局限及风险。循证主体只有致力于平衡与弥合循证教学过程中出现的多重张力,循证教学才会走得更稳、更远。  相似文献   
卢艳君 《科学学研究》2011,29(2):167-174
 目前,科学社会学领域的两大派别——默顿学派与SSK学派的科学社会研究均处于困顿状态。基于实证主义科学观,默顿科学社会学只关注科学社会结构的研究,其悬置科学知识的做法成为SSK攻击的把柄,SSK的批判使默顿学派在痛苦中反思、调整自己。与此同时,SSK突出强调社会维度的决定作用的相对主义倾向对理性标准构成了巨大威胁,受到传统科学哲学家和科学社会学家的强烈批判,其强纲领研究进路在方法论上还遭遇到了反身性难题。默顿科学社会学的精神实质是捍卫和阐扬科学的理性与客观性,其大方向是正确的,SSK并不能否定默顿科学社会学的存在价值。此外,默顿科学社会学与SSK虽然同属于科学的社会研究领域,但它们在认识论上的分歧却无法调和,在二者之间找到共同点达成一致的希望渺茫。在未来的较长一段时期内,默顿科学社会学大概会在与SSK和后现代科学哲学保持必要的张力中为自己开辟前行的道路。  相似文献   
孙敏 《体育学刊》2011,(5):90-93
从近现代中国学校体育向西方学习借鉴中存在的问题入手,分析了学习借鉴难于自洽并达到理想效果的根本原因是我国学习借鉴西方学校体育思想重视其形而未得其神,理论背后缺乏统一的和谐的学校体育内在思想基础。对西方学校体育影响较大的三大思想基础进行了归纳;提出了建构我国学校体育思想应注重思想基础的建设,并提出了构建过程中应重点关注的问题。  相似文献   

This article will help librarians understand how different philosophical stances influence the process of developing a research question and the different methodologies and methods available to help answer that question. Understanding this will help librarian researchers make appropriate choices regarding methods and methodology for the research questions they are seeking to answer. Also included is a table showing the two main types of inquiry (qualitative and quantitative) with their associated methodologies and methods, the basic assumptions underlying each, and the pros and cons of each methodology.  相似文献   
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