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冰洋 《今日中学生》2016,(20):51-53
通常在英语中,我们熟知的“笑”有smile和laugh等单词,其实关于“笑”还有很多表达,它们将各种情绪的笑表现得更生动、更贴切.现整理如下,供大家学习参考. 1.burst into laughter突然大笑,放声大笑(burst into闯入,情绪突然发作) 例:When Helen told the joke,everyone burst into laughter.当海伦讲完这个笑话,每个人都笑出了声. 2.burst into gales of laughter爆发出阵阵笑声(gale大风,突发的一阵) 例:When the sketch comedy begins,we both burst into gales of laughter.喜剧小品开始后,我们都爆发出阵阵笑声. 3.crack a smile展颜微笑,莞尔一笑(crack破裂,爆裂,打开) 例:The man is willing to do anything to make his daughter crack a smile.为了让女儿展颜微笑,他愿意做任何事情.  相似文献   
Take a break! Find jokes about elephants,cats,butterflies,fish,birds,cows and more.Read on and check out all our funny jokes about animals.Laugh along with the hilarious(令人捧腹的)humor and classic jokes related to all our friends living in the animal kingdom.  相似文献   
王老师:您好!在这个春光明媚的周末的午后,坐在学校小花园的石桌边,任飘渺的思绪流水般地漫过心堤,漫过我手边刚刚铺开的信笺。王老师,那就让我把这半年来的内心感受,连同这无限的春色都收进这封即将发出的信中,我想,你很快就能分享到我的喜悦和感动的。说真的,王老师,我现在能  相似文献   
Everyone needs friends.Because of friendship,we'll be a special and better man. A:Tom's Troubles Tom is a good student and he has lots of friends,but he also has troubles.Some elder boys are bullying (欺负) him at school.Tom is very unhappy and he doesn't know how to do and what to do about it.Here are some suggestions to him and other teenagers in this situation. Don't feel worried.It's not your fault (过错).Being bullied can make you feel very lonely and angry,but you are not alone,you have friends.Don't feel that you have to hide the problem.You should find a person you can trust,and tell them.  相似文献   
冰洋 《今日中学生》2016,(31):28-29
1.你自己能修吗?——恐怕不行. 误:Can you repair it yourself?——I'm not afraid. 正:Can you repair it yourself?——I'm afraid not. 分析:I'm not afraid意为“我不怕”;I'm afraid not.意为“恐怕不行”“恐怕不会”“恐怕不是”等(表示委婉的否定). 2.他担心会吵醒婴儿. 误:He is afraid to wake the baby. 正:He is afraid of waking the baby. 分析:要表示“不敢做某事”或“害怕做某事”,用以下两类结构均可以:be afraid of doing sth/be afraid to do sth,如 "我不敢跳”,I'm afraid to jump/of jumping两种表达均可.但若要表示担心可能会发生某事,则要用 be afraid of doing sth.  相似文献   
午睡桌 午睡桌的发明为工作中的人们带来了一种全新的感受.一家希腊设计公司“NL工作室”设计制作了一种底部镶嵌面板的桌子,该办公桌可兼做一张单人床,能完全满足你工作间隙的小憩需求. 虽然这项发明看上去像是一张正常的桌子,但它有一张可滑出的前面板,和一张放下后能变成抬高的头靠的侧面板.通过一些简易的调整,就能将你的工作空间变成舒适的休息区.  相似文献   
Fun Time     
冰洋 《今日中学生》2016,(19):50-51
Drunk In the afternoon,a father and his little son are going home.At this age,the boy is very interested in all kinds of things and is always asking questions.Now,he asks,"What's the meaning of the word ‘drunk’,dad? Well,my son,"his father replies (回答),"look,there stand two policemen.If I regar (把 ……看作) the two policemen as four then I am drunk." "But,dad," the boy says,"there's only one policeman!"  相似文献   
Find out what has to be broken before it can be used,what gets wetter as it dries,what type of cheese is made backwards and much more.How many of the riddles do you know ? Read on and enjoy laughing at all our funny riddles. 1.What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? Note:A clock. 2.What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?  相似文献   
冰洋 《今日中学生》2016,(Z2):52-54
1.Who is closer to you,your mom oryour dad?爸爸和妈妈,谁和你更亲?2.What can pierce ones ears withouta hole?什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔?3.How many feet are there in a yard?一码有多少英尺?4.What is heavier in summer than inwinter?什么东西夏天比冬天重?5.What clothing is always sad?什么服装总是伤感的?  相似文献   
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