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欧盟基本法是欧盟法律的主要渊源。欧盟基本法在欧盟法律体系中具有宪法的三个最基本特征,即地位具最高性,内容具根本性,程序具严格性,在欧盟法律体系中实际上起着宪法的作用。  相似文献   
Environmental policy increasingly resorts to market-based instruments in order to meet sustainability objectives. The ‘carbon market’ instituted by the European Emissions Trading directive from 2003 is a canonical example, which has been described, and critiqued, as a delegation of policy objectives to market exchanges. In this paper, we examine the complex ways in which the operationalization of policy objectives and the organization of markets are intertwined, focusing on two other examples of European environmental regulation. The first one is the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control directive from 1996, which defined the ‘best available techniques’ to curb emissions in air, water and soil. The second one is the Renewable Energy Directive from 2009, which introduced criteria for the definition of the sustainability of biofuels. Through the analysis of the design and implementation of these two directives, we identify a central concern for the coexistence of various objects, and various initiatives undertaken by European institutions, member states and private actors. We use the notion of coexistence to describe a European political and economic ordering that is inherently hybrid, and cannot be reduced to a mere delegation of policy objectives to the market, or a legal constraint imposed on all European actors. It grounds its political legitimacy and economic rationality on the distribution of roles and responsibilities across public and private actors, and on the ability to ‘keep things different’ according to local variabilities.  相似文献   
构建和谐社会是党在新世纪、新阶段,面对新问题、新情况提出的新的治国理念和治国方略,反映了我国改革发展进入关键时期的客观要求,体现了广大人民群众的根本利益和共同愿望。就高校而言,充分发挥学校工会的职能和作用,以党政工共建活动为载体,积极参与构建和谐校园,对于推进社会主义和谐社会建设有着积极的意义。  相似文献   
This study describes foot positioning during the final two steps of the approach to the ball amongst professional rugby goal-kickers. A 3D optical motion capture system was used to test 15 goal-kickers performing 10 goal-kicks. The distance and direction of each step, as well as individual foot contact positions relative to the tee, were measured. The intra- and inter-subject variability was calculated as well as the correlation (Pearson) between the measurements and participant anthropometrics. Inter-subject variability for the final foot position was lowest (placed 0.03 ± 0.07 m behind and 0.33 ± 0.03 m lateral to the tee) and highest for the penultimate step distance (0.666 ± 0.149 m), performed at an angle of 36.1 ± 8.5° external to the final step. The final step length was 1.523 ± 0.124 m, executed at an external angle of 35.5 ± 7.4° to the target line. The intra-subject variability was very low; distances and angles for the 10 kicks varied per participant by 1.6–3.1 cm and 0.7–1.6°, respectively. The results show that even though the participants had variability in their run-up to the tee, final foot position next to the tee was very similar and consistent. Furthermore, the inter- and intra-subject variability could not be attributed to differences in anthropometry. These findings may be useful as normative reference data for coaching, although further work is required to understand the role of other factors such as approach speed and body alignment.  相似文献   
根据投资组合理论,本文建立了支付股息欧式看涨期权的价格模型,并在此基础上研究了两种定价方法。  相似文献   
针对欧盟科技创新领域,从发展概况、发展目标、公私投入总额及配比、效果及影响等角度,揭示运用公 私合作模式的重大科技计划的发展成效。通过总结欧盟运用公私合作实施重大科技计划的经验,分析国内相关形势, 为我国科技领域运用公私合作实现战略性技术快速发展提供参考建议。  相似文献   
办一流大学需要一流的教师队伍,高校工会组织应当对教师的工作和居住环境、身体和心理状况等给予经常性的关注,积极为校方出谋划策,努力营造和谐的工作和生活氛围。  相似文献   
随着经济全球化进程的推进,全球范围内掀起了企业并购的热潮。合并控制制度是各国反垄断法的基本内容之一,是企业并购的重要法律门槛。我国《反垄断法》草案正在审查和讨论之中,研究和借鉴国外反垄断制度具有现实意义。对反垄断法中并购控制的基本原理和美国、欧盟合并控制制度的立法和实践进行具体的介绍和评析。  相似文献   
以人为本,是科学发展观的基本价值取向,也是贯穿这一科学发展观的灵魂和主线。把以人为本作为开展工会工作的根本理念,是高校工会组织面临的新形势与新任务所要求的,同时也是工会组织全面履行自己的各项职能所必需的。高校工会各项工作要坚持和体现以人为本的根本理念,不断强化人的主体地位的意识,给予广大教职工更多的人文关怀;满腔热情地服务于教职工,努力满足他们在各层次与各方面的需求;认真履行工会组织的维护职能,切实维护广大教职工的合法权益;着眼于促进人的全面发展,不断提升广大教职工的素质。  相似文献   
20世纪初叶“亚洲的觉醒”革命风暴作为现代亚洲民族解放运动的序曲 ,对亚欧之间殖民地 (附庸国 )与宗主国的依附关系形成强有力冲击。两次世界大战更是对亚欧关系的演变产生决定性影响。如果说第一次世界大战大大削弱了欧洲对其亚洲殖民地的控制 ,那么第二次世界大战则成为欧洲殖民体系崩溃、亚洲民族新生的历史催化剂 ,使亚欧之间的不平等关系发生了根本性改变。此外二战期间亚欧大陆两端人民在反法西斯斗争中同仇敌忾、互助合作 ,则成为该时期亚欧关系的主要内容。  相似文献   
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