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浅谈大学生就业准备   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着社会主义市场经济的发展、人事制度的改革和人才供求关系的变化,在校大学生的就业准备显得越来越重要.大学生应以积极的心态对待自己的就业和发展,并将准备工作融入四年的学习和生活当中.本文针对大学生就业准备过程的几个阶段进行了分析并给出了一些建议.  相似文献   

This article investigates Sámi elementary education in early twentieth-century Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The main focus lies on cultural contexts that frame and limit language use. The key analytical concepts are useful citizen and useful citizenship. Through these concepts the article probes the ways in which governmental educational authorities and Sámi teachers talked about education and citizenship. Studying these concepts and the cultural contexts behind them sheds light on the formation phase of Nordic citizenship. Full-scale citizenship was not offered to all individuals inside the nation state. Where it was, it had certain conditions that excluded cultural elements of minority populations. Sámi teachers defined citizenship mainly within the Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish nation states. However, some tendencies towards a more cross-national notion of Sámi identity can be discerned.  相似文献   
著名学者陈平原先生访谈录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈平原先生是我国当今最耀眼的著名学者,他知识渊博,思想深刻,其研究领域包括了20世纪中国文学、中国散文史、中国小说史、现代中国学术史、文学史/教育史/学术史、图像研究、都市研究等.他独辟蹊径,勇于探索,在他研究的每一个领域都有开创性的贡献,被誉为"开风气的人".2006年2月6日下午,笔者就陈平原先生的研究思路、目前正在研究和近几年要研究的情况进行了采访,并邀请郑欣欣等四位教授、博士从专精学术、人间情怀、课堂讲授和从师印象四个不同角度撰写了研究论文,一同发表,以飨读者.  相似文献   

Shared sense-making is suggested to be key for curriculum reform. Shared sense-making entails constructing a collective understanding of the meaning for reform, its significance and its implications for schools, through dialogue and negotiation across the levels of the educational system. This study explored changes in hands-on strategies of shared sense-making, and ways of orchestrating curriculum reform work in the districts in Finland, following the introduction of new national curriculum policy. Longitudinal focus group interview data collected from curriculum coordinating groups during the reform work was utilised. The data were qualitatively content analysed. The two sets of shared sense-making strategies were identified in this study, including those strategies utilised by the groups in building their understanding of what the reform is all about, and those concerning the reform orchestration. The strategies employed evolved from simple to more complex, during the progression of curriculum work. Results also showed that the coordinating groups were well aware of their high autonomy and resulting responsibility in orchestrating the district-level curriculum work. However, the advance in shared sense-making strategies employed by the groups indicated that they were highly committed to constructing collective understanding about the reform, its significance and implications for schools through dialogue and negotiation with practitioners.  相似文献   
徽学作为一门学科,其学科归属和定位十分重要。徽学是一门以徽州社会经济史特别是明清社会经济史研究为主体,综合研究徽州整体历史文化以及徽人在外地活动的历史学科。严格意义上说,徽学应当归属于历史学的专门史研究范畴。正是中外交流的开展,才使徽学最终成为一门学科,并逐步走向成熟与繁荣。  相似文献   
2004年,似乎一度沉寂了数年之久的辽金史研究,再次出现了复苏的生机。见于各种出版物的相关论效逾百种,无论从质量上还是从数量上,都有超越往年的势头。尤其是关于政治史、制度史、社会化史方面的成果更显突出,相形之下,经济史、对外关系史方面研究则比较薄弱,有待于在今后的研究中相应地予以加强,以期进一步推动辽金史研究的持续发展。  相似文献   
咏史诗的创作历来鲜有女子问津,宋代几位志存高远、才情卓绝的女子李清照、朱淑真和张玉娘却大胆地闯入这一领域,均创作出了寓意深刻、特色鲜明的咏史佳作。她们的咏史诗从题材上来说大致可分为品评人物、褒贬是非和借古讽今、指斥时政两大类,在艺术上则具有笔力豪迈、议论高奇及用语幽深婉曲等特点。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代以来,上海历史书写风起云涌。《长恨歌》表面上是一个很应时的作品,实际上它不是怀旧,其中蕴藉了王安忆的“日常”历史观:历史并不是仅由事件构成的,琐细平淡的日常人生构成了历史的底子。王安忆.以封闭的历史时空和高超的叙述技巧完成了独特历史观的审美表达,深刻体现了对细密柔韧、独立坚忍的市民精神之美的礼赞和对朴素人性生活与城市历史精神价值式微的悲剧性体验。  相似文献   
忻城县学(也称儒学)由兴至废,历时57年,受教育者寥寥无几。莫氏袭官后500余年,县学废而不立,史称“忻城土县例不建学”即沿例不建县学)。自第四任土官后,始建官家私塾,又建社学、义学,“诗书之声渐出蛮乡”,使“边城之地,QinQin乎向化”。第十二任土官制定《教士条规十六例》,是忻城迄今为止发现的明、清时期莫氏土官有关教育文化思想理论比较完整的文献,也是其他土司记载教育文化史料文献所罕见的。从中可以略窥古代汉儒学在忻城的传播手壮民族接受中原教育文化熏陶的一个侧面。莫氏袭官实行愚民政策,搞文化禁锢,实施“文致治平”。  相似文献   
学界历来对李白诗歌中的庄屈精神多有阐述,而对这种精神的文化背景少有涉及。李白于诗歌中表现出的强烈自我意识、独立的人格以及“舍我其谁”的英雄气质与楚文化精神是一脉相通的,他本人也以“楚狂人”自称,狂言狂行中流露着楚人率真任侠、促急剽悍的性情。这些精神气质与李白早年游楚的经历、家世以及盛唐时期的社会特征有着密不可分的联系。  相似文献   
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