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This paper gives an overview of the Indian technical education system with regard to both its quantitative and qualitative scenario and upholds the value of accreditation in quality improvement and quality assurance of educational programmes. The paper presents a comparison of accreditation systems being followed in some important countries, including India, that are signatories or provisional members of Washington Accord. It also looks into the reasons of the sparse level of accreditation work completed by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) since its inception. While mentioning strengths of the NBA accreditation system, the paper points out some shortcomings in the policy, self-assessment questionnaire, criteria, weightage assigned to criteria and rating scheme followed by NBA. Some important recommendations have also been made to render the accreditation system more effective and acceptable to various stakeholders of the technical education sector in India.  相似文献   
美国继续教育机构评估标准建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国继续教育发达,对继续教育机构采取的是"注册"与"认证"相结合的管理模式,其中认证又是保障继续教育质量的核心。文章描述了美国继续教育机构的管理现状,介绍了继续教育机构认证的基本类型,重点对继续教育与培训认证委员会的认证标准、评估方法等进行了系统说明。美国在继续教育机构标准建设方面的成功经验值得我国借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
Spanish university culture revolves mainly around the evaluation of professionals on the basis of the amount of work published in high-impact journals (weight assessments). The paper is shaped as an autoethnography, focusing mainly on the author’s life at university. Data collection and analysis set off from 2011, during the lecturer’s first year of working at university. The research aims principally at reflecting upon the highly demanding processes undergone by a lecturer, which might have a negative impact on other personal and professional domains. However, we also seek to show the weaknesses of the accreditation system as well as to consider the need to design a system that is able to put the emphasis back on the value of real academic work.  相似文献   
Quality accreditation in higher education exists in many countries, including Vietnam. As of May 2018, 80 higher education institutions in Vietnam have officially been evaluated and recognised using the national quality standards. This study examined the impact of institutional accreditation on the evaluated university. The qualitative research evaluates the impact of external quality assurance from the perspective of managers of the university. The self-assessment phase helped the university assemble evidence of activities carried out at the university and the status of being recognised was believed to increase its prestige. The process, on the other hand, was also believed to be burdensome, time and cost consuming, which led to no significant changes at the institution. Lack of institutional autonomy and competence of the review team were barriers to any attempts to improve quality of higher education in Vietnam.  相似文献   
阿根廷作为世界上高等教育发达的发展中国家之一,从20世纪90年代开始形成了高等教育认证制度.权力下放的教育改革促使阿根廷教育评估认证系统的建立,而大学自治权、公立私立大学的发展、政府的高等教育财政制度等因素,以及这些因素背后的社会、政治、经济原因,造就了阿根廷以立法创制、行政控制、民间参与为特征的高等教育认证制度.其中,教育评估认证信息系统、私立大学的认证制度及本科项目认证制度对中国的大学评估及管理有所启发.  相似文献   
新西兰高质量的教育离不开新西兰完备的教师质量监控体制。新西兰教师委员会是保证新西兰教师高质量核心结构,多种教师注册类型是新西兰促进教师职业发展的体现,严格的教师准入标准是新西兰教师高质量的基础。鉴于此,我国应从提高教师教育质量、提高教师准入标准、加强教师培训和完善教师考核标准四方面来提高我国教师的质量。  相似文献   
学校推行ISO900O认证的理论意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
ISO9000族标准是由国际标准化组织质量管理和质量保证技术委员会制定的质量管理体系标准,其在企业界的成功运用.已经引起世界各国教育界的广泛关注。学校引入ISO9000标准的管理模式,有其非常可观的理论意义.但也受一些不定因素的影响。  相似文献   
我国建设创新型国家步伐的日益加快和与国际科技经济领域合作竞争的日益增强,对我国高等学校专业英语的教学提出了更高的要求。结合在土木工程专业英语教学中的体会,分析了目前土木工程专业英语教学存在的问题,探讨了提高土木工程专业英语课堂教学效率、激发学生自主学习内生动力的教学方法。  相似文献   
中国的高考体制是唯一不存在借鉴、依附的教育体制,它是中国在特定的历史时期为着特定目的而形成的一项制度。然而,现阶段中国的高考制度面临着社会“炮轰”的尴尬。高考制度不是讨论是否需要改革,关键问题是如何改革。本文从三个方面即高考本身的变化、高考与社会互动中的关系、高考的功能角度,分析了高考的复杂性,探讨了一种解决此复杂性的高考改革模式——“基本科目模块+发展科目模块”的方案,对此方案的责任承担者分别为认证机构和高校,并建议此方案的实施应循序渐进,以试点为先,对于认证机构的确立建议从国家作顶层设计入手进行规范,避免一些经济效益追求而扭曲了思路的合理性。  相似文献   
《绿色化学》是一门从源头上治理污染的科学,涉及有机合成、催化、生物化学、分析化学等学科,是环境化学、材料科学等多个专业的重要课程之一。目前,该课程的教学由于开设历史短、主要参考国外教材等情况,教学过程重课本、重理论、轻实践,缺乏学生实践能力的培养。本文从面向地方发展、增加案例分析、引入学科前沿、开展自主设计、培养绿色意识以及结合工程认证等多个方面对《绿色化学》课程的教学改革提出具体措施和思路。  相似文献   
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