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荔枝错的雌性生殖系统主要由卵巢、输卵管、生殖腔和受精囊等部分组成。两侧输卵管合成中输卵管,开口于生殖腔。一坛状受精囊,通过一受精囊管开口于生殖腔的背面。每个卵巢有7条端滋式卵巢管。卵巢发育可分为5级。根据卵巢发育的进度可以预测荔枝蝽的发生期。  相似文献   
本实验以石蜡切片、HE染色、光镜观测的方法研究了野生黄鼬雌性生殖器官的组织结构。观察结果表明:卵巢大部被包于卵巢囊中,表面被覆立方上皮和白膜,实质分皮质和髓质,皮质内分布着各种卵泡和间质腺。输卵管呈螺旋状环绕卵巢,穿行于卵巢囊的结缔组织中,在此与子宫角相连。输卵管与子宫角连接部既有粘膜皱襞,又有子宫腺结构。通过观察,发现沿淮地区野生黄鼬在元月底卵巢就有可能开始发育。  相似文献   
建立了一个具有充分接种和重复感染两种病毒的流行病模型,在合理的假设下,给出模型的两个基本再生数和两个侵入再生数,得到了模型的平衡点及其稳定性。  相似文献   
西南少数民族创造了极其丰富的非物质文化,但传统的保护方式存在着较大的弊端:只保存了非物质文化的“形”,不能保存蕴藏在非物质文化之中的民族精神、民族心理等“神”的内容,无法真正实现传承。根据非物质文化传承的要求,应积极对民族地区的学校教育进行改革,并通过学校的辐射作用建立有利于民族非物质文化传承的学习型社区,培养民族非物质文化“活的传人”,从根本上建立起少数民族非物质文化的“再生机制”。  相似文献   

This paper is a case study of the shutdown of HOME (the House for Migrant Workers' Empowerment), a cultural and service center for migrant workers. HOME was founded by the Taipei City Labor Bureau (TCLB) and subcontracted to TIWA (the Taiwan International Workers' Association) in 2002, when the Director of the TCLB was the former labor activist Zheng Cun‐qi. For migrant domestic workers, the distinction between sold‐time and free‐time (i.e. the work–rest distinction) is blurred. Most of their supposedly private reproductive activities are temporally squeezed into holidays and spatially forced into public places where they are exposed to the scrutiny of the Taiwanese. This peculiar situation of private/public inversion not only results from, but also serves to reinforce, racial discrimination and class inferiority in their workplace (i.e. the homes of their employers). I use the concept of ‘bracketing’ to describe the spatial‐temporal strategies used by migrant domestic workers against this distorted inversion. I also analyze how employers ‘counter‐bracket’ migrant worker subjects as a counter strategy. HOME once existed as a ‘surrogate home’, providing shelter for migrant workers and allowing them to retain privacy during their days off. TIWA conducted organizing‐oriented cultural and political activities to assist the migrants in forming their own community, and challenged the spatial hegemony of real estate owners in the ChungShan District. However, when Yan Shang‐luan, a well‐known feminist labor research professor, took over the directorship of the TCLB in 2004 Taipei City Labor Bureau. 2004. “‘Minutes of the meeting for the analysis, review, and evaluation of administrative efficiency at the House for Migrant Workers' Empowerment’ ‘”. 26 August [Google Scholar], she did not appreciate the function of HOME, and decided to close its doors. In analyzing the official rhetoric in the documents of the TCLB, I find that their decision to shut down HOME was a result of their middle‐class temporal‐spatial ‘habitus’. The shutdown became a counter‐bracket measure, which coincided with the real estate interests of the ChungShan local elites.  相似文献   
融入血脉的原始生存观念的烙印深深印刻在人类的各种活动以及原始艺术形式之中,被称为原始艺术"活化石"的淮阳泥塑玩具"泥泥狗"具有传承悠久,古拙质朴的装饰特点,在器物造型特点、图案纹饰符号、色彩象征意义等艺术特色上都体现了远古生殖观念的传承和发展。  相似文献   
先民视鹿为太阳的使者,它关涉丰产思想与生殖崇拜。《麟之趾》是某种生殖崇拜仪式的祷祝之辞,其麒麟形象原型应为某种鹿科动物,诗中对其趾、定、角的描写寄寓了先民生育繁息的愿望。《野有死麕》一诗以鹿为贽的行为反映了先秦的某种婚俗。二诗主旨与其产生地"二南"的风俗有关。  相似文献   
通过提取湿地内外滇池水体水样中的微囊藻毒素,检测湿地内外水体中微囊藻毒素对小鼠的生殖毒性,以及对其体外和体内精子活性的影响.结果表明:湿地外周滇池水体中的微囊藻毒素对小鼠具有生殖毒性,特别在精子的生成和精子活性方面表现出较强的毒性作用;湿地内水体的生殖毒性明显低于湿地外水体,对小鼠的睾丸和附睾不会形成器质性变化,也不会影响精子的数量和精子活性(与对照组比较P〉0.05).结果证实湿地能有效抑制滇池水体中微囊藻毒素的形成,对滇池水质可起到有效的净化作用.  相似文献   
性别作为人类学理论分析的一种话语,划分了男女两性之间的差别,社会又赋予了两性不同的性别角色,使之具有了与性别相适应的行为规范.在传统社会中,男性都被赋予了养育家庭的责任,而女性则被赋予了生育的责任,在这种行为规范的影响下,人们的生育行为和生育观出现了很大的差异.对于处于中国西南部的侗族村寨,在这种社会性别规范下的生育行为和生育观,又有着自己的特色.造成这种差异的原因,主要有经济、文化和政治等几方面的因素.只有对影响其生育行为和生育观的因素进行根本性改革,才能扭转当地的生育现状,使其符合国家的政策和要求.  相似文献   
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