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The article discusses several key points about the relations between bilingual business teaching and business English teaching. According to the present problems about two teaching, the author supplies severeal suggestions in order to arrange two teaching properly.  相似文献   
小歌 《海外英语》2011,(3):52-53
咦,英文还分真假吗?那什么才是“真”英文7礼貌、谦恭、举止构成了“真”英文的三大要素。英文是英美文化的一部分,英美习俗注重礼貌,所以英文是一个注重礼貌的语言。同学们在课堂上都学过“情态动词”(modal auxiliary verbs’),如can,must,should等;  相似文献   
Spring is coming     
Spring is coming
She is singing with snow
Spring is coming  相似文献   
小歌  lvy 《英语沙龙》2014,(7):104-107
“一人一票”听起来简单易行,推行起来却困难重重,因为其中涉及到很多复杂的议题。例如投票人的住址证明与公民身份的确定等等。“一人一票”是否代表每票具有相同的影响力?为何我们听过美国总统得不到大部分市民支持仍能当选?请看文章。  相似文献   
小歌 《英语沙龙》2014,(9):52-53
税收是美国支撑财政经费来源,维持经济正常运转必不可少的重要组成部分之一,其在美国国内生产总值中所占比率因美国经济兴衰、战争的爆发、政府的更迭以及立法的修改而波动。因此,每年的4月15日——美国的纳税日对美国人来说尤其重要:美国公民和居民会在这一天向所在州政府及联邦政府申报所得税,延期申报会面临逃税指控。  相似文献   
A Warm Light     
原文 The story was set in the winter of 20051.I intended to pay a visit to my uncle by train.Unfortunately,as the train arrived at the small town where my uncle UvedI it Was deep into night2 and what impressed me most was the chilling and penetrating wind Confronted with this new environment at such special time3,I felt lonely and a little frightened.Worse still,I Was told to wait for haft an hour,because the terrible weather had prevented my uncle from picking me up on time,I was overcome with fear when the sound of the travelers'footsteps faded away and the last lightwas turned off.Nothing lay ahead of me but the dark,and my heart leapt quickly,my legs trembled,especially when I thought of the fact that gangs,drug addicts,murders,thieves lurked everywhere4.  相似文献   
原文 I went to bed at night 11 with snow outside.I shrinked into the quilt inside,picked up the alarm clock,alarm clock was found stopped-Ⅰ forgot to replace the battery.It was so cold,I would not rise again.I called my mother,"Mum,my alarm clock is dead,tomorrow still catch an early bus,six clock,when you give me a call and told me to get up."My mother's voice was a little dumb there.May be have been asleep.She said:"Well,my dear."  相似文献   
小歌 《海外英语》2010,(2):52-53
Bird Watching
Bird watching is a popular sport in the US, and it has become popular in China as well. Devoted bird watchers pay a fortune for high-powered binoculars and go deep into the mountains to look at exotic birds. I guess anyone who likes to watch birds should qualify as a bird watcher.  相似文献   
小歌 《英语沙龙》2013,(6):48-49
Some time ago, really, let me be more precise, many years ago, I went for a job interview. Halfway through the interview, one of the interviewers asked me a question,“lf someone robs his victim using a gun with a bullet in it, should he be punished more severely than if he uses a gun that does not have a bullet in it? "What's the difference?"I got a quick response for that one. lsn't it true that if a person robs a victim with a gun, only the robber knows whether or not the gun is loaded, but the victim has no way of knowing it?The gun is used to threaten the victim into submission, and a crime is committed. Why should there be a difference between the sen-tence of a person committing robbery with a gun that has an empty chamber and a person robbing while holding a gun with a bullet in it? Of course I didn't get the job - I guess I didn't need a job then anyway.  相似文献   
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