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The frequent occurrence of security incidents in ride-sharing is a challenge for the survival of IT-enabled ride-sharing platforms. Passengers’ protective behavior is an effective means to alleviate this issue, with benefits to both the passengers and the platforms. This study explores the mechanisms of passengers’ protective behavior in the ride-sharing context by combining protection motivation theory (PMT) and usage situation theory. We test our hypotheses using data (n = 346) collected from a field survey based on a real scenario. The findings reveal that PMT and usage situation theory work well to explain passengers’ protective behavior during ride-sharing. This study explains the motivation behind passengers’ protective behavior in the ride-sharing context, extends the contents of PMT by exploring its antecedents, and extends the contents of usage situation theory by introducing a new dimension. Our findings can help ride-sharing platforms take appropriate strategies to improve passengers’ protective behavior.  相似文献   
阐述“搞”的艺术化用法及其修辞效果,澄清对“搞”字运用的某种误解。认为“搞”具有随意性、口语化、概括性等特点,实际运用中出现的适应特定语境之用法,含有亲切、谦虚、个性化等意味,能表达出各种复杂的意思,可以收到精炼简洁、轻松诙谐、容易理解等表达效果。有的带“搞”的说法还呈现凝固化、词汇化趋势,说明某些“搞”字在词语组合中具有不可替代的功用。  相似文献   
孙东升  徐志伟 《科研管理》2016,37(5):150-160
本文借鉴商业银行经济资本的管理思路,将地方政府的可偿债财政收入和可出售资产作为覆盖风险的“资本”。选取2014年12月31日合肥市18只未到期中期城投债为样本,基于CreditMetrics模型,利用银行间债券市场的国债利率和信用风险溢价调整远期贴现率,采用国内评级机构提供的信用风险转移矩阵计算单只城投债的VaR,引入Copula函数估计相关系数矩阵,并通过MonteCarlo模拟得到城投债组合的VaR,最后结合合肥市财政收入和政府资产的相关数据,确定合肥市地方债券的发行限额。  相似文献   
The article employs deep log analysis (DLA) techniques, a more sophisticated form of transaction log analysis, to demonstrate what usage data can disclose about information seeking behaviour of virtual scholars – academics, and researchers. DLA works with the raw server log data, not the processed, pre-defined and selective data provided by journal publishers. It can generate types of analysis that are not generally available via proprietary web logging software because the software filters out relevant data and makes unhelpful assumptions about the meaning of the data. DLA also enables usage data to be associated with search/navigational and/or user demographic data, hence the name ‘deep’. In this connection the usage of two digital journal libraries, those of EmeraldInsight, and Blackwell Synergy are investigated. The information seeking behaviour of nearly three million users is analyzed in respect to the extent to which they penetrate the site, the number of visits made, as well as the type of items and content they view. The users are broken down by occupation, place of work, type of subscriber (“Big Deal”, non-subscriber, etc.), geographical location, type of university (old and new), referrer link used, and number of items viewed in a session.  相似文献   
Media help in the formation of identity. For ethnic communities, ethnic media can play a dual role, aiding in the acculturation process and assisting in holding onto ethnic identities. This study examines media and identity negotiation. Specifically, this study analyzes differences in media usage among French-Muslims. The principal researcher interviewed 42 first and second generation French-Muslims to explore their media usage and the relationships between their media usage and ethnic identification. Analysis uncovered two key findings. First, second-generation French-Muslims prefer to use ethnic media more than French produced media as a form of protest against French assimilationist policies. Second, abandoning ethnic media is equated with becoming French, which is something first and second generation French-Muslims resist.  相似文献   
在云南方言中,"非"是作为程度副词来使用的,其语义与句法结构形式都跟普通话有较大差异。"非"以单音节形式作程度副词使用既不是从古汉语发展而来的,又与现代汉语的用法相差甚远。大理洱海沿岸地区白族话中用[φ44]作程度副词,它是白族话固有的词语,随着民族的融合及文化的交流,[φ44]这一白族话中的程度副词被汉族吸收、借鉴,成为云南方言中特有的表程度的副词。  相似文献   
const是C 的一个重要的关键词,其作用是为了限制对一个变量的操作,本文通过实例对const的用法进行了详细的分析,对于C 的编程与教学会有一定的帮助。  相似文献   
网络教学已经成为当前计算机辅助教学的重要手段,网络教学系统的智能化是当前研究的热点。人工智能、数据挖掘技术等均已应用到网络教学系统中,目的就是为了更好地体现个性化、差异化教学。本文从web使用挖掘技术的角度,研究了web使用挖掘在智能化教学系统中的应用。  相似文献   
从用法方面对“可惜”一词做出概括和总结。“可惜”有形容词、副词两种词性,可以作谓语、定语、补语、状语;在句子中可以位移、重复,还可以独用;有时表达讽刺,有转折的意味。最后对“可惜”和“遗憾”进行了比较。  相似文献   
要说明的问题有三点:(1)辩证地认识“六书”定义的内涵与外延,历史地说明传统“六书”理论的得与失;(2)采取更加达观的态度认识“六书”造字说与“四体两用”说的联系与区别;(3)人文学科不能完全用科学方法来说明,正确把握未来汉字构形研究的导向。  相似文献   
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