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跳远起跳阶段摆动腿摆动技术的生物力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用生物力学原理,根据起跳腿的运动特点,把起跳阶段摆动腿的动作划分为体后前摆、体前前摆、“突停”制动三个阶段。对起跳阶段摆动腿的技术特点对运动成绩的影响进行了分析,得出:重视对跳远运动员摆动腿的力量、速度、幅度的专项训练,是提高运动员跳远成绩的重要因素。  相似文献   
国际田联的“竞走定义”规范了竞走比赛的技术动作标准。如果运动员违反“竞走定义”受到3名不同裁判员的严重警告,将被取消比赛资格,因此“竞走定义”成为竞走的关键技术。在第27届奥运会上王丽萍荣获女子20公里竞走项目金牌,但仍受到2名裁判员的严重警告。世界杯赛和世界锦标赛的双赛冠军刘洪宇,在第27届奥运会女子20公里比赛中于16公里处,因受到3名不同裁判员的严重警告,被取消比赛资格,失去争夺金牌的机会。因此,对王丽萍、刘宏宇竞走关键技术的解析是必要的,对符合“竞走定义”的技术给予巩固,对违反“竞走定义”的技术给予改进。  相似文献   
对从事乒乓球运动早期专业化训练的运动员腿型的研究显示,过早的专业化训练易导致运动员O型腿的形成。通过Wolff定律来分析其O型腿的形成原因,建议教练员和家长按国家体委的训练大纲执行,推迟儿童专业训练的年龄,减少训练时间。  相似文献   
本文运用现代运动训练学、运动生物力学和运动解剖学理论对高尔夫球挥杆技术的专项力量训练进行研究,探讨了挥杆技术专项力量训练的基本特征,提出了挥杆技术专项力量训练过程中所需遵循的基本训练原则。  相似文献   
Diagonal skiing as a major classical technique has hardly been investigated over the last two decades, although technique and racing velocities have developed substantially. The aims of the present study were to 1) analyse pole and leg kinetics and kinematics during submaximal uphill diagonal roller skiing and 2) identify biomechanical factors related to performance. Twelve elite skiers performed a time to exhaustion (performance) test on a treadmill. Joint kinematics and pole/plantar forces were recorded separately during diagonal roller skiing (9°; 11 km/h). Performance was correlated to cycle length (r = 0.77; P < 0.05), relative leg swing (r = 0.71), and gliding time (r = 0.74), hip flexion range of motion (ROM) during swing (r = 0.73) and knee extension ROM during gliding (r = 0.71). Push-off demonstrated performance correlations for impulse of leg force (r = 0.84), relative duration (r = ? 0.76) and knee flexion (r = 0.73) and extension ROM (r = 0.74). Relative time to peak pole force was associated with performance (r = 0.73). In summary, diagonal roller skiing performance was linked to 1) longer cycle length, 2) greater impulse of force during a shorter push-off with larger flexion/extension ROMs in leg joints, 3) longer leg swing, and 4) later peak pole force, demonstrating the major key characteristics to be emphasised in training.  相似文献   
鸡腿蘑适应性强,营养丰富,药用价值高,食用鲜美,市场商品性好,有较大的开发潜力,豫东地区食用菌发展很快,栽培废料充足,为了充分利用资源,清除废料,我们从1999年开始利用食用菌栽培废料在大田采用小拱棚进行栽培鸡腿蘑研究,取得了成本低,收益大,既能规模化生产,又能改善环境的综合效益。  相似文献   
旋转倒立摆系统应用广泛,但是传统设计中存在成本较高、功耗较大等问题.针对该难题,提出利用32位低功耗嵌入式芯片STM32作为主控制器、以增量PID和惯性起摆为控制算法的解决思路.通过连续多次采样角度传感器WDX35D,STM32将获取的数值进行增量PID计算并产生PWM信号,使BTS7960能够快速、平滑地驱动伺服电机,实现摆杆进入稳定的倒立状态.实践表明,该倒立摆稳定、可靠、运行平滑、抗干扰能力强,具有低成本、低功耗等优点.  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、三维影像解析法和数理统计法等方法,对国家健将级和国家二级两种水平男子跳高运动员的技术数据进行分析。研究发现:高水平运动员起跳腿空间夹角明显大于二级运动员,不同水平运动员起跳腿空间夹角的变化趋势相同,同试跳高度成正比;不同水平运动员成功跳次的起跳腿空间夹角均大于失败跳次夹角,较大的起跳腿与横杆矢状面夹角对于二级运动员成功试跳有更大的作用;起跳点与横杆的距离、速度转化率、重心水平速度同起跳腿空间夹角有较大的相关性。  相似文献   
There is a paucity of research on devices suitable for home-based isometric exercise. Our aim was to compare cardiovascular responses to isometric exercise using novel and established methods. Ten individuals (age 34.0?±?8.5 years, mass 68.2?±?10.4?kg, height 1.72?±?0.09?m; mean?±?s) performed three different isometric exercise protocols with 48?h between each. Each protocol involved four repeated exercise bouts of 2?min at 30% maximum voluntary contraction force using alternate legs (transducer), alternate arms (transducer), or alternate arms (novel device). Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate were measured every 30?s. The highest (peak) values during each 2?min bout of exercise were recorded (peak systolic blood pressure, peak diastolic blood pressure, peak mean arterial blood pressure and peak heart rate). At the end of each 2?min exercise bout, the participants rated their perceived discomfort using Borg's CR-10 scale. There was a statistically significant difference in peak systolic blood pressure between isometric arm flexion using the force transducer and the novel device [158.1?±?10.8 vs. 149.1?±?13.9?mmHg (mean?±?s); P = 0.02]. Further analysis showed that peak systolic blood pressure was on average 9?mmHg higher using the force transducer with limits of agreement of –?15.97 to 33.97?mmHg. Analysis of the peak diastolic blood pressure, peak mean arterial blood pressure, peak heart rate and CR-10 data revealed no statistically significant differences between the three protocols. These results suggest that this novel, home-based method elicited similar cardiovascular responses during isometric exercise to those of established laboratory-based methods. However, the lower peak systolic blood pressure using the modified scales warrants further investigation before this method is used widely in the home.  相似文献   

Activity patterns of four major muscles were studied in the support leg during a standard one foot balance test. Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the tibialis anterior (TA), peroneus longus (PL), gluteus medius (GM), and adductor magnus (AM) was recorded from 10 boys (aged 7-9 yr) during 30 s balance trials. Rectified, low-pass filtered EMG data, converted to percentages of maximum contractions, were used to establish muscle activation patterns. The results showed that lateral shifts in balance were primarily mediated by the ankle musculature, while the hip muscles appeared to stabilize the pelvis. Immediately prior to lateral shifts of the center of pressure (COP), the activity of each ankle muscle was similar to the activity of the following pose. The hip muscles, however, were not consistently linked to ankle activity. Thus, the control of one-legged lateral balance does not rely on fixed hip-ankle synergies.  相似文献   
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