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一、调整结构,加强媒体建设,建立学习支持服务系统,实现网络“教”、“学”,完成由传统的远程开放教育向现代远程开放教育的转变。(1)适时调整科类、专业、层次结构和课程体系。(2)加强媒体建设,加快现代新技术的应用,实现新旧媒体的融合共存。建立基于internet网络的自学考试助学网。(3)建立学习支持服务系统。  相似文献   
自学考试是标准参照性考试,其标准是自学考试目标的量化、具体化,是对应考者应掌握的知识、应具备的文化、政治思想素质和能力的一种质和量的规定。它由自考的总目标、专业标准、课程标准等组成。自考标准工作即是制定、掌握以上标准的工作。具体包括开设专业、制定专业考试计划、编写课程自学考试大纲、安排课程开考时间等。一、对标准工作重要性的认识根据我们多年实践的体会,标准工作的重要性主要体现在以下五个方面:1.标准工作是一项基础性、前提性工作,对自考其它工作起着先导和“龙头”作用。  相似文献   
目前的高考在能力考查方面还存在突出的问题,需要重新确定学科的能力结构,设置各学科的能力考查范围,制定各种能力考查的评价标准,规范能力考查的表述,创新能力考查的设计方法,加强对能力考查程度的考前预估和考后分析,利用现代测评技术开展考生能力水平的诊断,建立考生能力水平的报告机制。  相似文献   
去年7月举行的全国成人高等教育工作会议提出了在高等教育自学考试管理机构的基础上,成立国家高等教育考试委员会,以建立功能更为完备的国家考试制度的构想。10月在南京举行的中国高等教育自学考试国际学术研讨会上,国家教委副主任王明达又重申:“随着我国进一步改革开放,中国的自学考试制度也必将进一步发展和完善并逐  相似文献   
A method for reducing noise radiated from structures by vibration absorbers is presented. Since usual design method for the absorbers is invalid for noise reduction, the peaks of noise power in the frequency domain as cost functions are applied. Hence, the equations for obtaining optimal parameters of the absorbers become nonlinear expressions. To have the parameters, an accelerated neural network procedure has been presented.Numerical calculations have been carried out for a plate-type cantilever beam with a large width, and experimental tests have been also performed for the same beam. It is clarified that the present method is valid for reducing noise radiated from structures. As for the usual design method for the absorbers, model analysis has been given, so the number of absorbers should be the same as that of the considered modes. While the nonlinear problem can be dealt with by the present method, there is no restriction on the number of absorbers or the model number.  相似文献   
目前我国的高考成绩报告还是采用单一的分数报告方式,这种方式已不能适应新课程改革理念和高等教育多样化、个性化发展的需求。运用认知诊断技术,可以对考生的知识、能力掌握模式进行诊断,并形成考生个体、考生群体和具有相同分数考生的诊断性成绩报告。诊断性成绩报告除包括考生的考试得分外,还包括每道试题的得分,掌握较好与不好的知识、能力,考生知识、能力水平的相对位置,考生整体的知识、能力掌握状况等信息。诊断性成绩报告较单一分数报告信息更为综合、全面,对学生学习、教师教学、教育部门决策、高校新生录取、新课程评价改革以及高考从单一考试向综合评价转变等均能提供有效的帮助。  相似文献   
自学考试高等教育学分制的探讨●葛为民自学考试高等教育(以下简称自考高教)从建立之初就采用“学分累计制”,一直延用至今,保证了受教育者能在学习环境、学习进程各异的情况下,接受高等教育,完成高等教育学业,为国家培养了一大批人才。但是计划经济体制下的自考高...  相似文献   
新课改高考在内容、形式上进行了许多有益的探索,但还不能满足新课改多样性、选择性及高等教育多样化、个性化需求。本文从调整和完善考试内容体系,实现由统一到多元的转变;注重能力和综合素质考查,实现知识立意到能力立意的转变;推进考试形式改革,实现由单一到多样的转变;改进考试评价手段,促进单一考试到综合评价的转变等四个方面提出了建立多层次、多样化考试体系的建议。  相似文献   
中专自考制度,自1983年在沈阳市率先创建以来,已有十余年的历史,其间先后经历了试点、发展和萎缩三个阶段,近几年则基本处于一种低水平的徘徊状态。面对此状,从事及关心中专自考的同志不禁要问:中专自考到底怎么了?究竟还要不要发展?能不能发展?它为什么会萎缩?将来如何才能发展?对此,极有必要进行深入的讨论,并作出明确的回答。  相似文献   
A method was presented to implement the detecting and tracking of moving targets through omnidirectional vision. The method combined optical flow with particle filter arithmetic, in which optical flow field was used to detect and locate moving targets and particle filter was used to track the detected moving objects. According to the circular image character of omnidirectional vision, the calculation equation of optical flow field and the tracking arithmetic of particle filter were improved based on the polar coordinates at the omnidirectional center. The edge of a randomly moving object could be detected by optical flow field and was surrounded by a reference region in the particle filter. A dynamic motion model was established to predict particle state. Histograms were used as the features in the reference region and candidate regions. The mutual information (MI) and Gaussian function were combined to calculate particle weights. Finally, the state of tracked object was computed by the total particle states with weights. Experiment results show that the proposed method could detect and track moving objects with better real-time performance and accuracy. Supported by Tianjin Higher Education Technology Development Foundation (No.20071308), Tianjin Natural Science Foundation (06YFJMJC03600) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.60773073). YANG Shuying, born in 1964, female, Dr, Prof.  相似文献   
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