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This essay reads the Latina/o/x migrant vernacular discourses that emerge out of pro-migrant activism. Anzaldúa’s notion of mestizaje – a logic of border consciousness – is put into conversation with Deleuze’s notion of nomad thought – a logic of movement – to inform a rhetorical strategy for reading the vernacular archive of social movement discourse. The “No Papers, No Fear” is one such social movement that demonstrate the logic of mestizaje/nomadism in their communication strategies. This study illuminates three tensions that define the ways Latina/o/x migrants in the US navigate the spaces of citizenship: tensions between movement/stasis, migrant identity/national identity, and fear/safety.  相似文献   
《白话》是徐坤知识分子题材小说的典型代表。当代知识分子题材小说似乎总是与反讽联系紧密,两者的结合也使文章尖刻而发人深省,并具有相当强的象征意味。《白话》中作者通过言语反讽、情境反讽和总体反讽等反讽类型举重若轻地展现了知识分子的思想挣扎和生存困境,这三种反讽类型在徐坤小说《白话》中运用自如,一方面增加了文章可读性,一方面体现了作者对精英文化的消解。也因此,《白话》奠定了徐坤小说反讽的修辞策略,在其小说中占有重要地位。  相似文献   
In November 20th 2007 Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality confirmed its list of buildings earmarked for conservation. The confirmation was related only to Tel Aviv cultural heritage, the city that was founded in 1909, along the Mediterranean seashore, next to old Jaffa. The list was published 4 years after part of the old urban center of Tel Aviv was nominated as World Heritage Site for its architectural uniqueness (Tel Aviv the White City). The list and the nomination were focused on architectural styles, which are based on building material, the silicate brick, used in Israel throughout the years 1918–1948. This building material and technology left its imprint on Tel Aviv's landscape and is also a part of Tel Aviv's history and development. In spite of its importance, all concerned in Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality and urban planning, have totally ignored this phenomenon.The thrust of this discussion is that the silicate bricks phenomenon, a building material and technology, due to its importance to Tel Aviv heritage and its vast distribution in Tel Aviv landscape, should be integrated into the current urban renewal development process in the old city of Tel Aviv. The discovery of its history and its role in Tel Aviv cultural heritage will change the attitudes of Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality to this building material; instead of a vernacular phenomena, a common brick or a frequent building technology, it will get a better appreciation. Urban landscapes of many cities around the world are based on vernacular phenomena, which are ignored by the urban municipalities. The silicate case should serve as an example of the role of a vernacular heritage, and in this case a common building material, in the urban renewal and conservation process.  相似文献   
中国现代文学与中国现代民俗学自起步阶段起便结缘.源于共通的审美品性,中国现代文学作家自觉表现民俗事象,创作中的民俗叙事开创了现代乡土小说独特的地域性、民俗性的审美品格.文章从现代文学与现代民俗学的结缘及密切关系;民俗对创作主体、客体的影响;现代民俗学的“文学化”倾向等几方面对现代乡土文学的民俗文化视角进行解读.  相似文献   
"新旧之争"是作为新诗诗学起点的胡适白话诗学最初引发的反响。以"白话作诗"取代"文言作诗",首先遇到的是"白话"的合法性以及"文言"的生命力的争论,旧诗渊源深厚的审美成规、惯例又必然导致新旧文体学范式的冲突。这些在胡适诗学接受历史上主要表现为早期的"文白之争"、20年代京沪以胡怀琛为中心、东北以《盛京时报》为中心关于新诗押韵的论争,以及在论争之外的一些积极的回应和反对的声浪。随着时间的推移,其反对的声浪不再是基于旧诗的立场,而是新诗诗美诉求中对传统的重新审视。  相似文献   
Two approaches to explaining the relation between interaction and participator judgments in small groups are examined. The first, expectations states theory, suggests that participator judgments are consistent across raters for a given target, and that such ratings are a function of the heuristic processing of social information. The second approach, the local management model, assumes more thoughtful processing of members' behaviors, leading to uniqueness in how perceivers evaluate targets as participators. A social relations analysis of participator assessments in same- and mixed-sex groups revealed consensus in participator judgments; uniqueness also played a role in how members perceived each other as useful participators. In addition, consensus was correlated with participation, but not with sex. The discussion addresses the necessity and sufficiency of each model as well as the conditions under which each model would better fit the data.  相似文献   
讽刺小说是按形象性质和题材领域划分的一种小说类型。明清讽刺小说之所以走向成熟它主要受先秦寓言故事,魏晋南北朝志怪、志人小说,唐宋话本的影响。无论从题材类型、结构模式,还是创作手法、艺术风格,都为之打下了坚实的基础,提供了丰富的艺术经验。  相似文献   
I examine the vernacular discourse of the CHICLE listserv, an academic site of inquiry that shifted its focus to operate as a site of opposition following California voters’ passage of Proposition 187, which aimed to restrict state services to undocumented immigrants. I identify the micro-level processes involved in forming a stance of opposition and reveal that a vernacular community's discourse tends to mirror the hegemonic characteristics of the dominant discourses it opposes, a tendency reinforced by homogeneous identity and a need to respond in opposition to dominant discourses. I also examine the role of dissent, or discord, among listserv members.  相似文献   
Our analysis of farmer and tavern-keeper William Manning's 1798 Key of Libberty extends the concept of American republican rhetoric to include both elite and vernacular forms. We find that the key components of Manning's vernacular republicanism are: an aggressive use of the rhetoric of critique; the demand for transparency in public argument; the rejection of elite leadership; and the belief that decisions must be made in the interest of the common good. We compare vernacular to elite republicanism and conclude that the vernacular perspective has endured in American reform rhetoric.  相似文献   
话本小说在叙事时间方面,预叙运用较多。预叙可以分为内预叙、外预叙、显性预叙、和隐性预叙四种,本文分析了话本小说中预叙的特点及其叙事效果。  相似文献   
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